January 16-31

Biweekly report Jan16-31 2025 - Region 5 (Southwest)

Report sections

Managing Wildlife Populations

Black-tailed Deer Study Initiated: Biologists Holman and Stephens joined Ungulate Specialist Oates to capture black-tailed deer and initiate this long-anticipated project. Thirty-six black-tailed deer were captured by helicopter net gun in GMUs 556 (Toutle) and 550 (Coweeman), on a combination of state and private industrial forestlands. The captured deer were fitted with GPS collars, evaluated for body condition, various biological samples were taken, and the animals were released on-site. For more information on the project see the WDFW news release. Thanks to Helicopter Pilot Huey, Gunner Carpenter, and Mugger McClellan of Baker Aircraft for their combination of excellent flying, net shooting, and animal handling skills. 

An antlered black-tailed deer lying down sedated, wearing an orange mask and with its legs restrained.
Photo by WDFW
Black-tailed Deer Study Initiated.
A WDFW employee knelt down posing for a photo next to a sedated deer lying down during radio collar deployment.
Photo by WDFW
Body Condition B.
Sunset out the window of an aircraft.
Photo by WDFW
Inversion Sunset.
Two WDFW employees sitting around a table covered with radio collars and other fieldwork equipment.
Photo by WDFW
An antlerless deer sedated and lying down, wearing an orange face mask, orange radio colar, and with its legs restrained.
Photo by WDFW
Orange K1 at capture.

Dusky Canada Goose Surveys Continue: In January, Biologists Wickhem, Stephens, and Holman continued with their bi-monthly dusky Canada goose surveys in Clark, Cowlitz, and Wahkiakum counties. Dusky geese are a sub-species of Canada goose that spend summers in Alaska and migrate through and/or overwinter in the lower Columbia River. Duskies are closed to recreational harvest due to low population levels. The purpose of the surveys is to count dusky geese observed and read alphanumeric codes on any red neck bands on the geese, also called collars. Wildlife managers survey the geese multiple times across their primary wintering grounds and use the data to generate survival estimates. 

Biologist Wickhem completed two Clark County surveys in January, recording 192 duskies and zero collars on her first survey. On Wickhem’s second survey, she observed 123 duskies with three collars. Other species observed include cackling and western subspecies of Canada geese, trumpeter and tundra swans, bald eagles, northern harriers, red-tailed hawks, kestrels, numerous species of ducks, a beautiful rusty-colored coyote, and a river otter who’s jogging path between water bodies happened to be only a few feet behind Wickhem while she ate lunch. In Cowlitz and Wahkiakum counties, Biologists Stephens and Holman completed the surveys finding dusky, cackling, western and Taverner’s Canada geese as well as trumpeter and tundra swans. Incidental observations included many species of ducks, shorebirds, bald eagles, Columbian white-tailed deer, black-tailed deer, elk, and more. 

Dusky Canada goose with red collar 0P1. Two other geese are standing nearby.
Photo by WDFW
Dusky Canada goose with red collar 0P1 (the “0” character is on the opposite side). 

Providing Recreation Opportunities

Trail Maintenance: Access area staff members are currently monitoring a hole along the trail at Kress Lake. Last year the trail developed a large hole due to flowing water under the trail. Access area staff members had to repair the trail with a few yards of rock that held for the rest of the year. Now another hole is developing in a different location next to the bank of the lake not too far from where the last hole formed. Hopefully water does not rise too much this season, and the hole can be repaired while it is small and easier to deal with. Time will tell. As always, access area staff members will continue to monitor the situation for public safety. 

Downward-facing photo taken by someone standing very close to a large hole in a trail. The person's foot is near the hole to give a sense of size.
Photo by WDFW
Trail Maintenance. 

Parking Lot Maintenance: Access area staff members have been working with Capital and Asset Management Program to have several access area parking lots graded and rocked. A wildlife area parking lot in Wahkiakum County was also graded. 

A freshly graded gravel parking lot.
Photo by WDFW
CAMP grading.
Someone driving a tractor with a front end loader scooping up gravel, with another person walking away from the tractor towards the camera.
Photo by WDFW

Mineral Access Area: While in Lewis County, access area staff members noticed ice formed on the rocks just outside of the Mineral Access Area.

Ice formation on a rock face next to a road.
Photo by WDFW
Lewis Co. Ice

Providing Conflict Prevention and Education

Deer in Distress near Toutle: Wildlife Conflict Specialist Aubrey and District Biologist Holman responded to a location near Toutle where a deer had gotten a plastic ring around a hoof / lower leg. Concerned homeowners contacted WDFW to report the deer in distress. Aubrey and Holman were able to capture the adult doe by dart gun / immobilization drugs, remove the plastic ring, and release the deer safely. 

Close up of a deer's front legs, with a black plastic ring stuck around the right leg.
Photo by WDFW
Ring Around Toutle Deer Hoof Leg.
Close up of someone holding a black piece of plastic composed of two conjoined rings.
Photo by WDFW
Plastic Ring Around Toutle Deer Hoof
A black-tailed deer standing among ferns in a forest.
Photo by WDFW
Toutle Blacktail Jan 2025 Release.

Elk with Plastic Ring Around Neck: Wildlife Conflict Specialist Aubrey and Assistant District Biologist Stephens teamed up to capture a spike elk that had a plastic ring stuck around its neck. Aubrey had made a few capture attempts previous to this one and was never able to catch the elk on the property. The elk was still at the property this time, and Aubrey and Stephens were able to immobilize the elk and safely remove the plastic which turned out to be a toilet seat.

Providing Education and Outreach

Aviation School for Kelso High School Outreach Opportunity: While waiting out the morning fog at the Kelso airport during the black-tailed deer study, Biologist Holman seized the opportunity to provide information related to wildlife associated aviation to students from Kelso High School. The students participate in a program to learn about flight and piloting through a cooperative arrangement between the school and the flight instructors. Biologist Holman explained the various ways in which helicopters and airplanes are used in wildlife related work with a case in point example of the black-tailed deer study. 

WDFW employee giving a presentation to a group of high school students standing indoors.
Photo by WDFW
Eric Gives a TED Talk to High School Students.

Biweekly report Jan16-31 2025 - Region 4 (North Puget Sound)

Report sections

Managing Wildlife Populations

Heron Colony Nest Count: Great blue herons are a common sight throughout Skagit county. Often spotted wading in shallow waters, these birds stand out because of their long legs, bluish gray feathers, and daggerlike bill. Great blue herons are colony nesters, meaning, several hundred birds will build their nests in close proximity to each other. Nests are built in treetops, and one tree can contain several nests. The highest observed in Skagit county has been 28 nests in one tree. Winter is the best time to count nests because there aren’t any leaves blocking the view. More importantly, the birds have vacated the area and there isn’t a risk of disturbing them. 

District 14 Biologists Waddell and Soltysiak joined the Skagit Land Trust in counting nests at the Skagit heron colony site. If a tree contained a nest, the number of nests were recorded, and signs of recent occupancy were searched for. These signs include poop on the tree, eggshell fragments on the ground, and feathers or bones around the base of the tree. Each year, the Skagit Land Trust records nest success through the use of game cameras. Researchers are able to live-stream video and observe herons as they build their nests, lay their eggs, and raise their young. This incredible project provides valuable insights on great blue heron behavior.

Two people looking up at a tree full of heron nests. One person is pointing up towards the nests.
Photo by WDFW
Biologists Dahl (Skagit Land Trust) and Waddell (WDFW) crane their necks to count heron nests high above them. 
A fragment of a great blue heron egg rests on the ground.
Photo by WDFW
A fragment of a great blue heron egg rests on the ground. After chicks are born, great blue heron adults brush eggshells out of the nest.

Wildlife Rehabilitation Inspections: Biologist Anderson worked with Wildlife Rehabilitation Specialist Evans to provide for recent inspection needs at a District 12 area wildlife rehabilitation facility.

Biologist Evans examining a flight cage area for bats in inspection of a facility with Biologist Anderson.
Photo by WDFW
Biologist Evans examining a flight cage area for bats in inspection of a facility with Biologist Anderson.

