
The Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife produces hundreds of documents annually, outlining fish, wildlife, and lands management, scientific research, guidance for homeowners, local governments, and contractors, harvest summaries, and other materials.

Living with Wildlife - Muskrats

Russell Link, Urban Wildlife Biologist (2005)

Living with Wildlife - Opossums

Russell Link, Urban Wildlife Biologist (2005)

Living with Wildlife - Domestic Pigeons (Rock Doves)

Russell Link, Urban Wildlife Biologist (2005)

Living with Wildlife - Old World Rats

Russell Link, Urban Wildlife Biologist (2005)

Living with Wildlife - Snakes

Russell Link, Urban Wildlife Biologist (2005)

Living with Wildlife - Barn Swallows and Cliff Swallows

Russell Link, Urban Wildlife Biologist (2005)

Living with Wildlife - Bobcats

Russell Link, Urban Wildlife Biologist (2005)

Living with Wildlife - Deer

Russell Link, Urban Wildlife Biologist (2005)

Living with Wildlife - Deer Fawns and What to Do If You Find One

Russell Link, Urban Wildlife Biologist (2005)

Living with Wildlife - Pocket Gophers

Russell Link, Urban Wildlife Biologist (2005)