

Publications and Reports


Carey, A.J., A. Gipe, W. Hobbs, S.M. O'Neill. 2023. Investigating the Source of PBDE Contaminant Exposure in Steelhead Trout within the Major Tributaries of the Nisqually River Basin. WDFW Report No. FPT 23-02. Olympia, WA. 55 pp. 

James, C. A., Sofield, R., Faber, M., Wark, D., Simmons, A., Harding, L., & O'Neill, S. 2023. The screening and prioritization of contaminants of emerging concern in the marine environment based on multiple biological response measures. Science of The Total Environment, 886, 163712.


Hahn, J.L., K.L. Van Alstyne, J.K. Gaydos, L.K. Wallis, J.E. West, S.J. Hollenhorst, G.M., Ylitalo, R.H. Poppenga., J.L. Bolton, D.E. McBride, R.M. Scofield. 2022. Chemical contaminant levels in edible seaweeds of the Salish Sea and implications for their consumption. PLoS ONE 17(9): e0269269.

Langness, M.M., D.L. Nordstrom, J.E. West. 2022. Stormwater Action Monitoring 2019/2020 Mussel Monitoring Survey Final Report.  Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife; WDFW Report Number FPT 22-05. Olympia, Washington. 71 pp.

Wainstein, M., L.B. Harding, S.M. O'Neill, D.T. Boyd, F. Koontz, B. Miller, C.F.C. Klutsch, P.J. Thomas, G.M. Ylitalo. 2022. Highly contaminated river otters (Lontra canadensis) are effective biomonitors of environmental pollutant exposure. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 194.

West, J.E. 2022. An Evaluation of the Efficacy of Remedial Actions Implemented in the Commencement Bay Nearshore and Tideflats Superfund Site to Reduce PCB Contamination: 1984-2019 - Final Report. WDFW Report No. FPT 22-04. Olympia, WA, 34 pp.

Harding, L.B., Tagal, M., Incardona, J., West, J.E. Assessing Land-Based Impacts to Spawning Habitat of Surf Smelt. Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife; WDFW Report Number FPT 22-03. Olympia, Washington. 49 pp.


James, C.A., J. Lanksbury, T. Khangaonkar, J. West. 2020. Evaluating exposures of bay mussels (Mytilus trossulus) to contaminants of emerging concern through environmental sampling and hydrodynamic modeling. Science of the Total Environment 709.

Langness, M.M. and J.E. West. 2020. Stormwater Action Monitoring 2017/18 Mussel Monitoring Survey Final Report. Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife; WDFW Report Number FPT 20-13. Olympia, Washington. 90 pp.

Lawson, T.M., G.M. Ylitalo, S.M. O’Neill, M.E. Dahlheim, P.R. Wade, C.O. Matkin, V. Burkanov, D.T. Boyd. 2020. Concentrations and profiles of organochlorine contaminants in North Pacific resident and transient killer whale (Orcinus orca) populations. Science of the Total Environment 722.

O’Neill, S.M., A.J. Carey, W. Hobbs. 2020. Persistent Organic Pollutant Sources and Pathways to Juvenile Steelhead Trout in the Nisqually River. Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife, Washington Department of Ecology; WDFW Report Number FPT 20-12, Olympia, Washington. 49pp.

O’Neill, S.M., A.J. Carey, L.B. Harding, J.E. West, G.M. Ylitalo, J.W. Chamberlin. 2020. Chemical tracers guide identification of the location and source of persistent organic pollutants in juvenile Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha), migrating seaward through an estuary with multiple contaminant inputs. Science of the Total Environment 712.

Warlick, A.J., G.M. Ylitalo, S.M. O’Neill, M.B. Handson, C. Emmons, E.J. Ward. 2020. Using Bayesian stable isotope mixing models and generalized additive models to resolve diet changes for fish-eating killer whales Orcinus orca. Marine Ecology Progress Series 649: 189-200.


Hobbs, W.O., S.A. Collyard, C. Larson, A.J. Carey, S.M. O’Neill. 2019. Toxic burdens of freshwater biofilms and use as a source tracking tool in rivers and streams. Environmental Science and Technology 53(19): 11102-11111.

West, J.E., A.J. Carey, G.M. Ylitalo, J.P. Incardona, R.C. Edmunds, C.A Sloan, L.A. Niewolny, J.A. Lanksbury, S.M. O’Neill. 2019. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in Pacific herring (Clupea pallasii) embryos exposed to creosote-treated pilings during a piling-removal project in a nearshore marine habitat of Puget Sound. Marine Pollution Bulletin 142: 253-262.