East-West Bobcat Study: Biologists Anderson and Smith assisted Research Scientist Kertson with running his westside traplines for bobcat. This study is examining a host of landscape spatial and temporal aspects of this species on either side of the Cascade Crest in King and Kittitas counties. More to come!

Biweekly report Jan16-31 2025 - Region 3 (South Central)

Report sections

Managing Wildlife Populations

L.T. Murray Wildlife Area - Elk Feeding: The L.T. Murray Wildlife Area crew members continue to feed elk at the Joe Watt and Robinson Canyon sites. Elk numbers are lower than usual for the time of year but are remaining fairly steady and appropriate considering the bare south facing slopes in the area. Natural Resource Technician Blore and Natural Resource Specialist Nass accompanied District 8 Wildlife Biologist Wampole while collecting sampling for CWD testing. 

Oak Creek Wildlife Area - Elk Feeding: Feeding operations continue at both the Cowiche and Oak Creek Wildlife Area feed sites. Numbers are averaging just over 600 animals at Oak Creek and mid 1600’s at Cowiche. These numbers are down due to late January’s milder weather. Previous peaks earlier in the month were 650 animals at Oak Creek and 2,000 animals at Cowiche.

Bull elk Oak Creek Feed Site.
Photo by WDFW
Bull elk Oak Creek Feed Site. 

Oak Creek Wildlife Area – Off Leash Dogs: Recently, management of dogs on the Cowiche feed site was a challenge. Four local dogs were frequenting the site almost daily creating immense stress on the elk there. Enforcement did a wonderful job in resolving the issue by tracking down the owner and encouraging him to contain his dogs. For the last week they have proven to be behaving appropriately and staying home. Thanks Enforcement!

Wenas Wildlife Area – Buffalo Road Elk Fence Repair: Lands and Recreation Specialist Frame and Habitat Biologist Miller repaired a 30-yard section of elk fence that was damaged on Buffalo Road. The elk fence was damaged due to a vehicle driving through the elk fence and then driving back through the fence again to exit the wildlife area. Vehicle information (a license plate) collected at the scene was reported to Wildlife Enforcement Officers.

Pronghorn Survey: Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) and the Yakama Nation completed survey of the south-central pronghorn population. Biologists Fidorra, Hoffman and Ott flew surveys using a Cessna to count winter groups of pronghorn in Benton, Yakima, and Klickitat counties. Approximately 329 animals were counted, which is an increase over the past herd high count of 250 animals counted four years prior. A final report including sighting information from Safari Club International, who coordinated a ground survey during the same week to supplement flight data, will be completed in the coming month. 

A group of Pronghorn running through a wheat stubble field, photographed from an aircraft.
Photo by WDFW
A group of Pronghorn in a wheat stubble field during the survey.

Bat Hibernacula Surveys: WDFW staff members and partners are conducting surveys of known hibernacula in Washington. Biologist Fidorra assisted District 9 staff members with surveys one day for Townsend’s Big-Eared Bats in Klickitat County cave systems. 

Sunnyside Wetlands: Sunnyside/Snake River Wildlife Area staff members have been busy maintaining pumps, water control structures, and ditches to keep wetlands filled for wintering waterfowl. Thousands of snow geese, Canada geese, and high numbers of pintail ducks have recently shown up at wetlands in the wildlife area, providing quite a spectacle to observe.

Providing Recreation Opportunities

Sunnyside/Snake River Wildlife Area - Youth Hunt: It was a successful end-of-the-season youth hunt for a young hunter on the Sunnyside/Snake River Wildlife Area. He harvested a diverse limit of ducks, including a fully plumed Northern Shoveler drake that he is excited to mount on his wall! He also harvested two lesser Canada geese. It was a great end to his last season as a youth hunter!

A young hunter posing in the bed of a truck with their firearm and their waterfowl harvest.
Photo by WDFW
A young hunter posing with their duck harvest.
Photo by WDFW
Successful youth hunt on the Sunnyside/Snake River Wildlife Area.

Oak Creek Wildlife Area Visitor’s Center: The Oak Creek Visitor’s Center remains open from 10:00 am – 4:00 pm daily staffed by Friends of Oak Creek volunteers. The elk viewing area and Visitor’s Center remain inundated with visitors, especially on the weekends. Over the holiday weekend there was an estimated 1,200 visitors! Thanks Friends of Oak Creek for providing information and conducting truck tours!

Providing Conflict Prevention and Education

Rattlesnake Mt Elk: District 4 Wildlife Conflict Specialist Hand continued to monitor activity on Rattlesnake Mountain. Almost all elk activity is occurring on the Hanford National Monument. Elk activity near HWY 240 has been increasing and few vehicle collisions have occurred recently.

Kahlotus Deer Damage: District 4 Wildlife Conflict Specialist Hand prepared and delivered additional damage permits to a landowner along the Snake River experiencing deer damage to his crops. Three youth hunters from the regional roster were also contacted and deployed to the landowner for hunting opportunities.

Benton City Sheep Depredation: District 4 Wildlife Conflict Specialist Hand and Detachment 33 Enforcement staff members responded to a lone sheep depredation along the Yakima River near Benton City. A week prior Enforcement handled a depredation at the same location where three sheep had been killed. The cause of the mortality was not determined. A trap and cellular camera were deployed and is currently being monitored.

Conserving Natural Landscapes

Wenas Wildlife Area – Volunteer Target Shooting Trash Collection: Lands and Recreation Specialist Frame collected over 500 lbs. of target shooting trash picked up from WDFW volunteer members.

Providing Education and Outreach

Wenas Wildlife Area - 10 Year Management Plan: Wenas Wildlife Area Manager Gray and Lands and Recreation Planner English gave a presentation to Region 3 Management outlining the timeline, purpose of the plan, and background on the Wenas Wildlife Area. A meeting involving the planning team is expected to take place in February to provide an overview of what the management plan will involve, go over planning timelines, and expectations for staff members. The plan will take approximately two to two and a half years and will outlines priorities and strategies for the wildlife area.

Conducting Business Operations and Policy

District 4 - New Technicians: District 4 Wildlife Biologist Fidorra completed hiring of two technicians for the upcoming Ferruginous Hawk survey work in District 4.


Wenas Wildlife Area – Pesticide/Herbicide Recertification Courses: Wenas Wildlife Area staff members attended Pesticide/Herbicide Recertification Courses in Yakima to earn credits for maintaining Pesticide/Herbicide applicators license.

Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) Meat Disposal: District 4 Wildlife Conflict Specialist Hand received CWD-positive deer meat from a hunter who harvested the deer in Montana and, after test results, needed assistance with proper disposal. The meat was transferred and deposited at the approved Richland Landfill.

Biweekly report Jan16-31 2025 - Region 1 (Eastern)

Report sections

Managing Wildlife Populations

Moose: Biologists Lowe and Brinkman attended a meeting to discuss logistics and review capture protocols for the upcoming aerial moose capture in Districts 1 and 2. 

Biologist Lowe coordinated with a vendor regarding moose calf flights that will be conducted in late February or March. These surveys will be used to estimate recruitment rates from cows that were pregnant during the 2024 aerial capture effort. 

Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD): Wildlife Area Manager Dingman sampled a roadkill whitetail doe for chronic wasting disease. 

Wolf: Biologists received email updates from the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife that a female wolf, collared in Oregon, passed north into Washington through District 3 and into District 2 before heading east into Idaho. 

CWD: Regional private lands staff members participated in the CWD listening session with Acting Wildlife Program Manager Prince, Research Scientist DeVivo and CWD coordinator Westacott. 

Tucannon Bighorn Sheep: Wildlife Area Manager Dingman located 15 of the Tucannon bighorn sheep herd west of Merengo. Biologist Vekasy and Wooten staff members attempted to dart a bighorn lamb to put a collar on it but were unsuccessful. 

Providing Recreation Opportunities

Hunting Access Program: Private Lands Biologist Nizer drove out to a new Hunt by Written Permission property to post the property with signs. While posting the property, a hunter drove by interested in obtaining permission. This new property in Spokane County will provide a great hunting opportunity for the area. Nizer coordinated with the landowner to let him know he will start to get phone calls for the upcoming hunting seasons.

