
The Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife produces hundreds of documents annually, outlining fish, wildlife, and lands management, scientific research, guidance for homeowners, local governments, and contractors, harvest summaries, and other materials.

Ecology of the Western Gray Squirrel in South-Central Washington: Progress Report

W. Matthew Vander Haegen, Gene R. Orth and Liana M. Aker (2005)

Feasibility Assessment for Reintroducing Fishers to Washington

Jeffrey C. Lewis and Gerald E. Hayes (2004)

The Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife's Chronic Wasting Disease Program 1996-2003

Kristin G. Mansfield, P. Briggs Hall, And Gerald P. Nelson (2004)

Conservation Assessment of Greater Sage-grouse and Sagebrush Habitats

J. W. Connelly, S. T. Knick, M. A. Schroeder and S. J. Stiver (2004)

Synthesis Paper: Ecology and management of sage-grouse and sage-grouse habitat

John A. Crawford, Rich A. Olson, Neil E. West, Jeffrey C. Mosley, Michael A. Schroeder, Tom D. Whitson, Richard F. Miller, Michael A. Gregg, and Chad S. Boyd (2004)

Wildlife on Conservation Reserve Program lands and native shrubsteppe in Washington: 2003 Progress Report

W. Matthew Vander Haegen, Michael A. Schroeder, Stephen S. Germaine, Steven D. West and Robert A. Gitzen (2004)