The Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife produces hundreds of documents annually, outlining fish, wildlife, and lands management, scientific research, guidance for homeowners, local governments, and contractors, harvest summaries, and other materials.
Newaukum River Smolt Production, 2019
Devin West, John Winkowski, and Marisa Litz (2020)
Spawner Abundance and Distribution of Salmon and Steelhead in the Upper Chehalis River, 2019 and Synthesis of 2013-2019
Lea Ronne, Nick VanBuskirk, and Marisa Litz (2020)
Status of Eulachon in Washington: Annual Report July 2018 – June 2019
Olaf P. Langness, Laurie L. Lloyd, Shaffryn M. Schade, Bradley J. Cady, Laura B. Heironimus, Phillip E. Dionne and Andrew M. Claiborne (2020)
Findings of the 2016-17 Southern Salish Sea Acoustic Mid-Water Trawl Survey: Final Report to the Washington State Legislature (Funded via Senate Bill No. 5166)
Michael Burger, Todd Sandell, Chris Fanshier, Adam Lindquist, Patrick Biondo, and Dayv Lowry (2020)
Population genetic analysis of Chehalis River watershed coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch)
Todd R. Seamons, Curt Holt, Lea Ronne, Amy Edwards, and Mike Scharpf (2020)
2020 Wild Coho Forecasts for Puget Sound, Washington Coast, and Lower Columbia
Marisa N. C. Litz (2020)
2002-2007 WDFW Scientific Bottom Trawl Surveys in the Southern Salish Sea: Species Distributions, Abundance, and Population Trends
Jennifer Blaine, Dayv Lowry, and Robert Pacunski (2020)
Green River Juvenile Salmonid Production Evaluation: 2018 Annual Report
Peter C. Topping and Joseph H. Anderson (2020)
Mid-Hood Canal Juvenile Salmonid Evaluation: Duckabush River 2018
Josh Weinheimer (2019)