Recreation Access Management and Maintenance: Fish Hatchery Specialist Nielsen cleaned restrooms and picked up litter at Heller Bar, Shumaker and Boggan’s. Nielsen and Natural Resource Specialist Whittaker worked together to replace a strip of rubber mat that acts as erosion prevention measure in the access road.  

A new erosion diversion measure (old rubber conveyor belt) installed on the access road.
Photo by WDFW
A new erosion diversion measure (old rubber conveyor belt) installed on the access road.

Fruitland Elk: Private Lands Supervisor Baarstad coordinated with Fruitland Valley landowners and a permitted elk hunter from western Washington over the weekend. The landowners were very helpful, and the hunter was able to get an elk.

WT Wooten Wildlife Area Campgrounds, Parking Areas, and Shooting Range: Natural Resource Specialist Tritt checked the campgrounds and parking areas and cleaned up trash.

Providing Conflict Prevention and Education

Elk Damage: Wildlife Conflict Specialist Samsill responded to several reports of elk causing damage to haystacks and crops throughout the week. In one instance, Samsill coordinated the deployment of livestock panels and electric netting to exclude elk from a haybarn. In another, Samsill deployed a propane cannon to deter the elk.

Turkey Damage: Samsill responded to the report of nuisance turkeys in Springdale believed to have killed two dogs that consumed turkey feces and reportedly contracted Coccidiosis. Samsill issued the reporting party ten turkey kill permits and loaned the reporting party a paintball gun and bird banger pistol to deter/haze the turkeys. 

Wolf non-lethal deterrent work: Wildlife Conflict Specialist Kolb installed additional non-lethal deterrents (i.e., a zon cannon and additional fox lights) following reports of cattle busting through multiple fences in the vicinity of a recent wolf depredation. 

Cougar Sightings: Samsill responded to two cougar sightings throughout the week. Both calls were reported directly to Samsill. 

One call involved a cougar reportedly seen with a dead cat in its mouth. The report was secondhand and could not be confirmed. 

The second call involved several close encounters with a cougar near a barn where several cats were being fed. The landowner also has several small livestock nearby. Based on the landowner’s description of the cougar and the behavior observed, this was believed to be the same cougar for which a pursuit permit was issued nearby. After coordinating with Sgt. Bahrenburg, a second pursuit permit was issued for this property. Samsill met the landowner to sign the pursuit permit and deployed two cellular cameras. Cougar, bobcat, and wolf tracks were all observed behind the landowner’s barn. 

Deer: Natural Resource Technicians Edmondson and Keeling responded to another report of a deer that had died in Northport, marking the fourth one in a little over a week. Upon retrieving the carcass and doing a brief field necropsy, the Technicians discovered corn in the rumen which was also found in the previous deer that were removed from there. 

Asotin County Sheriff (ACS) Meeting: Supervisor Earl lead a meeting with ACS staff members to discuss wolf activities and procedural actions for both parties. Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) had local Wildlife Conflict staff members as well as Statewide Wolf Biologist Spence give various presentations on the subjects.

Turkey: Natural Resource Technician Edmondson issued landowner kill permits for turkeys as well as giving a paintball gun to the landowner to haze turkeys off their property.

Deer: Natural Resource Technicians Edmondson and Keeling picked up a deer that a landowner had euthanized due to it getting impaled on a picket fence and appeared to be sick. The carcass was removed and a CWD sample was taken. 

Orphaned Moose: Wildlife Conflict Specialist Harris received a call regarding a sick moose in Whitman County. Harris was able to identify the sick moose as an orphaned calf from last year. The calf had some minor hair loss from winter ticks and appeared to be thin but was able to get up and run away when approached. Harris advised the landowner to continue to monitor the calf and call back if its health continues to decline. 

Nuisance Turkeys: Wildlife Conflict Specialist Harris received two complaints regarding nuisance turkeys in Spokane and Lincoln County. Harris provided both landowners with advice on mitigating conflict and issued kill permits to one of the landowners to keep the turkeys out of their livestock feed. 

Supervisor Earl monitored flocks of turkeys in the Asotin Creek drainage. Earl also assisted Conflict Specialist Kolb, Conflict Specialist Wade and Natural Resource Specialist Moberg with trapping efforts in Walla Walla. A walk-in trap was set up as well as a rocket net. Unfortunately, there was an abnormal amount of activity around the traps and the turkeys were very leery and were on high alert. Efforts will resume next week to try and remove some of the more than 100 birds in the area.

Conserving Natural Landscapes

Asotin Creek Wildlife Area Winter Gate Vandalism: Wildlife Area staff members were notified Tuesday morning by a concerned citizen that the winter gate on Lick Creek Road had been vandalized and left standing open. The citizen discovered the damaged gate on Sunday. All wildlife area staff members spent the better part of two days repairing the gate. Someone used either a grinder and cut-off wheel or a reciprocal saw to cut the hinges at the posts. The dropped gate was then pulled open which of course damaged the hinges on the other post. Staff members had to use a cutting torch to remove the damaged hinges. New hinges were fabricated in the Clarkston shop and installed on Wednesday. A mini excavator was used to support the gates while it was installed on the new hinges. Once installed, Nathan Whittaker welded caps on the pins to secure them. Enforcement is investigating the incident but as this time.

Gate found opened and severely damaged.
Photo by WDFW
Gate found opened and severely damaged Tuesday morning .

Z-Lake Aeration System- This week Wildlife Area Manager Finch flew the drone over the frozen Z-Lake at the correct time when the aeration system was running to verify it being operational.

Aerial photo of a large hole in the frozen surface of a lake.
Photo by WDFW
Z-Lake Aeration system operation with two diffusers emitting air to keep lake open.

Providing Education and Outreach

Habitat: Private Lands Biologist Thorne Hadley met with two landowners in Columbia County to deliver them some black cottonwood and quacking aspen tree plugs. They were very excited about them and appreciative. 

Biological Control: Private Lands Biologist Thorne Hadley contacted Noxious Weed Coordinator Heimer regarding obtaining biological control in assisting a gentleman that inquired about how to attain some. Private Lands Biologist Thorne Hadley received an answer and passed along to fellow Private Lands Biologists as well.

Conducting Business Operations and Policy

Natural Resource Technician Position: Private Lands Biologist Nizer filtered through the applicant pool for the Saint John Natural Resource Technician position. Nizer worked with other private lands staff members to narrow it down to five applicants for the interview. Nizer asked Heitstuman, Baarstad, and Westacott to be on the interview panel. Interviews are expected to take place Thursday, February 6th, 2025.  

Grants: Wildlife Area Manager Dingman reached out to Ducks Unlimited with an idea for a wetland project on the Swegle Unit of the WT Wooten Wildlife Area using Duck Stamp grant funds. 

Bear Outreach: Wildlife Conflict Specialist Harris, Sergeant Leonetti, and enforcement intern Swiger visited with a first and second grade class at a Spokane Middle School to teach students about black bears and grizzly bears. Students learned about bear biology, species identification, and bear conflict. 

Teamwork: Regional Private Lands staff members attended the statewide monthly private lands update hosted by section manager McCanna. Private Lands supervisor Baarstad met with McCanna to discuss regional private lands priorities for 2025.

Sherman Creek Wildlife Area Shop Organization: Natural Resource Technician Graves and Wildlife Area Manager Palmer went to the Region 1 Shop to deliver a shelving unit to Natural Resource Specialist Daniel Dziekan and pick up a work bench and cabinetry that Dziekan had removed from the Region 1 shop. Graves and Palmer installed the work bench and cabinetry in the Sherman Creek Wildlife Area shop and continued with reorganization and storage improvement efforts. The reorganization is improving storage space and expanding workspace to accommodate increased equipment maintenance and repair needs. 

New work bench installed.
Photo by WDFW
This new work bench replaced an old cabinet style bench that was smaller and did not provide for under-counter storage. The upper cabinets replaced open shelves that did not meet safety and security needs. 
Natural Resource Technician securing tall cabinets to the wall.
Photo by WDFW
Natural Resource Technician Graves securing tall cabinets to the wall

Biweekly report Jan16-31 2024 - Region 4 (North Puget Sound)

Report sections

Managing Wildlife Populations

Marbled Murrelet Diet Analysis Research: Regional Wildlife Biologists assisted Science Division with murrelet captures for an ongoing diet analysis to help assess factors associated with local population declines. The team found success in the waters near Smith and Minor islands, west of central Whidbey Island, capturing three marbled murrelets and one ancient murrelet in a single evening!