Chen, M.F., S.M. O’Neill, A.J. Carey, R.H. Conrad, B.A. Stewart, K.R. Snekvik, G.M. Ylitalo, P.K. Hershberger. 2018. Infection by Nanophyetus salmincola and Toxic Contaminant Exposure in Out-migrating Steelhead from Puget Sound, Washington: Implications for Early Marine Survival. Journal of Aquatic Animal Health 30(2): 103-118.

O’Neill, S.,  E. Kinne, C. Mains, B. Missildine, J. Cady. 2018. Southern Resident Killer Whale Executive Order Immediate Action Report. Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife; WDFW Report Number FPT 20-11, Olympia, Washington. 9pp.

O'Neill, S.M., S. Redman, C. Sulivan, K. Stiles, H. Harguth, T. Collier. 2018. Evolving the portfolio of indicators to assess and report on the condition and recovery of the Puget Sound ecosystem: Moving from theory to practice. Puget Sound Partnership.


Lanksbury, J.A., B. Lubliner, M. Langness, J. West. 2017. Stormwater Action Monitoring 2015/16 Mussel Monitoring Survey: Final Report. Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife; WDFW Report Number FPT 17-06. Olympia, Washington. 126 pp.

West, J.E., S.M. O’Neill, G.M. Ylitalo. 2017. Time trends of persistent organic pollutants in benthic and pelagic indicator fishes from Puget Sound, Washington, USA. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 73: 207-229.


Mongillo, T. M., G. M. Ylitalo, L. D. Rhodes, S. M. O'Neill, D. P. Noren, and M. B. Hanson. 2016. Exposure to a mixture of toxic chemicals: Implications for the health of endangered Southern Resident killer whales. U.S. Dept. Commer., NOAA Tech. Memo. NMFSNWFSC-135, 107 p. doi:10.7289/V5/TM-NWFSC-135.

O’Neill, S.M., J.M. Guzmán, P. Swanson, J.A. Luckenbach, D. da Silva, G.M. Ylitalo, I.R. Schultz, L.L. Johnson, E.S. Hayman, J. Lanksbury, L. Niewolny, J.E. West. 2016. Contaminants of Emerging Concern in Puget Sound English sole (Parophrys vetulus): Exposure to and Effects of Selected Estrogenic Chemicals and Pharmaceuticals. Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife; WDFW Report Number FPT 20-10, Olympia, Washington. 73pp.


O'Neill, S.M., A.J. Carey, J.A. Lanksbury, L.A. Niewolny, G.M. Ylitalo, L.L. Johnson, J.E. West. 2015. Toxic contaminants in juvenile Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) migrating through estuary, nearshore and offshore habitats of Puget Sound. Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife; WDFW Report Number FPT 16-02. Olympia, Washington. 132pp.  


Carey, A.J., L.A. Niewolny, J.A. Lanksbury, and J.E. West. 2014. Toxic Contaminants in Dungeness crab (Metacarcinus magister) and Spot Prawn (Pandalus platyceros) from Puget Sound, Washington, USA. Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife; WDFW Report Number FPT 14-06. Olympia, Washington. 121pp.

Lanksbury, J.A., L.A. Niewolny, A.J. Carey, and J.E. West. 2014. Toxic Contaminants in Puget Sound's Nearshore Biota: A Large-Scale Synoptic Survey Using Transplanted Mussels (Mytilus trossulus). Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife; WDFW Report Number FPT 14-08. Olympia, Washington. 177pp.

O'Neill, S. M., G.M. Ylitalo, and J.E. West. 2014. Energy content of Pacific salmon as prey of Northern and Southern Resident killer whales. Endangered Species Research 25(3): 265-281.

West, J. E., S.M. O'Neill, G.M. Ylitalo, J.P. Incardona, D.C.Doty, and M.E. Dutch. 2014. An evaluation of background levels and sources of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in naturally spawned embryos of Pacific herring (Clupea pallasii) from Puget Sound, Washington, USA. Science of the Total Environment 499: 114-124.  

West J.E., T.E. Helser, and S.M. O'Neill. 2014. Variation in quillback rockfish (Sebastes maliger) growth patterns from oceanic to inland waters of the Salish Sea. Bulletin of Marine Science. 90 (3): 747-761.


