May 18, 2012 Audio Transcripts

Audio Transcripts



WHEN:  Friday, May 18, 2012 -- 8:30 a.m.


A. Lands Transaction - Proposed Release of Covenant, Spaight Creek Ponds, King County- Decision:

 Download MP3 File [4.5 MB]

The Commission will consider the release of a reversionary clause in a deed granted by the Department in 2004 in King County.

Staff Report:  Dan Budd, Real Estate Section Manager, Wildlife Program

Summary (PDF) - PDF format (1.8 MB)

B. Adoption of Round 2 Technical Repeals and Amendments – Decision:

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The Department will request adoption the expedited rule-making proposal that was filed as part of the WAC overhaul project.

Summary (PDF) - PDF format (1.6 MB)

Staff Report:
Joanna Eide, Administrative Regulations Analyst, Enforcement Program

C. Advisory Committee for Persons with Disabilities – Decision:

 Download MP3 File [3.7 MB]

The Commission will consider the Wildlife Committee’s recommendation to appoint a candidate to the Advisory Committee for Persons with Disabilities for Region 3.

D. Minutes for Approval - Decision:

 Download MP3 File [0.7 MB]

The Commission will consider approval of the May 4, 2012 meeting minutes.

E. General Discussion: 

 Download MP3 File [14.4 MB]

Commissioners and the Director will discuss recent activities and items of interest.

This meeting will take place by telephone conference call. The public may listen to the discussion on speakerphone by coming to the Commission Office at the Department of Fish and Wildlife headquarters, Natural Resources Building, 5th Floor, 1111 Washington Street SE, Olympia.

For additional information, contact the Commission Office at (360) 902-2267.

Tami Lininger, Executive Assistant
Washington Fish and Wildlife Commission
(360) 902-2267 office
(360) 902-2448 fax