Regional Wildlife Biologists assisted Science Division with murrelet captures.
Photo by WDFW
Murrelet capture crew prepares boats for an evening of spotlighting on the water.
Murrelet capture crew prepares boats for an evening of spotlighting on the water.
Photo by WDFW
Biologist Licence collecting feces and biometric data from another unhappy customer.

Cascades Bobcat Project: Biologist Smith has been helping Wildlife Science Division trap bobcats in King County. The effort aims to develop occupancy modeling tools to provide for periodic population trend assessment in this species.

27 lb Male bobcat looking (un)happy in a trap.
Photo by WDFW
27-pound male bobcat looking (un)happy in a trap.

Providing Conflict Prevention and Education

SeaTac International Airport Wildlife Hazard Management Plan Annual Meeting: Biologist Anderson met with Port of Seattle at their annual overview of the SeaTac International Airport Wildlife Hazard Management Plan. Aspects of the plan discussed involved largely bird airstrike hazard management, state and other jurisdictional legal considerations and needs, how efforts are implemented on the ground/changes/etc., broad assessment of how things are going, and where attention is needed in 2024.

Osprey gathering nesting material on the runway at SeaTac.
Photo by WDFW
Osprey gathering nesting material on the runway at SeaTac. Photo by Port of Seattle

Providing Education and Outreach

Burien Bird Fest, Bellevue Master Naturalist, King County Native Plant Sale: Biologist Anderson tabled with Watchable Wildlife at the Burien Bird Fest. The event was very birdy and well attended at the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) outreach table. 

Biologist Anderson provided the annual Urban Wildlife Management class for the Bellevue Master Naturalist Program.

Anderson partnered with Habitat at Home to run a table at the King County native plant sale. There were many plants being picked up and many folks visiting the WDFW booth to discuss wildlife and our Habitat at Home Program.

Habitat at Home Coordinator, Claire Kerwin, discussing providing habitat for wildlife.
Photo by WDFW
Habitat at Home Coordinator Kerwin discussing providing habitat for wildlife.

Biweekly report Jan16-31 2024 - Region 6 (Coastal)

Report sections

Managing Wildlife Populations

Deer and Chronic Wasting Disease: At the request of Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife Veterinarian Haman, Biologist Tirhi met with a hunter who harvested a deer in Colorado that tested positive for chronic wasting disease. Following protocol, Tirhi collected and disposed of the meat and educated the hunter about decontamination requirements.

Western Pond Turtle: Biologists Butler and Tirhi represented Region 6 at the annual Northwestern Pond Turtle Partners Annual Meeting which was attended by Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife’s Region 6, Region 5, and Olympia headquarters staff members, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Woodland Park Zoo, Oregon Zoo, PAWS, Sustainability in Prisons Project, and our citizen scientists. This is the annual opportunity for Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife and its partners to discuss and plan the past and upcoming turtle seasons and all things related to turtle recovery.

Oregon Spotted Frog Working Group: Biologists Butler and Tirhi represented District 11 at the annual Washington working group meeting hosted at U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service headquarters. The meeting was well attended by federal, state, county, and non-government organizations, including academia and citizen science partners. This meeting is our annual opportunity to review, discuss, and plan all things related to spotted frog recovery in Washington. Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife is grateful for the excellent partnerships protecting this most amazing and precious frog (Rana pretiosa, meaning "precious frog").

Several people standing at a pond
Photo by WDFW
Biologist Tirhi attending the field trip portion of the 2024 Oregon spotted frog working group meeting and visiting the newly created frog ponds at partner Capitol Land Trust’s Allen Creek Preserve.

Oregon Spotted Frog Hydrology Monitoring: Biologist Tirhi completed the weekly hydrology monitoring at our Salmon Creek frog breeding site. This monitoring provides information on the success of the frog restoration work, including the control of invasive reed canary grass. Fall and winter rains have returned and are filling the wetlands and should provide adequate levels for successful spotted frog breeding. Temperatures suggest that the frog season may start earlier this year.

Flooded fields
Photo by WDFW
Flooded fields at the Salmon Creek Oregon spotted frog oviposition site in areas where invasive reed canary grass is mowed annually for control by hired Washington Conservation Corp crews.

Marbled Murrelet: Biologist Tirhi assisted Olympia headquarters staff members with one evening session of murrelet captures on various parts on the Puget Sound. Although they did not capture any murrelets on this outing, one was seen towards the end of the survey but flushed before being caught. Tirhi and Butler will be assisting again in February.

Sea Duck, Marine Bird Surveys: Biologist Murphie participated in the annual Puget Sound Ecosystem Monitoring Program winter marine bird and mammal survey effort, as a primary observer. These surveys have been conducted since 1992 and sample the inland marine waters of Washington. Biologist Murphie has participated in this effort since 1995. Observers identify and count all birds and marine mammals seen within a fifty-meter strip on either side of the survey aircraft. The current survey track line extends about 4,000 miles. The survey effort was completed on Jan. 30.

Grouse Wing and Tail Collection Barrels: Biologist Murphie placed grouse wing collection barrels at two locations in District 15 prior to the grouse season opener in September. They were located at Simpson Mill 5 near Matlock and at the George Adams Hatchery north of Shelton during the entirety of the grouse hunting season and 24 samples were collected. Both barrels were removed after the season ended.

Goose Surveys: Biologists Cent and Novack conducted their bi-monthly dusky Canada goose surveys across Grays Harbor and Pacific counties.

Swan Surveys: Biologist Cent conducted another tundra and trumpeter swan count since, the first survey resulted in a low count total of 52 swans. Sometimes the swans are simply in a location that we are unaware of or do not have visual access. The second count resulted in 104 swans.

Plover Survey: Biologist Cent and Diversity Biologist Anholt surveyed multiple coastal sites for wintering snowy plovers in coordination with surveys across Oregon and California. A total of 38 wintering plovers were recorded at Midway and along the beach north of Ocean Shores. At least four banded plovers were seen. They hope that additional birds will be seen by U.S. Fish and Wildlife Services at Leadbetter and the Shoalwater Tribe at Graveyard/Empire spit.

Auklet Reports: Biologist Cent responded to a report of dead auklets along the beach in Ocean Shores. One carcass was retrieved for disease testing.

Providing Recreation Opportunities

Grays Harbor Access Areas Clean up: Access staff members continue to deal with dumping at Grays Harbor Access Areas, specifically: Morley-Humptulips River, Longs Swamp-Wishkah River, and Fuller Bridge-Chehalis River. Pictured below are just a few of the recent illegal dump sites that have occurred on Department of Fish and Wildlife properties in recent weeks.

Trash littered on the ground
Photo by WDFW
Trash littered on the ground
Photo by WDFW
Longs Swamp-Wishkah River.
Trash littered on the ground
Photo by WDFW
Trash littered on the ground
Photo by WDFW
Fuller Bridge Chehalis River.

Reynvaan Bar-Humptulips River: Access staff members with the assistance of the neighboring timber company’s logging equipment and behind the scenes work by Region 6 Enforcement officers were finally able to remove and dispose of an abandoned travel trailer that was forcefully dragged through a jeep trail until it was hung up in between trees in a wooded area of the site and came to rest on the property boundary. The additional help was definitely needed to accomplish this task. The loader was able to dismantle and load the travel trailer in two dump trailers for removal.

An abandoned broken down RV
Photo by WDFW
An abandoned RV being pulled out from the woods
Photo by WDFW
The remains of an RV being lifted by a tractor
Photo by WDFW
Abandoned RV being loaded into a trailer
Photo by WDFW
Abandoned trailer removal from Reynvaan Bar-Humptulips River.

