August 8, 2014 meeting agenda

Fish and Wildlife Commission

Meeting Minutes & Agendas

Preliminary Meeting Agenda
Download PDF version (PDF)

August 7, 2014

Natural Resources Building - 1111 Washington St SE Olympia WA


3:00 P.M. 1. Executive Session
Pursuant to RCW 42.30.110(1)(i), the Commission will meet in executive session to discuss with legal counsel representing the agency litigation or potential litigation to which the agency is, or is likely to become, a party. No action will be taken in executive session, and the public is not permitted to attend the executive session.
4:30 P.M. Recess

August 8-9, 2014

Natural Resources Building - 1111 Washington St SE, Olympia, WA 98501
First Floor, Room 172

TVW will cover the August 8-9, 2014 meeting


8:30 A.M. 2. Call to Order
  1. Commissioners' Discussion
  2. Meeting Minute Approval
8:45 A.M. 3. Open Public Input
The Commission is a direct link between citizens of Washington and the Department of Fish and Wildlife.  Comments on Department programs and topics of concern are welcome during this portion of the meeting.

NOTE: During this portion of the meeting, the public is encouraged to comment on issues that do not already have public input time on the agenda.

9:15 A.M. 4. Director's Report
The Director will brief the Commission on various items.

- Fire Update Presentation (PDF) (PDF Format 6 Mb)

10:30 A.M. BREAK
10:45 A.M. 5. 2014-2015 Waterfowl Season - Briefing, Public Hearing and Decision
Department staff will brief the Commission on Migratory Waterfowl Seasons and Regulations and take public comments on the proposed changes to amend WAC 232-28-436.

- Summary (PDF) PDF Format (78 Kb)
- Presentation (PDF) PDF Format (3 Mb)

Staff Report: Don Kraege, Waterfowl Section Manager, Wildlife Program

PUBLIC INPUT (This item only)

11:25 A.M. 6. Proposed Land Transactions - Briefing, Public Hearing and Decision
The Commission will consider approval of various land transactions recommended by the Department for the protection of critical fish and wildlife habitat, enhancement of public recreation opportunities.

- Summary (PDF) PDF Format (2 Mb)
- Presentation (PDF) PDF Format (3 Mb)

Staff Report: Clay Sprague, Lands Division Manager, Wildlife Program

PUBLIC INPUT (This item only)

11:55 P.M. LUNCH
1:00 P.M. 7. Elk Hoof Disease Diagnostic Update - Briefing
Department staff will brief the Commission on elk hoof disease diagnostic findings to date, and assessment of those findings by the WDFW Elk Hoof Disease Technical Advisory Group.

- Summary (PDF) PDF Format (307 Kb)
- Presentation Part One (PDF) PDF Format (12 Mb)
- Presentation Part Two (PDF) PDF Format (3 Mb)

Staff Report: Dr. Sandra Jonker, Region 5 Wildlife Program Manager and Dr. Kristin Mansfield DVM, MPVM, Wildlife Veterinarian

2:15 P.M. 8. Southwest Washington Elk Recreational Hunting - Briefing , Public Hearing and Decision
Department staff will brief the commission on new WAC proposal for recreational elk hunting in southwest Washington.

- Summary (PDF) PDF Format (205 Kb)
- Presentation (PDF) PDF Format (343 Kb)

Staff Report: Jerry Nelson, Ph.D., Deer and Elk Section Manager, Wildlife Program

PUBLIC INPUT (This item only)

3:00 P.M. BREAK
3:15 P.M. 9. Geoduck Diver License Rulemaking - Briefing and Public Hearing
Department staff will brief the Commission on the CR-102s filed for geoduck diver license rule changes to address the process for issuing geoduck diver licenses in light of the Legislature capping licenses issued by the department at 77 licenses per calendar year beginning January 1, 2015.

- Summary (PDF) PDF Format (468 Kb)
- Presentation (PDF) PDF Format (273 Kb)

Staff Report:  Frank Hawley, Licensing Program and Joanna Eide, Enforcement Program

3:35 P.M. 10. HPA Rules Update - Briefing and Public Hearing
Department staff will brief the Commission on the CR-102 version of the hydraulic code, including a summary of comments received from stakeholders and tribes. 

- Summary (PDF) PDF Format (9 Mb)
- Presentation (PDF) PDF Format (2 Mb)

Staff Report: Lisa Veneroso, Habitat Assistant Director; Jeff Davis Habitat Deputy Assistant Director; Randi Thurston, Habitat Protection Division Manager.

PUBLIC INPUT (This item only)

5:35 P.M. RECESS


8:30 A.M. 11. Open Public Input
The Commission is a direct link between the citizens of Washington and the Department of Fish and Wildlife. Comments on Department programs and topics of concern are welcome during this portion of the meeting.  NOTE: During this portion of the meeting, the public is encouraged to comment on issues that do not already have public input time on the agenda.
9:00 A.M. 12. Game Management Plan - Briefing & Public Hearing
Department staff will brief the Commission on the proposed 2015-2021 Game Management Plan.

- Summary (PDF) PDF Format (1 Mb)
- Presentation (PDF) PDF Format (2 Mb)

Staff Report: Dave Ware, Game Division Manager

PUBLIC INPUT (This item only)

10:30 A.M. BREAK
10:45 A.M. 13. 2015 Operating Budget Request - Briefing
Department staff will brief the Commission and answer questions about the agency's operating budget proposals.

- Presentation (PDF) PDF Format (290 Kb)

Staff Report:  Owen Rowe, Budget Officer, Technology and Financial Management

11:15 A.M. 14. Capital Budget Request - Briefing
Department staff will provide an informational brief and answer questions about the agency's Capital Budget.

- Presentation (PDF) PDF Format (2 Mb)

Staff Report:  Tim Burns, Assistant Director, Capital and Asset Management Program

11:45 A.M. 15. 2015 Legislative Proposals - Briefing
Department staff will brief the Commission and answer questions about the agency's 2015 legislative proposals.

- Presentation (PDF) PDF Format (448 Kb)

Staff Report: Ann Larson, Legislative Liaison

12:30 P.M. 16. 2015 Performance Agreement - Decision
The Director and Commissioners will discuss the proposed 2015 Performance Agreement and Expectations. 
1:00 P.M. 17. Miscellaneous and Meeting Debrief
The Commission will discuss items that arise immediately before or during the meeting and after the preliminary agenda is published.

Contact the Fish and Wildlife Commission Office for further information:
Phone 360-902-2267