Arkoosh, M., J. Dietrich, G.M. Ylitalo, L.J. Johnson, and S.M. O'Neill. 2013. Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) and Chinook salmon health. U.S. Department of Commerce. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association, National Marine Fisheries Service, Northwest Fisheries Science Center, Newport, Oregon. 49 pp. plus Appendices.

da Silva, D.A.M., J. Buzitis, W.L. Reichert, J.E. West, S.M. O'Neill, L.L. Johnson, T.K. Collier, and G.M. Ylitalo. 2013. Endocrine disrupting chemicals in fish bile: A rapid method of analysis and field validation using English sole (Parophrys ventulus) from Puget Sound, WA, USA. Chemosphere 92(11): 1550-1556.

Lanksbury, J.A., A.J. Carey, L.A. Niewolny, and J.E. West. 2013. Mussel Watch Pilot Expansion 2012/2013: a study of toxic contaminants in blue mussels (Mytilus trossulus) from Puget Sound Washington, USA. Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife. Olympia, Washington. 55pp.  

Moser, M.L., M.S. Myers, J.E. West, S.M. O'Neill, and B.J. Burke. 2013. English Sole Spawning Migration and Evidence for Feeding Site Fidelity in Puget Sound, U.S.A., with Implications for Contaminant Exposure. Northwest Science. 87 (4), 317-325.


James, C.A., J. Kershner, J. Samhouri, S.M. O'Neill, and P.S. Levin. 2012. A methodology for evaluating and ranking water quantity indicators in support of ecosystem-based management. Environmental Management 49: 703-719.

Lanksbury, J.A. and J.E. West. 2012. 2011/2012 Mussel Watch Phase 1: Sampling Summary and Progress Report. Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife. Olympia, Washington. 75pp.  

Mongillo T., E.E. Holmes, D.P. Noren, G.R. VanBlaricom, A.E. Punt, S.M. O'Neill, G.M. Ylitalo , M.B. Hanson, and P.S. Ross.  2012.  Predicted polybrominated diphenyl ether (PBDE) and polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) accumulation in Southern Resident killer whales. Mar. Ecol. Progress Ser. 453:263-277.  


Lanksbury, J.A. and J.E. West. 2011. Blue Mussels as Indicators of Stormwater Pollution in Nearshore Marine Habitats in Puget Sound: Proposed Revised Statement of Hypothesis. Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife. Olympia, Washington. 28pp.

West, J.E., J.A. Lanksbury, and S.M. O'Neill. 2011. Control of Toxic Chemicals in Puget Sound Phase 3: Persistent Organic Pollutants in Marine Plankton from Puget Sound.  Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife. Olympia, Washington. 70pp.

West, J.E., J.A. Lanksbury, S.M. O'Neill, and A. Marshall. 2011. Control of Toxic Chemicals in Puget Sound Phase 3: Persistent Bioaccumulative and Toxic Contaminants in Pelagic Marine Fish Species from Puget Sound. Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife. Olympia, Washington. 70pp.


Johnson, L., C. Bravo, S.M. O'Neill, J.E. West, M.S. Myers, G. Ylitalo, N. Scholz, and T. Collier. 2010. A Toxics-Focused Biological Observing System for Puget Sound (Developed by the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife and NOAA Fisheries for the Puget Sound Partnership). Washington Department of Ecology Publication #10-10-04. 30pp.

Lanksbury, J.A., J.E. West, K. Herrmann, A. Hennings, K. Litle, and A. Johnson. 2010. Washington State 2009/10 Mussel Watch Pilot Project: A Collaboration between National, State and Local Partners. Olympia, WA. Puget Sound Partnership, 283pp.


Cullon, D.L., M.B. Yunker, C. Alleyne, N.J. Dangerfield, S. O'Neill, M.J. Whiticar, and P.S. Ross. 2009. Persistent organic pollutants (POPs) in Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha): Implications for resident killer whales of British Columbia and adjacent waters. Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 28:148-161.

O'Neill, S.M., and J.E. West. 2009. Marine distribution, life history traits and the accumulation of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) from Puget Sound, Washington. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 138:616-632.


Johnson, L.L., D.P. Lomax, M.S. Myers, O.P. Olson, S.Y. Sol, S.M. O'Neill, J.E. West, and T. K. Collier. 2008. Xenoestrogen exposure and effects in English sole (Parophrys vetulus) from Puget Sound, WA. Aquatic Toxicology 88(1):29-38.

O'Neill S.M., C.F. Bravo and T.K. Collier. (2008) Environmental Indicators for the Puget Sound Partnership: A Regional Effort to Select Provisional Indicators (Phase 1) Summary Report. Northwest Fisheries Science Center, Seattle Washington. 64 pp.