Lake Tahuya Access Area, Mason County: Access staff members made concrete forms and placed removable bollards at the recently developed Lake Tahuya site. The bollards are located atop of the access trail, the trail and access were designed for hand launching only. The bollards were placed to ensure vehicles do not attempt to access the water. However, they are locking and removable when needed for planting fish or facility maintenance.

New bollards
Photo by WDFW
Base of a new bollard
Photo by WDFW
New bollards installed at Lake Tahuya Access Area.

Treponeme-associated Hoof Disease Permit Hunters: Biologist Novack has checked the hooves from various Master Hunter permittees and issued renewal letters for those submitting abnormal hooves. The renewal letters allow the Master Hunter to use their unused general season tag to try and harvest a second treponeme-associated hoof disease (TAHD) infected elk.

Conserving Natural Landscapes

Elk River Wetland Planting: District Biologist Novack, Assistant District Biologist Cent and Wildlife Area Manager Bechtold assisted Wildlife Area Technicians Magliaro and Martinez to complete a 2-acre wetland planting project in the Elk River Unit of the Olympic-Willapa Hills Wildlife Area. The project took about two months to complete in total. The project entailed the installation of roughly 200 large willow and cottonwood cuttings, as well as constructing and installing protective cages to prevent damage from beaver, nutria, elk, etc. This project is part of a larger habitat enhancement project at the Elk River Unit, funded by the Washington State Recreation and Conservation Office, with upland, wetland, and riparian aspects.

A field with new trees
Photo by WDFW
The planting site, mid project.

South Puget Sound Management: Technician Morgan and Wildlife Area Manager Laushman continued weed management activities at the South Puget Sound Wildlife Area in Lakewood, specifically mowing Scotch broom to open up native populations of lupine and pulling patches of spurge laurel.

A before and after of a field being mowed
Photo by WDFW
Before and after photos of a mowed section of the South Puget Sound Wildlife Area.

Theler Wetlands: The Hood Canal Salmon Enhancement Group’s Washington Conservation Corps crew removed invasive plants around the Theler Wetlands at the Union River Wildlife Area. These included large swaths of blackberry and hanging sedge around the Theler Community Center buildings.

A cleared area
Photo by WDFW
An area previously filled with Himalayan Blackberry, cleared and replanted by Washington Conservation Corp.

McNeil Plantings: The Nisqually Tribe’s planting crew helped wildlife area and Habitat Program staff members replant the Milewa Estuary restoration area on McNeil Island. The estuary was restored in 2022 and new native shrub species were provided by partners at the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service to help restore the disturbed banks. 

Several people planting shrubs
Photo by WDFW
Nisqually planting crew and Washington State Department of Fish and Wildlife staff members plant native shrubs on McNeil Island

Joint Base Lewis-McChord Integrated Natural Resource Management Plan. Biologist Tirhi spent considerable time reviewing and providing edits to the draft integrated natural resource management plan (INRMP). The INRMP guides natural resource management across the Department of Defense Joint Base Lewis-McChord (JBLM) Installation. JBLM contains the majority of remnant south Puget Sound prairie, a habitat that is critical to the recovery of several federally and state listed prairie species including Mazama pocket gopher, streaked horned lark, Oregon vesper sparrow, and Taylor’s checkerspot butterfly. Other priority species also rely on this area, in particular native prairie butterflies. For this reason, the INRMP plays a critical role.  

Providing Education and Outreach

Puyallup Sportsmen’s Show: Biologist Novack and Butler staffed the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife booth at the Puyallup Sportsmen’s show on Jan. 31 and interacted with a large number of hunters. Public inquiries ranged from questions about where to apply for special permits to, what is going to happen with grizzly bears.

Falconry Opportunities: Wildlife Area Manager Laushman met with a local falconer to discuss wildlife areas suitable for hunting with his red-tailed hawk, Ruby.

A falconer with his red-tailed hawk
Photo by WDFW
A local falconer and his red-tailed hawk visit the South Puget Sound unit to discuss opportunities in the area.

General Wildlife Inquiries: Biologist Murphie responded to inquiries received by phone or email related to duck hunting, osprey nest removal, river otters, and bird watching.

Biweekly report Jan16-31 2024 - Region 5 (Southwest)

Report sections

Managing Wildlife Populations

Klickitat Mule Deer Aerial Survey Results: During the week of Dec. 11, Biologists Wickhem, Bergh, Holman, Jacobsen and Bundick conducted annual helicopter surveys for mule deer in GMUs 388 and 382. The survey consists of flying transects over 15 randomly selected survey units in Klickitat County between the Klickitat River and the eastern boundary of the county.

When a group of deer is located, they are counted and classified (age, sex, and number of antler points, if present). Several other covariates are also collected including vegetation type, amount of cover, amount of snow, etc.

Since the surveys were completed, Biologist Wickhem has been entering and analyzing data using the Idaho Sightability Model, a statistical model that uses the counts and covariates to estimate a population for the survey area. The model estimated that GMUs 382 and 388 have approximately 7,978 deer. There is considerable error in this estimate since the vegetation types used in the Idaho Sightability Model do not directly translate to the Washington landscape, however it is the closest model that currently exists.

We can still use these estimates along with harvest to monitor trends in the population. After dropping significantly from 2016 to 2017 following an extremely harsh winter, the population estimates have remained relatively stable. Since 2017, managers have removed nearly all anterless hunting opportunities in an attempt to rebound the population. On the upside, the estimated ratios of fawns and bucks for every 100 does were 56 and 23, respectively. Fifty-six fawns for every 100 does is on par with previous surveys and 23 bucks is the highest recorded buck to doe ratio since surveys began in 2016.

Graph of population estimates
Photo by WDFW
Population estimates for Klickitat Mule Deer in GMUs 382 and 388 from 2016-2023.

GPS-collared Mule Deer Mortalities: Biologist Bergh and Wildlife Conflict Specialist Jacobsen had a snowy adventure to GMU 382 to retrieve the GPS collars from two study deer that had died the previous week during the snow and ice storms. One of the deer was still completely intact and had been covered in snow until recently and the only parts left to the other deer were the spine, some ribs, and two legs. That deer had been scavenged by a coyote and several birds, so a cause of death was unable to be determined. The intact deer had diarrhea on her tail and there was bloody diarrhea nearby. Samples of the organ tissues were sent to the Washington Animal Disease Diagnostic Lab at WSU to test for evidence of disease.

Intact mule deer carcass in the snow
Photo by WDFW
Intact mule deer carcass that had been covered in snow until the sun came out.
Wildlife Conflict Specialist hiking through the snow
Photo by WDFW
Wildlife Conflict Specialist Jacobsen hikes up and down and across a canyon to retrieve the GPS collar.

Biologist Wickhem, Wildlife Conflict Specialist Jacobsen, and Volunteer Zoller responded to another “mortality signal” from a GPS collared deer later in the same week, this one in GMU 388. This retrieval required an approximately four-mile round trip excursion on snow-covered roads, that Wickhem thoroughly enjoyed on her skis, while Jacobsen and Zoller post-holed. Despite responding to the location as soon as possible, only one small piece of ribcage was found at the mortality location, making it impossible to determine the cause of death. The crew was able to locate the collar using radio telemetry, after a coyote carried it 400 yards from the carcass remains and buried it in the duff under a tree.

WDFW Employees in the snow
Photo by WDFW
Lovely day for a ski! It’s never a good day for a post-hole walk.
A collar in the snow
Photo by WDFW
Digging the collar out of the duff, with coyote tracks leading to the spot.

Injured Owl: Wildlife Conflict Specialist Jacobsen received a report regarding an injured great horned owl in the Goldendale area that needed transport to a rehabilitation center. Jacobsen responded to the residence and determined the owl was actually a western screech owl, which is substantially smaller than a great horned owl. The owl was in poor condition due to its wing having been wedged between two buildings – the owl dangled there for several days until the homeowner noticed it and freed it. Jacobsen transported the owl to Rowena Wildlife Clinic in Oregon, where it received treatment for its injuries.

Injured western screech owl
Photo by WDFW
Injured western screech owl.

Cascade Red Fox Report: Wildlife Conflict Specialist Jacobsen was contacted by a member of the public regarding a possible sighting of a Cascade red fox along the Idaho border. Jacobsen confirmed that the fox was a lowlands red fox, not a Cascade red fox. The Cascade red fox only inhabits alpine and subalpine habitat in the south Cascades and has a population size that is estimated to be around 50 individuals.

