Summary of proposed rule
The rule proposal closes trapping of all red fox within the exterior boundaries of the Mount Baker-Snoqualmie, Okanogan, Wenatchee, and Gifford Pinchot National Forests. Closing trapping in these areas will prevent accidental take of the Cascade red fox where their habitat range may overlap with the general lowland species of red fox.
Scope and rationale for proposed rule
WDFW proposes to amend WAC 220-417-010 to close all fox trapping within the exterior boundaries of the Mount Baker-Snoqualmie, Okanogan, Wenatchee, and Gifford Pinchot National Forests. The amended rule is needed to protect the state-endangered Cascade red fox (Vulpes vulpes cascadensis) which is at risk of being captured through recreational trapping activities within the exterior boundaries of these national forests. In these areas, the Cascade red fox may overlap with the general lowland species of red fox (V. vulpes) which is not state or federally listed. Closing red fox trapping in these areas where the two may overlap will prevent accidental take of the state-endangered Cascade red fox.
Public hearing
Commission hearing scheduled: August 9-10th, 2024 at 8am
Location: Natural Resources Building (NRB) - Room 175. Address: 1111 Washington Street SE, Olympia, WA 98504
Information on how to register to testify at the public hearing is available at, or contact the Commission office at 360-902-2267.
State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA)
The rule making for this proposal is exempt from SEPA under WAC 197-11-800(19).
Public comments
To submit comments on this proposal, please visit the Trapping public engagement page.
You may also submit a comment via email to or by leaving a voicemail message at 855-925-2801 and entering project code 7087.
The comment period ends at 11:59 pm on August 9, 2024.