Biweekly report Feb16-28 2025 - Region 6 (Coastal)
Managing Wildlife Populations
Marbled Murrelet Captures: Biologist Murphie assisted the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) marine bird research team with their at-sea murrelet capture efforts. Samples collected at capture will provide information on the diet of these small sea birds. To catch these birds, capture teams drive small, rigid-hull, inflatable boats around at night using spotlights to find marbled or ancient murrelets. Once found, the boat maneuvers close enough to catch them with a salmon-landing net. Working west of Port Angeles, Biologist Murphie reports the team caught two ancient murrelets on the night he participated. Additional efforts continue.
Harlequin Duck Survey: Annually, WDFW staff members conduct boat-based harlequin duck composition counts in several areas of the inland marine waters of Washington. Biologist Murphie participated in this effort, surveying west of Port Angeles out to Cape Flattery.
Providing Recreation Opportunities
Fence Repairs - Misery Point, Kitsap County: The access team made good use of the dry and cold weather by making fence repairs at several water access sites in the region. At Misery Point Access, the crew replaced a 45-foot section of chain link with wooden privacy slats, repaired several smaller sections, replaced top rail, and straightened fence posts.
Abandoned Vessel Removal and Recycling - Lacey, Thurston County: It has been a long road, but access staff members, with assistance from Lacey Shop staff members and equipment, have finally completed the disposal process of an abandoned 24-foot Cabin Cruiser. After assuming custody, all fluids and contaminants were removed and the vessel was meticulously deconstructed, allowing materials to be separated, sorted, and recycled accordingly. The remaining debris was loaded into a dumpster destined for the refuse station and smashed into smithereens. The resources and cumulative hours spent will be submitted to Department of Natural Resources vessel recovery program for reimbursement.
Malicious Tree Damage - Clarks Creek Loop Trail, Pierce County: Clarks Creek Loop Trail property is part of the Puyallup Hatchery grounds and shares boundaries with the Puyallup Parks Department who primarily maintains the trails by agreement with WDFW. Access staff members helped coordinate efforts between WDFW, the City of Puyallup Parks Department, and a contracted arborist to safely fall standing danger trees. Several trees had been maliciously damaged beyond survival, many were cut halfway through or more and needed felling to eliminate risk to the public. This is the second time in 11 months trees were damaged or killed at this location. The previous incident included the loss of an old growth Douglas Fir estimated at around 200 years old. Additionally, vandalism to signs and illegal dumping has been documented during the same period. WDFW Communications issued news releases describing these events and has gained quite a bit of attention within the local news outlets.
Beaver Damage – American Lake, Pierce County: Access staff members consulted with an arborist about the condition of trees damaged by ongoing work of beavers at the American Lake access. Beavers have been chewing their way through several cottonwoods on the north side of the parking area, some trees may need to be removed in the weeks to come.
Twin Rivers Gate: Wildlife Area Manager Laushman met with Cultural Resources and Capital and Asset Management Program (CAMP) staff members at the new Twin Rivers Unit to help plan for the installation of a new gate at the parking area of the unit. CAMP staff members installed the gate, and new signs will be on site soon.
Conserving Natural Landscapes
Lake Koeneman: Wildlife Area Manager Laushman, Assistant Regional Program Manager Blankenship, and Forester Nequette visited the Lake Koeneman Unit of the South Puget Sound Wildlife Area to assess the unit for potential future thinning work.
Lakewood Weed Management: Technician Morgan removed scotch broom, blackberry, and spurge laurel at the South Puget Sound Unit in Lakewood. Wildlife Area Manager Laushman treated poison hemlock throughout the unit.
Providing Education and Outreach
Tree Planting Volunteer Event at the Elk River Unit: Technicians Magliaro and Martinez coordinated and led a volunteer tree planting event on Saturday, Feb. 1 in Westport at the Elk River Unit of the Olympic-Willapa Hills Wildlife Area. Volunteer members planted shore pines and Sitka spruce. The wildlife area staff members have been working to control an extensive scotch broom outbreak at this site through mowing, brush cutting, and spraying. The goal of this planting event is to establish more native plants to hopefully outcompete the scotch broom.
Biologist Murphie responded to inquiries received by phone or email related to bobcats, river otters, osprey nest removal requests, and ravens.
Conducting Business Operations and Policy
McNeil Island Visit: Wildlife Area Manager Laushman visited McNeil Island with the Cultural Resources Team and Habitat Biologist Erkel to look at upcoming projects that will involve help from the Cultural Resources staff members.
Safety Stand-up Week: Biologist Murphie participated in several activities associated with the agency-wide safety stand-up effort.
Work-planning: Biologist Murphie participated in work-planning activities with other Regional and Headquarters staff members.
Olympic Peninsula Technical Team Meeting: Biologist Murphie participated in the annual meeting of this group.
DFW Aviation Instruction: Biologist Murphie held an aviation training class in Port Townsend, which covers fundamental aspects of working with and around aircraft, and aspects of helicopter capture work.
Access Manager Reeves worked with the Department of Enterprise Systems and contracted dealerships to begin the replacement process of water access service trucks.
Access Manager Reeves prepared the final PowerPoint presentation for a grant application to Recreation Conservation Office in the Boating Facilities Program category Redevelopment Spencer Lake water access.
Access Manager Reeves is coordinating efforts with volunteer members in the Adopt an Access program to install life jacket loaner sheds at WDFW access sites.
Access Manager Reeves developed a tentative plan and schedule with Washington Conservation Corps forage fish crew to expand the monofilament recycling bins to additional access areas throughout Region 6.