West, J.E., S.M. O'Neill, and G.M. Ylitalo. 2008. Spatial extent, magnitude, and patterns of persistent organochlorine pollutants in Pacific herring (Clupea pallasi) populations in the Puget Sound (USA) and the Georgia Basin (Canada). Science of the Total Environment 394:369-378.


O'Neill, S.M. and J.E. West. 2007. Persistent Bioaccumulative Toxics in the Food Web. Pages 140-148; 151-156 in Puget Sound Action Team, editors. 2007 Puget Sound Update: Ninth Report of the Puget Sound Assessment and Monitoring Program. Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife; Publication Number PSAT 07-02. Olympia, Washington. 276pp.  

West, J.E., and S.M. O'Neill. 2007. Thirty years of persistent bioaccumulative toxics in Puget Sound: time trends of PCBs and PBDE flame retardants in three fish species. 2007 Research in the Georgia Basin and Puget Sound Conference. Puget Sound Action Team. Vancouver, B.C. Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife, Olympia, Washington.


O'Neill, S.M., G.M. Ylitalo, J.E. West., J. Bolton, C.A. Sloan, and M.M. Krahn. 2006. Regional patterns of persistent organic pollutants in five Pacific salmon species (Oncorhynchus spp.) and their contributions to contaminant levels in northern and southern resident killer whales (Orcinus orca). Presentation at 2006 Southern Resident Killer Whale Symposium. Seattle, Washington.  Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife, Olympia, Washington.


Moser, M.L., M.S. Myers, B.J. Burke, and S.M. O'Neill. 2005. Effects of surgically-implanted transmitters on survival and feeding behavior of adult English sole. Pages 269-274 in M. T. Lembo and G. Marmulla, editors. Aquatic telemetry: advances and applications. Proceedings of the Fifth Conference on Telemetry held in Europe. FAO/COISPA, Ustica, Italy.

O'Neill, S.M., G.M. Ylitalo, M. Krahn, J.E. West, J. Bolton, and D. Brown. 2005. Elevated levels of persistent organic pollutants in Puget Sound versus other free-ranging populations of Pacific salmon: the importance of residency in Puget Sound. Abstract of presentation at 2005 Puget Sound Georgia Basin Research Conference. Seattle, Washington.


O'Neill, S.M., J.E. West, G.M. Ylitalo, C.A. Sloan, M.M. Krahn, and T.K. Collier. 2004. Concentrations of polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) in fish from Puget Sound, WA, USA. Poster presentation: SETAC World Congress and 25th Annual Meeting in North America Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. Portland, Oregon.  Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife. Olympia, Washington.


Judd, N., S.M. O'Neill and D.A. Kalman. 2003. Are seafood PCB data sufficient to assess health risk for high seafood consumption groups? Human and Ecological Risk Assessment. 9:691-707.


O'Neill, S.M., and J.E. West. 2002. Contaminants in Fish. Pages 66-77 in Puget Sound Water Quality Action Team, editors. 2002 Puget Sound Update: Eighth Report of the Puget Sound Ambient Monitoring Program. Olympia, Washington. 156pp.

West, J.E., S.M. O'Neill, and D.C. Doty. 2002. Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Dungeness crabs. Page 62 in Puget Sound Water Quality Action Team, editors. 2002 Puget Sound Update: Eighth Report of the Puget Sound Ambient Monitoring Program. Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife. Olympia, Washington. 156pp.

West J.E., S.M. O'Neill, G.R. Lippert and S.R. Quinnell. 2002. Toxic contaminants in marine and anadromous fish from Puget Sound, Washington: Results from the Puget Sound Ambient Monitoring Program Fish Component, 1989-1999. pp. 56 + appendices, Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife, Olympia, WA.


O'Neill, S.M., and J.E. West. 2001. Exposure of Pacific herring (Clupea pallasi) to persistent organic pollutants in Puget Sound and the Georgia Basin. Puget Sound Research 2001 Conference Proceedings. Puget Sound Water Quality Action Team. Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife. Olympia, Washington. 6pp.

West, J.E., S.M. O'Neill, G.R. Lippert, and S.R. Quinnell. 2001. Toxic contaminants in marine and anadromous fishes from Puget Sound, Washington: Results of the Puget Sound Ambient Monitoring Program Fish Component, 1989-1999. Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife. Olympia, Washington. 311pp.

West, J.E., S.M. O'Neill, D. Lomax, and L. Johnson. 2001. Implications for reproductive health in quillback rockfish (Sebastes maliger) from Puget Sound exposed to polychlorinated biphenyls. Puget Sound Research 2001 Conference Proceedings. Puget Sound Water Quality Action Team. Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife. Olympia, Washington.


