Spearfish is a natural lake that was in existence before the construction of The Dalles Dam.The creation of The Dalles pool raised the water level in the lake.The Corp of Engineers operates the park.
Spearfish Lake, (22 acres) has been planted with rainbow since the 1950s. This lake is located just north of the Dalles Dam. This popular lake should provide good fishing on opening day for catchable-size rainbow trout, with some additional plants of larger rainbow trout broodstock and triploids. Shore access around the entire lake is excellent, with a boat ramp and adjacent park.
The lake is lake is planted annually in late December-early January with several thousand catchable rainbow plus over a hundred broodstock rainbow to eleven pounds.
Two-pole fishing is allowed
Shoreline access: Good - Good walking access is available around the lake.
Species you might catch
Lake information
County: Klickitat
Acreage: 17.00 ac.
Elevation: 192 ft.
Center: 45.628672, -121.131551
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Catchable fish plants
Stock Date | Species | Number Released | Number of Fish Per Pound | Facility |
Visit the Catchable Trout Plants page for a more detailed search of trout plants in this or other bodies of water. To view or download the source data for this table visit the WDFW Fish Plants dataset on the Washington State Open Data Portal
Fishing prospects calendar
Rainbow trout
Brown bullhead