The Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife produces hundreds of documents annually, outlining fish, wildlife, and lands management, scientific research, guidance for homeowners, local governments, and contractors, harvest summaries, and other materials.
PHS Shrubsteppe and Eastside Steppe Map User Guide
Folkerts, K. E., T. P. Johnson, and J. L. Michalak (2023)
Tagging Green Sturgeon with Acoustic Transmitters for Evaluation of Habitat Use Along the Washington Coast
Laura B. Heironimus, Matthew T. Sturza, and Shaffryn M. Schade (2023)
Toxic Contaminants in Puget Sound's Nearshore Biota: A Large-Scale Synoptic Survey Using Transplanted Mussels (Mytilus trossulus)
Jennifer A. Lanksbury, Laurie A. Niewolny, Andrea J. Carey and James E. West (2014)
Summary Report 2023: Pronghorn antelope abundance survey in south-central Washington
Jason Fidorra, Kristi Onley, Carly Wickhem, and Stefanie Bergh (2023)
Investigating the Source of PBDE Contaminant Exposure in Steelhead Trout within the Major Tributaries of the Nisqually River Basin
Andrea Carey, Alex Gipe, William Hobbs and Sandra O’Neill (2023)
DRAFT Simcoe Mountains Unit Management Plan
Coordinated Resource Management participants (2023)
Periodic Status Review for the Woodland Caribou (2023)
Derek W. Stinson and Gary J. Wiles (2023)