O'Neill, S.M., and J.E. West. 2000. Toxic Contaminants in Fish. Pages 56-64 in Puget Sound Water Quality Action Team, editors. 2000 Puget Sound Update: Seventh Report of the Puget Sound Ambient Monitoring Program. Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife. Olympia, Washington. 133pp.


O'Neill, S.M., J.E. West, and J.C. Hoeman. 1998. Spatial trends in the concentration of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in Chinook (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) and coho salmon (O. kisutch) in Puget Sound and factors affecting PCB accumulation: results from the Puget Sound Ambient Monitoring Program. Pages 312-328 in R. Strickland, editor. Puget Sound Research 1998 Conference Proceedings. Puget Sound Water Quality Action Team. Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife. Olympia, Washington. 17pp.  

West, J.E., and S.M. O'Neill. 1998. Persistent pollutants and factors affecting their accumulation in rockfishes (Sebastes spp.) from Puget Sound, Washington. Pages 336-345 in R. Strickland, editor. Puget Sound Research 1998 Conference Proceedings. Puget Sound Water Quality Action Team. Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife. Olympia, Washington. 11pp.


West, J. E. 1997. Protection and restoration of marine life in the inland waters of Washington State. Puget Sound/Georgia Basin Environmental Report Series: Number 6. Puget Sound Water Quality Action Team. Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife. Olympia, Washington. 154pp.


O'Neill, S.M., J.E. West, and S.R. Quinnell. 1995. Contaminant monitoring in fish: overview of the Puget Sound Ambient Monitoring Program Fish Task. Pages 35-50 in E. Robichaud, editor. Puget Sound Research 1995 Conference Proceedings. Puget Sound Water Quality Authority. Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife. Olympia, Washington. 18pp.

West, J.E., and S.M. O'Neill. 1995. Accumulation of mercury and polychlorinated biphenyls in quillback rockfish (Sebastes maliger) from Puget Sound Washington. Pages 666-677 in E. Robichaud, editor. Puget Sound Research 1995 Conference Proceedings. Puget Sound Water Quality Authority. Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife. Olympia, Washington. 14pp.


West, J.E., R.M. Buckley, and D.C. Doty. 1994. Ecology and habitat use of juvenile rockfishes (Sebastes spp.) associated with artificial reefs in Puget Sound, Washington. Bulletin of Marine Science 55(2-3):344-350.


Toxic Synthesis Review One-pagers


Black, R., Barnes, A., Elliot, C., and Lanksbury, J.A. (2019) Nearshore sediment monitoring for the Stormwater Action Monitoring (SAM) program, Puget Sound, Western Washington. p. 30 in 2018 Salish Sea Toxics Monitoring Synthesis: A Selection of Research. Edited by C.A. James, R. Jordan, M. Langness, J. Lanksbury, D. Lester, S. O’Neill, K. Song, and C. Sullivan. Puget Sound Ecosystem Monitoring Program. Tacoma, WA. 88 pp:

Carey, A.J., West, J.E., Fisk, R.J., Langness, M., Ylitalo, G.M., and O'Neill, S.M. (2019) Location Source of PBDE exposure of juvenile Chinook salmon along their out-migrant pathway through the Snohomish River, WA. p. 17 in 2018 Salish Sea Toxics Monitoring Synthesis: A Selection of Research. Edited by C.A. James, R. Jordan, M. Langness, J. Lanksbury, D. Lester, S. O’Neill, K. Song, and C. Sullivan. Puget Sound Ecosystem Monitoring Program. Tacoma, WA. 88 pp:

Harding, L., Tagal, M., Scholz, N., Incardona, J., and McIntyre, J. (2019) Cardiac injury and reduced growth in Pacific herring exposed to urban stormwater runoff. p. 48 in 2018 Salish Sea Toxics Monitoring Synthesis: A Selection of Research. Edited by C.A. James, R. Jordan, M. Langness, J. Lanksbury, D. Lester, S. O’Neill, K. Song, and C. Sullivan. Puget Sound Ecosystem Monitoring Program. Tacoma, WA. 88 pp:

Hobbs, W., McCall, M., and Lanksbury, J.A. (2019) Copper concentrations in five Puget Sound marinas. p. 67 in 2018 Salish Sea Toxics Monitoring Synthesis: A Selection of Research. Edited by C.A. James, R. Jordan, M. Langness, J. Lanksbury, D. Lester, S. O’Neill, K. Song, and C. Sullivan. Puget Sound Ecosystem Monitoring Program. Tacoma, WA. 88 pp:

