The Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife produces hundreds of documents annually, outlining fish, wildlife, and lands management, scientific research, guidance for homeowners, local governments, and contractors, harvest summaries, and other materials.
- (2025)
- Aaron Bosworth and Joe Short (2024)
- (2024)
- Hailey Rosenthal, Mark Baltzell, Christina Iverson, and Kirsten Simonsen (2024)
- Dr. Mickey Agha, WDFW Matthew Bogaard, WDFW Bill Patton, NWIFC Elsa Toskey, WDFW Dr. Marisa Litz, WDFW Gordon Rose, NWIFC (2024)
- Daniel Olson, Marisa Litz, Todd Seamons (2024)
- Justin Miller-Nelson, Jonathan Schroeder, and Marisa Litz (2024)
- Lisa Hillier (2024)
- Brian Christopher Turner (2024)
- Braeden Van Deynze, PhD and Lena Le, PhD (2024)