A lowland fox in the street
Photo by reporting party
Lowland red fox in an urban area. 

Track Survey: Wildlife Conflict Specialist Jacobsen accompanied Biologist Spence on a wolf track survey in the Gifford Pinchot Forest via snowmobile. Tracks of snowshoe hare, coyote, and cougar were observed, but no wolf tracks were detected.

Two wildlife conflict specialists on snowmobiles
Photo by WDFW
Biologist Spence and Wildlife Conflict Specialist Jacobsen performing track surveys via snowmobile.

Hunter Harvest Checks: Hunting seasons for some species continue. Regional wildlife biologists, wildlife conflict specialists, and customer service specialists continue to make checks of hunter harvested wildlife that have seasons continuing into the winter months. Many species of wildlife, including cougars and bobcats, have various checking requirements to facilitate biological sample collection and assure the legality of harvests. Hunters are reminded to check the Big Game Seasons Pamphlet in order to be clear on checking requirements for various species as well as season dates.

During this reporting period, Biologist Holman and Biologist Wickhem checked two cougars each. Wildlife Conflict Specialist Jacobsen checked a sub-adult male cougar from GMU 382 and a male bobcat from GMU 388.

Providing Conflict Prevention and Education

District 9 Cougar Sighting Report: Wildlife Conflict Specialist Jacobsen fielded a report of a cougar sighting in a residential area of Klickitat County. Jacobsen confirmed the sighting after viewing a video of the cougar.

A cougar
Photo by WDFW
Screenshot of cougar video

District 9 Habituated Bear: Over the past two months, Wildlife Conflict Specialist Jacobsen responded to multiple complaints in eastern Clark County regarding a large black bear that had been accessing human food sources. Jacobsen worked with multiple landowners to correct improperly secured attractants, but the bear continued to seek out potential sources of food and eventually began ripping apart structures in search of food.

Normally, bears should be hibernating at this point in the season due to the widespread lack of available forage during the winter. Jacobsen determined that this bear had been habituated to accessing human food and attractants such as bird seed, likely over multiple years, based on landowner reports. Given that the bear had decided to “skip” hibernation this year, the lack of available natural forage in the area, the lack of suitable relocation sites in winter, and the level of damage the bear had been causing and degree of habituation he was exhibiting.

Jacobsen eventually trapped and lethally removed the 260 lb. male bear. This was an extremely unfortunate incident that likely could have been prevented if the landowners in the area had responsibly secured their attractants to prevent the bear from accessing them.

A bear trap
Photo by WDFW
Bear trap deployed at residence.
A bear entering a bear trap
Photo by WDFW
Food-habituated bear entering the bear trap.

District 9 Cougar Encounter: Wildlife Conflict Specialist Jacobsen and Officer Bolton responded to an incident where an antler shed hunter had a close encounter with a cougar and ended up killing the cougar with his sidearm.

The shed hunter inadvertently came across the cougar while hiking through the woods. Unbeknownst to the shed hunter, the adult female cougar was feeding on a deer kill when the shed hunter passed by. The shed hunter looked up and saw the cougar roughly 30 yards away. At that point, the shed hunter stopped walking forward and began to back up, while chambering a round in his sidearm. The cougar, likely trying to scare the shed hunter away from her kill, turned towards the shed hunter and flattened her ears back in a defensive posture. Fearing for his safety, the shed hunter fired a shot at the cougar. The cougar began running towards him while the shed hunter continued firing his sidearm. The cougar eventually ran past the shed hunter and died from multiple gunshot wounds a short distance past the hunter.

This chain of events is extremely uncommon and was likely due to the cougar trying to scare the shed hunter away from her kill. Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife encourages outdoor recreationists to be prepared to encounter wildlife such as cougars by carrying bear spray as well as by being familiar with cougar habits and behavior. If a cougar is encountered in the wild, recreationists are encouraged to make loud noises, appear as big as possible, and give the animal its space. More information on encountering cougars in the wild can on the WDFW website.

Cougar tracks in the snow
Photo by WDFW
Cougar tracks in the snow. Note the interdigital pad shape (the pad between the toes) - two lobes at the top of the pad and three lobes at the bottom of the pad are indicative of a feline track.

District 9 Elk Damage to Hay Field: A landowner contacted Wildlife Conflict Specialist Jacobsen regarding elk damage to a hay field. The landowner has had a poor hay crop on the field for the past few years due to persistent elk damage and requested a Master Hunter from the Region 5 elk damage pool to assist in lethally removing the elk from the property. Jacobsen deployed an elk hunter to the property, who harvested a hoof-diseased elk within a short time of his arrival at the field. This particular elk group has had a high prevalence of Treponeme-associated hoof disease (TAHD) among individuals there for several years.

Elk hooves affected by TAHD
Photo by WDFW
Harvested elk with characteristic symptoms of TAHD.

Conserving Natural Landscapes

Charismatic Mini-fauna on Mount Saint Helen’s Wildlife Area: When we first think of managing wildlife areas, we typically think of managing habitat for large and/or well-known species like elk and waterfowl. However, Wildlife Areas provide important habitat for a variety of species. While working on the Mount Saint Helen’s Wildlife Area, Assistant Manager Risley and Technician Crane observed some of the charismatic mini-fauna that call the wildlife area home.

Rough-skinned newt
Photo by WDFW
Rough-skinned newt in a hand
Photo by WDFW
Rough-skinned Newt (Taricha granulosa) observed on the Hoffstadt Unit.
Red-breasted sapsucker
Photo by WDFW
Red-breasted sapsucker (Sphyrapicus ruber) observed near the Canal Road Unit.

Biweekly report Jan16-31 2024 - Region 4 (North Puget Sound)

Report sections

Managing Wildlife Populations

Midwinter Aerial Seabird Surveys: Regional and Waterfowl Section biologists took to the skies to continue the long-term monitoring effort to document the abundance, trends and distribution of marine birds and mammals in the Puget Sound and Strait of Juan de Fuca. The team completed all surveys by the end of January, which is no small feat considering the amount and length of survey transects (blue and red lines in map below). Check out the survey data!

An airplane wing
Photo by WDFW
Clear views of the southern Puget Sound.
A map with survey lines
Photo by WDFW
Map of survey transects.

Port of Seattle Terminal 91: Biologist Anderson met with Port of Seattle and King County environmental staff members regarding the need to remove a creosote piling in the Terminal 91 area. They discussed the effects to the purple martin colony at the site. This project is part of a larger revisioning and redevelopment of that area.

The Port is examining alternative, steel piling sites in Elliott Bay, Duwamish Waterway, and on site at Lake Jacobs, between and just north of Terminal 91 and Terminal 90. These alternative sites seem, initially, to be good alternatives. If they are used, they would provide for similar alternate purple martin nest site opportunities for the greater Elliott Bay population of this state species of greatest conservation need. The local martin population along the Seattle waterfront has the largest concentration of martins in King County.

Two of four piling sites
Photo by Elaine Chuang
Two of the four piling sites that have long-term martin use via stewardship activities at Terminal 91, Seattle.

West/East of Cascade Crest Bobcat Study: Biologist Smith assisted Scientist Kertson with ongoing bobcat trapping in District 12.

A trapped bobcat
Photo by WDFW
First successfully trapped bobcat in the new study.

 Trumpeter Swan Project: Biologist Smith assisted in captures of swans related to a new forage and spatial use study.

Biologist Smith holding a trumpeter swan
Photo by WDFW
Biologist Smith with a trumpeter swan that is about to be released from capture efforts.

Conducting Business Operations and Policy

Northern Spotted Owl, South Fork Tolt Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Relicensing, Bat Box, Secretive Wetland Birds: Biologist Anderson participated in ongoing meetings regarding internal and external working groups, which all kicked-off in the new year. Looking forward to contributing and helping with working group needs and decisions.

