Coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch)

Category: Fish
Common names: Silver salmon

Description and Range

Physical description

Coho are a very popular sport fish in Puget Sound. This species uses coastal streams and tributaries, and is often present in small neighborhood streams. Coho can even be found in urban settings if their needs of cold, clean, year-round water are met.

Coho spawn in small coastal streams and the tributaries of larger rivers. They prefer areas of mid-velocity water with small to medium sized gravels. Because they use small streams with limited space, they must use many such streams to successfully reproduce, which is why coho can be found in virtually every small coastal stream with a year-round flow.

Returning coho often gather at the mouths of streams and wait for the water flow to rise, such as after a rain storm, before heading upstream. The higher flows and deeper water enable the fish to pass obstacles, such as logs across the stream or beaver dams, that would otherwise be impassable.

Coho have a very regular life history. They are deposited in the gravel as eggs in the fall, emerge from the gravel the next spring, and in their second spring go to sea, about 18 months after being deposited. Coho fry are usually found in the pools of small coastal streams and the tributaries of larger rivers.

Size range
6-12 lbs, up to 31 lbs

Where you may encounter coho salmon

Lakes where this species may be found

Benton County
Cowlitz County, Clark County
Clark County
Douglas County
Grays Harbor County
Kitsap County
Klickitat County
Skagit County
Skamania County
Snohomish County

State record

25.27 lbs
Brad Wilson
Quinault River
Date Caught
November 11, 2001

See all sportfish records