James, C.A., Lanksbury, J.A., Carey, A.J., Langness, M., O'Neill, S.M., and West, J.E., (2019) Contaminants of emerging concern in Bay Mussels throughout the Salish sea. p. 22 in 2018 Salish Sea Toxics Monitoring Synthesis: A Selection of Research. Edited by C.A. James, R. Jordan, M. Langness, J. Lanksbury, D. Lester, S. O’Neill, K. Song, and C. Sullivan. Puget Sound Ecosystem Monitoring Program. Tacoma, WA. 88 pp:

Lanksbury, J.A., Langness, M., West, J.E., Carey, A.J., and Niewolny, L.A. (2019) Using transplanted mussels (Mytililis trossulus) to monitor and track PAH contaminants in the Puget Sound nearshore. pp. 20-21 in 2018 Salish Sea Toxics Monitoring Synthesis: A Selection of Research. Edited by C.A. James, R. Jordan, M. Langness, J. Lanksbury, D. Lester, S. O’Neill, K. Song, and C. Sullivan. Puget Sound Ecosystem Monitoring Program. Tacoma, WA. 88 pp:

O'Neill, S.M., Carey, A.J., Fisk, R.J., Langness, M., Niewolny, L.A., Ylitalo, G.M., and West, J.E. (2019) Contaminants reveal spatial segregation of sub-adult Chinook salmon residing and feeding in Puget Sound. p. 25 in 2018 Salish Sea Toxics Monitoring Synthesis: A Selection of Research. Edited by C.A. James, R. Jordan, M. Langness, J. Lanksbury, D. Lester, S. O’Neill, K. Song, and C. Sullivan. Puget Sound Ecosystem Monitoring Program. Tacoma, WA. 88 pp:

Schultz, I., Harding, L., Monson, C., West, J.E., O'Neill, S.M., Young, G., and Swanson, P. (2019) SSRIs in WWTP effluents and their disposition and effects in salmonids and marine flatfish. p. 52 in 2018 Salish Sea Toxics Monitoring Synthesis: A Selection of Research. Edited by C.A. James, R. Jordan, M. Langness, J. Lanksbury, D. Lester, S. O’Neill, K. Song, and C. Sullivan. Puget Sound Ecosystem Monitoring Program. Tacoma, WA. 88 pp:

Spanjer, A.R, Black, R.W., Barnes, A., Elliot, C., and Lanksbury, J.A. (2019) Nearshore sediment microplastic monitoring for the Stormwater Action Monitoring (SAM) program, Puget Sound, Western Washington. p. 23 in 2018 Salish Sea Toxics Monitoring Synthesis: A Selection of Research. Edited by C.A. James, R. Jordan, M. Langness, J. Lanksbury, D. Lester, S. O’Neill, K. Song, and C. Sullivan. Puget Sound Ecosystem Monitoring Program. Tacoma, WA. 88 pp:

Wainstein, M., Koontz, F., Krembs, C., Ylitalo, G.M., Anulacion, B., Boyd, D., O'Neill, S.M., Thomas, P., and Klutsch, C. (2019) River otters of the Green-Duwamish: biomonitors of ecological health p. 18 in 2018 Salish Sea Toxics Monitoring Synthesis: A Selection of Research. Edited by C.A. James, R. Jordan, M. Langness, J. Lanksbury, D. Lester, S. O’Neill, K. Song, and C. Sullivan. Puget Sound Ecosystem Monitoring Program. Tacoma, WA. 88 pp:

West, J.E., Carey, A.J., Ylitalo, G.M., Lanksbury, J.A., and O'Neill, S.M. (2019) A comparison of the relative abundance of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) chemicals in creosote-treated wood pilings (CTWP), low-density polyethylene passive samplers, and herring embryos exposed to CTWPs. p. 49 in 2018 Salish Sea Toxics Monitoring Synthesis: A Selection of Research. Edited by C.A. James, R. Jordan, M. Langness, J. Lanksbury, D. Lester, S. O’Neill, K. Song, and C. Sullivan. Puget Sound Ecosystem Monitoring Program. Tacoma, WA. 88 pp:


Carey, A.J., Lanksbury, J.A., Niewolny, L.A., Ylitalo, G.M., Johnson, L., West, J.E., and O'Neill, S.M.
(2017) Toxic contaminants pose a threat to early marine survival of Chinook salmon from Puget Sound.
p. 15 In 2016 Salish Sea Toxics Monitoring Review: A Selection of Research. Edited by C.A. James, J.
Lanksbury, D. Lester, S. O'Neill, T. Roberts, C. Sullivan, J. West. Puget Sound Ecosystem Monitoring
Program. Tacoma, WA. 68 pp; (PDF)
PSEMP_2016_ToxicsSynthesis%202017.05.09.pdf (PDF)

da Silva, D.A.M., O'Neill, S.M., Johnson, L.L., West, J.E., Swanson, P., and Ylitalo, G.M. (2017) CECs in marine biota: Presence of estrogenic chemicals in bile of English sole (Parophrys vetulus). p. 20 In 2016 Salish Sea Toxics Monitoring Review: A Selection of Research. Edited by C.A. James, J. Lanksbury, D. Lester, S. O'Neill, T. Roberts, C. Sullivan, J. West. Puget Sound Ecosystem Monitoring Program. Tacoma, WA. 68 pp; 

Hardy, J., McBride, D., Niewolny, L.A., Lanksbury, J.A., and West, J.E. (2017) Human health evaluation of contaminants in Puget Sound Dungeness crab (Metacarcinus magister) and spot prawn (Pandalus platyceros). pp. 13-14 In 2016 Salish Sea Toxics Monitoring Review: A Selection of Research. Edited by C.A. James, J. Lanksbury, D. Lester, S. O'Neill, T. Roberts, C. Sullivan, J. West. Puget Sound Ecosystem Monitoring Program. Tacoma, WA. 68 pp; resources/ PSEMP_2016_ToxicsSynthesis%202017.05.09.pdf (PDF)

F Joan Hardy, David McBride, Laurie Niewolny, Jennifer Lanksbury, and James West Hardy, J., McBride, D., Niewolny, L.A., Lanksbury, J.A., and West, J.E. (2017) Human health evaluation of contaminants in Puget Sound Dungeness crab (Metacarcinus magister) and spot prawn (Pandalus platyceros). pp. 13-14 In 2016 Salish Sea Toxics Monitoring Review: A Selection of Research. Edited by C.A. James, J. Lanksbury, D. Lester, S. O'Neill, T. Roberts, C. Sullivan, J. West. Puget Sound Ecosystem Monitoring Program. Tacoma, WA. 68 pp; PSEMP_2016_ToxicsSynthesis%202017.05.09.pdf (PDF)

Hardy, J., McBride, D., Niewolny, L.A., Lanksbury, J.A., and West, J.E. (2017) Human health evaluation of contaminants in Puget Sound Dungeness crab (Metacarcinus magister) and spot prawn (Pandalus platyceros). pp. 13-14 In 2016 Salish Sea Toxics Monitoring Review: A Selection of Research. Edited by C.A. James, J. Lanksbury, D. Lester, S. O'Neill, T. Roberts, C. Sullivan, J. West. Puget Sound Ecosystem Monitoring Program. Tacoma, WA. 68 pp; (PDF)

Johnson, L., Lomax, D., Sol, S., Ylitalo, G.M., West, J.E., and O'Neill, S.M. (2017) Persistent pollutants in Puget Sound juvenile Chinook salmon: Changes after 25 years. p. 30 In 2016 Salish Sea Toxics Monitoring Review: A Selection of Research. Edited by C.A. James, J. Lanksbury, D. Lester, S. O'Neill, T. Roberts, C. Sullivan, J. West. Puget Sound Ecosystem Monitoring Program. Tacoma, WA. 68 pp; (PDF)

Lanksbury, J.A., Niewolny, L.A., Carey, A.J., O'Neill, S.M. West, J.E., and Ylitalo, G.M. (2017) Using transplanted mussels to assess contaminants in Puget Sound's nearshore habitats. p. 10 In 2016 Salish Sea Toxics Monitoring Review: A Selection of Research. Edited by C.A. James, J. Lanksbury, D. Lester, S. O'Neill, T. Roberts, C. Sullivan, J. West. Puget Sound Ecosystem Monitoring Program. Tacoma, WA. 68 pp; (PDF)

Lundin, J., Spromberg, J.A., Johnson, L.L., Baldwin, D., Hoff, R., Neely, R., Baker, T., O'Neill, S.M., and Scholz, N. (2017) The inclusion of toxic exposures in a population model of Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) in the Duwamish/Green River. p. 45 In 2016 Salish Sea Toxics Monitoring Review: A Selection of Research. Edited by C.A. James, J. Lanksbury, D. Lester, S. O'Neill, T. Roberts, C. Sullivan, J. West. Puget Sound Ecosystem Monitoring Program. Tacoma, WA. 68 pp; (PDF)

