WDFW's operating budget

The operating budget pays for the day-to-day expenses that support WDFW's stewardship of fish and wildlife resources in the state of Washington.

2023-25 WDFW operating budget
Photo by WDFW

Former Operating Budget Requests

More information

  • WDFW Long-term Funding Plan
    In response to a 2017 legislative proviso, WDFW was directed to develop a long-term funding plan to address chronic, structural budget shortfalls and analyze approaches to secure financial resources to address the evolving challenges of fish and wildlife conservation. 
  • WDFW Biennial Expenditures (PDF)
    This document details WDFW’s expenditures for the past biennium, across all fund sources in the operating and capital budgets. The table shows the amount of funding spent during a two-year cycle within each of the major Department activities and tasks. This table was originally created to show expenses during the 2015-17 biennium per a 2017 legislative directive, and is updated each biennium.
  • OFM State Budget Website
  • Governor's Office Budget Priorities