Biweekly report Jan16-31 2024 - Region 1 (Eastern)

Report sections

Managing Wildlife Populations

Bighorn Sheep: Biologist Brinkman received a report from a member of the public that had discovered a collared bighorn sheep that had died in the Lincoln Cliffs area. The sheep was presumed to have been killed and eaten by a cougar, the reporting party observed tracks around the kill site and took pictures that were verified by Biologist Brinkman.

Although the kill looked relatively fresh, the carcass was almost completely consumed. The skull was still intact, as was the collar. The remains were collected by the reporting party and were dropped off at the regional office in Spokane. Upon receiving the collar, Biologist Lowe searched the bighorn collar database for the Lincoln Cliffs herd and determined that this ewe was collared as an adult in 2015.

Remains of a female bighorn sheep from the Lincoln Cliffs herd.
Photo by WDFW
Remains of a female bighorn sheep from the Lincoln Cliffs herd that was likely preyed upon by a cougar.

Tucannon Bighorn Sheep Herd: A ewe with a GPS collar was sending off a mortality signal and had a cluster of points in one spot. Wildlife Area Manager Dingman and Natural Resource Technician Tritt located her and determined the collar was malfunctioning. The ewe was standing up and feeding and looked healthy. Later in the week Dingman found 12 of the 13 sheep in the Tucannon herd. The one half-curl ram is still missing.

Deer Road Surveys: Biologist Vekasy compiled summaries of post-hunt deer surveys for District 3. District staff members counted and classified 1,353 mule deer for a buck to100 doe ratio of 0.19 and a fawn to100 doe ratio of 0.55. Incidental to mule deer counts, we also counted and classified 406 white-tailed deer for a buck to100 doe ratio of 0.28 and fawn to100 doe ratio of 0.62. Mule deer buck ratios were lower than the previous 5-year mean but within the 95% Confidence Interval (CI), while fawn ratios were higher than the 5-year mean but also within the 95% CI. White-tailed ratios for both buck and fawn were both above the 5-year means but within the 95% CIs.

Bighorn Sheep Capture: Vekasy worked with District Biologist Wik to dart bighorn sheep lambs in the Asotin Creek herd. Lambs are being collared to detect adolescent movements of bighorns, providing new information for risk-management models for contact with domestic sheep and goat herds. In addition, the recent detection of M. ovi. in bighorn sheep from multiple Hells Canyon herds makes disease testing a priority. 

Swan: Biologist Brinkman received a swan carcass that was found by a hunter while waterfowl hunting. This was the only bird carcass found in the area, veterinary staff members decided to not test for Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) at this time. However, if additional bird carcasses are discovered in that area, tests will be conducted to determine if a localized HPAI outbreak may have occurred.

Providing Recreation Opportunities

Recreation Access Site Maintenance: Maintenance Mechanic Heimgartner and Natural Resource Technician Nielsen cleaned and serviced access areas across the district. 

Recreation Access Site Maintenance.
Photo by WDFW

Sportsman Contacts: Wildlife Conflict Specialist Wade spoke with two muzzleloader elk hunters this week and assisted them with identifying a potential area to hunt. One hunter contacted Wade to let him know that he had successfully harvested a cow elk on a Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife Register to Hunt area, Wade had recommended. Wade assisted the hunter with contacting the owner of the property to gain vehicle access to the property so that the hunter could retrieve the elk. The hunter thanked Wade and Natural Resource Technician Heitstuman for their information sharing and assistance. 

Hunting Access: Private Lands Biologist Hadley spoke to a gentleman regarding hunting access for next upland bird season. He was looking for properties to hunt with his daughter. Hadley recommended several access sites in Walla Walla and Columbia County and forwarded information of a couple local hunting chapters that have a strong youth program and women program to see if his daughter would be interested. He was very appreciative. 

Sign removal: Private Lands Biologist Hadley began removing access signs on a property that was recently removed from a Washington State Department of Fish and Wildlife hunting access program in Columbia County. 

Providing Conflict Prevention and Education

Wild Game Retrieval: Wildlife Conflict Specialist Samsill picked up a dead buck deer and a dead bull moose calf from two different properties in Ferry County. The carcasses were transported to the Wildlife Health Lab at the Spokane Regional Office and will be used at an upcoming necropsy training. 

Cougar Sighting: Wildlife Conflict Specialist Samsill followed up on a series of cougar sightings in Springdale. Upon speaking to the reporting party, Samsill determined that they had never actually seen a cougar but believed a cougar was frequenting their property based on grainy security camera footage and tracks. Although Samsill was unable to view the videos the reporting party referred to, pictures of tracks indicated that a large dog was frequenting the property instead of a cougar. 

Elk Damage: Wildlife Conflict Specialist Kolb spoke with a Spokane County landowner about on-going elk damage to a haystack. Advice was provided and the producer is considering entering into a Damage Prevention Cooperative Agreement

Wolf Non-Lethals: Wildlife Conflict Specialist Kolb responded to a proactive request for non-lethal support from a Columbia County producer who will start calving soon. The calving pastures are within the Columbia pack territory and the producer has experienced wolf-livestock interactions in previous years. Kolb dropped off foxlights and offered to help set up fladry once calves start hitting the ground. 

Elk Damage: Wildlife Conflict Specialist Samsill responded to the report of elk consuming and damaging haystacks in Fruitland. Samsill performed a site visit and provided the producer with a landowner kill permit. Samsill offered to erect electric fencing around the haystack, however the producer decided to stack unwanted moldy hay bales around the hay he intends to feed to his livestock.

This acted as a barrier to prevent elk from reaching the quality hay inside. The producer requested additional damage permits. Samsill informed the producer that a Damage Prevention Cooperative Agreement for Crop Damage (DPCA) contract would need to be signed and the producer would need to commit to a hunting access option before additional permits could be issued. The producer agreed to sign a DPCA and asked to be added to the landowner access list for elk and turkey hunting. 

Stuck Deer: Wildlife Conflict Specialist Kolb was contacted by Wildlife Services concerning a deer stuck on a landing at Lower Monumental Dam. Kolb contacted the Corps of Engineers and coordinated dam access. The location of the deer impacted contracted work plans at the dam. Numerous Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife and Corps of Engineers staff members assisted with the effort. The deer was removed from the landing and scheduled work was able to be resumed. 

Clarkston Deer Call: Wildlife Conflict Specialist Wade responded to two deer calls this week. The first call was a report of a deer that was deceased in an absentee homeowner’s lawn. When Wade contacted the homeowner, they had already arranged to have the carcass removed. The second call was a report of a deer that was unable to stand. Wade and Natural Resource Technician Heitstuman responded to the area to evaluate the deer. They determined that euthanizing the deer and removing the carcass for Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) sampling was the best course of action. Upon further inspection, it was determined that the deer was infested by ticks. Natural Resource Technician Heitstuman collected CWD samples and disposed of the carcass.

Haystack Damage: Natural Resource Technician Harris followed up on a complaint of elk damage to a haystack in Ferry County. The producer reported that they had setup their own electric fence around the haystack to protect it from the elk, but the elk managed to destroy the fence beyond repair. Harris issued a kill permit and loaned the producer an electric fence kit to protect the haystack from further losses. 

Damage to Ferry County haystack caused by elk.
Photo by WDFW
Damage to Ferry County haystack caused by elk. 

Asotin County Wolf Activity: Natural Resource Technician Heitstuman responded with Supervisor Wade to a potential depredation in the Grande Rhonde area. The Radio Active Guard (RAG) Box was deployed, and Foxlights were put up at several locations. 

The Radio Active Guard (RAG) Box was deployed.
Photo by WDFW
The Radio Active Guard (RAG) Box was deployed
Photo by WDFW

Conserving Natural Landscapes

Lands and Facilities Check: Natural Resource Technicians Meisner and Hammons cut up and cleared some dead trees that had succumbed from the Lick Creek fire and came down in a windstorm. The trees blocked access and made a mess. Wade also checked the Smoothing Iron house and placed a trail camera in Warner Gulch.

Hazard trees leaning into the road.
Photo by WDFW
Hazard trees leaning into the road. 
Clearing hazard trees.
Photo by WDFW
Clearing hazard trees.

Conducting Business Operations and Policy

Grant Applications: Natural Resource Technician Nizer followed up with Pheasants Forever Spokane Chapter to give them more information about a site that could be a great habitat planting area. Nizer gave pictures of the site as well as a report that was taken during a site evaluation.

