
The Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife produces hundreds of documents annually, outlining fish, wildlife, and lands management, scientific research, guidance for homeowners, local governments, and contractors, harvest summaries, and other materials.

2001 Green River Juvenile Salmonid Production Evaluation

Dave Seiler, Greg Volkhardt, Pete Topping, Lindsey Fleischer and Lori Kishimoto (2004)

2003 progress report on Hood Canal summer chum salmon

Kyle Adicks, Jim Ames and Thom Johnson (WDFW); Nick Lampsakis and Chris Weller (PNPTC) (2004)

Stream Habitat Restoration Guidelines (2004)

Kay Saldi-Caromile, P.E., WDFW, Ken Kozmo Bates, P.E., KOZMO, Inc., Peter Skidmore, Inter-Fluve, Inc., Juliet Barenti, USFWS, Doug Pineo, WDOE (2004)

Feasibility Assessment for Reintroducing Fishers to Washington

Jeffrey C. Lewis and Gerald E. Hayes (2004)

2003 Juvenile Salmonid Production Evaluation and Adult Escapement: Intensively Monitored Watersheds (IMW) Annual Report

Dave Seiler, Greg Volkhardt, Laurie Peterson, Lindsey Fleischer, Steve Neuhauser, Pat Hanratty and Lori Kishimoto (2004)

2003 Skagit River Wild 0+ Chinook Production Evaluation Annual Report

Dave Seiler, Steve Neuhauser and Lori Kishimoto (2004)