September 20, 2013 Audio Transcripts


Audio Transcripts


WHEN:  Friday, September 20, 2013 -- 8:30 a.m.


A. Land Transaction Adjustment - Decision

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The Department will request approval from the Commission to increase the acreage and cost of land that was previously approved for the Mattson Acquisition in Pacific County. Further survey work determined the acreage was larger than what was approved.

- Summary (PDF)- PDF format (934 KB) - Presentation - PDF format (278 KB)-->

Staff Report:
Dan Budd, Real Estate Section Manager, Wildlife Program

B. 2014 Proposed Supplemental Capital Budget Reqeusts - Decision

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The Commission will consider approval of a supplemental capital budget proposal for submission to Office of Financial Management and the legislature.

- Summary (PDF) - PDF format (75 KB) - Presentation - PDF format (278 KB)


Staff Report:
Glenn Gerth, Chief Engineer, Capital Assest and Management Program

C. 2014 Meeting Schedule – Decision

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The Commission will consider approval of the 2014 meeting dates.

- Proposed 2014 Calendar (PDF) - PDF format (425 KB) - Supplemental Operating Budget Proposals - PDF format (151 KB)
- Presentation - PDF format (278 KB)

D. Minutes for Approval - Decision

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The Commission will consider approval of previous meeting minutes.

  • August 16, 2013

E. General Discussion 

Download MP3 File [26.3 MB]

Commissioners and the Director will discuss recent activities and items of interest.

This meeting will take place by telephone conference call.  The public may listen to the discussion on speakerphone by coming to the Commission Office at the Department of Fish and Wildlife headquarters, Natural Resources Building, 5th Floor, 1111 Washington Street SE, Olympia or one of the Regional Offices. If you plan to come to one of the offices to listen to the conference call please contact Commission staff at (360) 902-2267 so we can ensure adequate space is available.

Tami Lininger, Executive Assistant
Washington Fish and Wildlife Commission
(360) 902-2267 office
(360) 902-2448 fax