The Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife produces hundreds of documents annually, outlining fish, wildlife, and lands management, scientific research, guidance for homeowners, local governments, and contractors, harvest summaries, and other materials.
Greater Sage-grouse and the Proposed Withrow Wind Farm
Michael A. Schroeder (2008)
Blue grouse along the central coast of British Columbia
Michael A. Schroeder (2008)
An Analysis of Deer and Elk-Vehicle Collision Sites along State Highways in Washington State
W. L. Myers, W. Y. Chang, S. S. Germaine, W. M. Vander Haegen, and T. E. Owens (2008)
Snowy Plover Population Monitoring, Research, and Management Actions: 2007 Nesting Season Research Progress Report
Scott F. Pearson, Cyndie Sundstrom, Kathryn Gunther (WDFW) and Kirsten Brennan (USFWS) (2008)
Maintaining Lentic-Breeding Amphibians in Urbanizing Landscapes of the Puget Sound Ecosytem: Do Current Regulations Protect Pond-Breeding Amphibians?
Marc Hayes, Timothy Quinn, Klaus Richter, Joanne Schuett-Hames, Jennifer Serra Shean (2008)
Field Observations of Ovipostion and Early Development for the Coastal Tailed Frog (Ascaphus Truei)
Amber F Palmeri-Miles, Keith A Douville, Julie A Tyson, Kristen D Ramsdell and Marc P Hayes (2008)
Results of the 2008 Survey of the Reintroduced Sea Otter Population in Washington State
Ronald J. Jameson and Steven Jeffries (2008)
Range-wide patterns of greater sage-grouse persistence
Cameron L. Aldridge, Scott E. Nielsen, Hawthorne L. Beyer, Mark S. Boyce, John W. Connelly, teven T. Knick and Michael A. Schroeder (2008)
2007 At-Sea Marbled Murrelet Population Monitoring: Research Progress Report
Monique M. Lance, Scott F. Pearson (WDFW) and Martin G. Raphael (USDA Forest Service) (2008)