Natural Resource Technician Nizer applied for an internal grant for turkey habitat that was applied for last year and requested more funding to continue habitat work for roosting, nesting, and brood rearing habitat. The total amount requested for the project was $5,000. Maps were created through GIS of the updated planting areas. 

General Facilities and Equipment Maintenance and Repairs: Sherman Creek Wildlife Area Assistant Manager Palmer spent a good amount of time plowing snow at the wildlife area headquarters. Between six and ten inches of snow fell between Tuesday and Friday in Spokane and northeastern Washington. North Region 1 Access Area Manager Dziekan spent a fair bit of time removing snow from parking lots at access areas and the Region 1 headquarter facilities, and Dziekan made sure sidewalks were ice-free. 

Plowing snow at Sherman Creek Wildlife Area facilities.
Photo by WDFW
Plowing snow at Sherman Creek Wildlife Area facilities.

Administrative Duties: Dziekan began the process of updating specifications for his career seasonal employee, changing term length from six months to nine months. The change will provide more stability for the Incumbent Natural Resource Technician Brant but it is also beneficial to Research Scientist DeVivo.

Brant will still be working with Dziekan on access areas for six months out of the year, and for the other three months he will be doing Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) surveillance work. With the term change, DeVivo won’t have to worry about recruiting candidates for a three-month position, but will already have an employee onboarded, trained, and ready to sample.

Brant will get some biology work that he can put on his resume to go with his new biology degree. This will help make him more able to meet his career goal of becoming a biologist. So far, Dziekan has created a ticket to change the season length, and he has received approval from Washington Association of Fish & Wildlife Professionals (WAFWP) for the change, which will come with no loss of off-season benefits.


W.T. Wooten Wildlife Area: Natural Resource Technician Jensen found a postcard from 1942 for sale on eBay that is a photo of the W.T. Wooten Wildlife Area taken just north of the headquarters. Wildlife Area Manager Dingman was able to get the postcard photo enlarged and printed on metal to hang in the W.T. Wooten headquarters. 

Picture of W.T. Wooten Wildlife area 1942.
Photo by WDFW

Biweekly report Jan16-31 2024 - Region 2 (North Central)

Report sections

Managing Wildlife Populations

Trapped, Sick and Injured Wildlife: Biologists in District 5 have been receiving several phone calls regarding deer that have been stuck in the east-low canal. Biologists have teamed up with the Adams County Irrigation District Office in setting out deer escape ramps in areas where it is most common for deer to be found trapped. Along with the escape ramps, there are a couple of maintenance ramps that are located throughout the canal for irrigation district employees to get equipment into the canal that deer are also able to easily access should they walk along the canal far enough to find it.

Northern Leopard Frogs: Biologists Nason, Dougherty, and Clements are continuing to plan the 2024 northern leopard frog field season. They have also worked with the broader northern leopard frog team to identify priority actions for conservation, including DNA analysis of frogs surveyed in the 2023 season and dedicated bullfrog management.

Pygmy rabbit winter burrow search.
Photo by WDFW
Pygmy rabbit winter burrow search. Can you spot the biologist?

Pygmy Rabbits: District 5 staff members, including Biologists Nason and Dougherty, have continued to support the pygmy rabbit team with their winter burrow survey efforts. Despite challenges with staff member turnover and melting snow, the team has successfully completed survey transects, identified active burrows, and collected samples for DNA analysis.

Pygmy Rabbit Survey: Biologists Cook and Morris assisted the pygmy rabbit recovery team with winter surveys looking for active burrows and collecting fecal pellets for DNA sampling. Snow helps with surveys, but the day grew wetter as the warmer temperatures continued to melt the snow. Surveys include walking in a zig-zag pattern through pygmy rabbit habitat and looking for signs of use such as trails, tracks, scat, and burrows. These surveys help determine occupancy and numbers of rabbits in both known and potential pygmy rabbit habitat.

Waterfowl: Biologist Clements spent a handful of days in January organizing a volunteer project reconstructing hen mallard nesting tubes with the Washington Waterfowl Association (WWA), Moses Lake chapter. Clements went out with a Washington Conservation Corps (WCC) crew to collect over 20 nest tubes to disassemble and reassemble with new straw and orchard grass.

With the help of four WWA members plus the WCC crew membrs, they were able to accomplish reassembling 30 tubes. The next day, the WCC crew members and Biologist Clements went out to redeploy the tubes to their appropriate stands. The district team will follow up in the spring to see if the nesting tubes are being utilized by any mallard hens and if any clutches are successful.

Along with the mallard nest tubes, Biologist Clements has been reaching out and connecting with several dark goose hunters that have harvested geese with GPS collars on them. The hunters have been providing extremely helpful information in regards to their harvest as well as being fairly quick to exchange the real GPS collars for replicas that have been provided to WDFW staff members from Alaska Department of Fish and Game. With the exchange of collars and information on the harvest, Alaska Department of Fish and Game biologists are sending hunters certificates and maps of the movements associated with the collars. Clements has collected over ten collars that have been harvested in in the Columbia Basin this season.

Reconstructing hen mallard nesting tubes.
Photo by WDFW
Washington Waterfowl Association – Moses Lake Chapter members assisting with constructing hen mallard nesting tubes. From left to right–Volunteers: Teters, Faegan, Brown, and O’Dell.
Washington Conservation Corps crew members assisting with constructing hen mallard nest tubes.
Photo by WDFW
Washington Conservation Corps crew members assisting with constructing hen mallard nest tubes (top: Volunteers–Goodwin, bottom from left to right: Volunteers– Trox and Lucas).
Securing a freshly made nest tube with hog rings.
Photo by WDFW
Washington Conservation Corps crew members, Trox and Lucas, securing a freshly made nest tube with hog rings.
The work group for mallard nest tube construction.
Photo by WDFW
It’s a party! The work group for mallard nest tube construction.

Providing Recreation Opportunities

Hunter Access: Biologist Morris checked fields enrolled in our Waterfowl Habitat and Access Program. Some hunters had success harvesting both waterfowl and upland birds on these sites. Biologist Morris also worked with landowners to start updating two hunter access contracts that expired this year (one Hunt by Written Permission and one Feel Free to Hunt).

A Northern Harrier’s hawk preens while perched on corn stubble.
Photo by WDFW
A Northern Harrier’s hawk preens while perched on corn stubble in a Waterfowl Habitat and Access Program field.

Conserving Natural Landscapes

Habitat Plots: Biologist Cook created an initial habitat improvement plan that would help deal with invasive common reed and Russian olive trees in a wet circle corner. The landowner was excited by the prospects of habitat improvement and Cook shared the plan. If the landowner approves the project and potential permitting is approved, field work can begin this spring.

Biologist Morris checked an established habitat plot to see if there was evidence of wildlife use during the winter. He saw upland game bird and mule deer signs in the area. This habitat plot provides valuable cover and forage for game and non-game species throughout the year.

A stream runs along the edge of a habitat plot.
Photo by WDFW
A stream runs along the edge of a habitat plot.


Specialist Heilhecker had a busy couple of weeks. She took her vehicle in for service and submitted her fingerprints to Washington State Patrol for her period review. Then she boarded a flight for the annual wolf population survey.

Wildlife Sightings: While out checking local conditions Biologist Morris spotted several great blue herons, swans, bald eagles, and other wildlife along Moses Lake.

Great blue heron sitting on the bank of Moses Lake.
Photo by WDFW
Great blue heron sitting on the bank of Moses Lake.
Rainy day at Conners Lake, Sinlahekin Wildlife Area.
Photo by WDFW
Rainy day at Conners Lake, Sinlahekin Wildlife Area.
Low fog above Fish Lake, Sinlahekin Wildlife Area.
Photo by WDFW
Low fog above Fish Lake, Sinlahekin Wildlife Area.
Coopers Hawk near Scotch Creek Wildlife Area.
Photo by WDFW
Coopers Hawk near Scotch Creek Wildlife Area.
Sunrise east of Tonasket.
Photo by WDFW
Sunrise east of Tonasket.