O'Neill, S.M., West, J.E., and J.A., Ylitalo, G.M. (2017) Toxic contaminant patterns in Chinook salmon and Southern Resident killer whales provide insights into whale foraging habitat. p. 18 In 2016 Salish Sea Toxics Monitoring Review: A Selection of Research. Edited by C.A. James, J. Lanksbury, D. Lester, S. O'Neill, T. Roberts, C. Sullivan, J. West. Puget Sound Ecosystem Monitoring Program. Tacoma, WA. 68 pp; (PDF)

West, J.W., Krembs, C., Lanksbury, J.A., Ylitalo, G.M., and O'Neill, S.M. (2017) Biomagnification, oceanographic processes, and the distribution of toxic contaminants in Puget Sound's pelagic food web. p. 37 In 2016 Salish Sea Toxics Monitoring Review: A Selection of Research. Edited by C.A. James, J. Lanksbury, D. Lester, S. O'Neill, T. Roberts, C. Sullivan, J. West. Puget Sound Ecosystem Monitoring Program. Tacoma, WA. 68 pp; (PDF)

West, J.E., Ylitalo, G.M., Lanksbury, J.A., Niewolny, L.A., Carey, A.J., Langness, M., Fisk, R.J., and O'Neill, S.M. (2017) Time trends of three major classes of toxic contaminants in two indicator fish species from Puget Sound. p. 29 In 2016 Salish Sea Toxics Monitoring Review: A Selection of Research. Edited by C.A. James, J. Lanksbury, D. Lester, S. O'Neill, T. Roberts, C. Sullivan, J. West. Puget Sound Ecosystem Monitoring Program. Tacoma, WA. 68 pp; (PDF)


Quality Assurance Project Plans (QAPPs)


Langness, M. 2019. Amendment No. 2 to Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP) for Status and Trends Monitoring of Marine Nearshore Mussels for the Regional Stormwater Monitoring Program and Pierce County. Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife; WDFW Report Number FPT 20-03. Olympia, Washington. 4 pp. (PDF)


Lanksbury, J.A., and B. Lubliner. 2015. Quality Assurance Project Plan for Status and Trends Monitoring of Marine Nearshore Mussels for the Regional Stormwater Monitoring Program and Pierce County. Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife; WDFW Publication Number FPT 15-04. Olympia, Washington. 76pp.


O’Neill, S.M.,  J. M. Guzmán, P. Swanson, A. Lukenbach, D. da Silva, G. M. Ylitalo, I. R. Schultz, L. L. Johnson, E. Hayman, L. Niewolny, J. E. West. 2014. Quality Assurance Project Plan: Chemicals of Emerging Concern in Puget Sound English sole (Parophrys vetulus): exposure to and effects of selected xenoestrogens and pharmaceuticals. Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife, NOAA - Northwest Fisheries Science Center, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory - Battelle Marine Sciences Laboratory; WDFW-Ecology Interagency Agreement # G1400206. 58pp.


O'Neill, S.M., J.E. West, L.L. Johnson, J.A. Lanksbury, L.A. Niewolny, and A.J. Carey. 2013. Quality Assurance Project Plan: Toxic Contaminants in Outmigrating Juvenile Chinook Salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) From River Mouths and Nearshore Saltwater Habitats of Puget Sound. Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife; WDFW Publication Number FPT 14-07. Olympia, Washington. 51pp.

West, J.E., J.A. Lanksbury, L.A. Niewolny, and A.J. Carey. 2013. Quality Assurance Project Plan: Effectiveness Monitoring for a Creosote-piling Removal Project: Embryos of Pacific Herring (Clupea pallasi) as Sentinels for the Presence of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs). Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife; WDFW Publication Number FPT 13-11. Olympia, Washington. 38pp.   


Lanksbury, J.A., J.E. West, and L.A. Niewolny. 2012. Quality Assurance Project Plan: Mussel Watch Pilot Expansion Project. Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife; WDFW Publication Number FPT 13-08. Olympia, Washington. 80pp.

West, J.E., L.A. Niewolny, S.R. Quinnell, and J.A. Lanksbury. 2012. Quality Assurance Project Plan: Toxic Contaminants in Dungeness crab (Cancer magister) and Spot Prawn (Pandalus platyceros) from Puget Sound, Washington, USA. Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife; WDFW Publication Number FPT 13-10. Olympia, Washington. 88pp.  


West, J.E., J.A. Lanksbury, S. Jeffries, and M. Lance. 2009. Quality Assurance Project Plan: Persistent organic pollutants in three guilds of pelagic marine species from the Puget Sound. Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife; WDFW Publication Number 09-10-099. Olympia, Washington. 35pp.