The Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife produces hundreds of documents annually, outlining fish, wildlife, and lands management, scientific research, guidance for homeowners, local governments, and contractors, harvest summaries, and other materials.
Lake Washington Sockeye Smolt Collection: 2017 and 2018 Report
Peter Lisi (2019)
Lower Columbia River Fisheries and Escapement Evaluation in Southwest Washington, 2011
Daniel Rawding, Bryce Glaser, Thomas Buehrens, and Todd Hillson (2019)
Short-term survival of fall Chinook and Coho salmon captured by purse seines in the lower Columbia River, 2017: a holding study
Ben Cox, Tom Wadsworth, Josua Holowatz (2019)
2019 Joint Staff Report: Stock Status and Fisheries for Spring Chinook, Summer Chinook, Sockeye, Steelhead, and Other Species
Joint Columbia River Management Staff; Oregon Department of Fish & Wildlife; Washington Department of Fish & Wildlife (2019)
A comparison of the relative abundance of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) chemicals in creosote-treated wood pilings (CTWP), low-density polyethylene passive samplers, and herring embryos exposed to CTWPs
James West, Andrea J. Carey, Gina M. Ylitalo, Jennifer A. Lanksbury, Sandra M. O’Neill (2019)
Nearshore sediment microplastic monitoring for the Stormwater Action Monitoring (SAM) program, Puget Sound, Western Washington
Andrew R. Spanjer, Robert W. Black, Abby Barnes, Colin Elliot, Jennifer Lanksbury (2019)
SSRIs in WWTP effluents and their disposition and effects in salmonids and marine flatfish
Irvin Schultz, Louisa Harding, Chris Monson, James West, Sandra O’Neill, Graham young, Penny Swanson (2019)
Contaminants reveal spatial segregation of sub-adult Chinook salmon residing and feeding in Puget Sound
Sandie O’Neill, Andrea Carey, Robert Fisk, Mariko Langness, Laurie Niewolny, Gina Ylitalo, James West (2019)
Using transplanted mussels (Mytililis trossulus) to monitor and track PAH contaminants in the Puget Sound nearshore
Jennifer Lanksbury, Mariko Langness, Brandi Lubliner, James West, Andrea Carey, Laurie Niewolny (2019)