January 25, 2019 meeting agenda

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January 25, 2019
8:30 a.m.


A. Petition – Rule Changes to WAC 220-312-020 regarding Coastal River and Stream Fishing - Decision
The Commission will be briefed and consider a petition regarding changes to WAC 220-312-020 regarding Coastal River and Stream Fishing and selective gear regulations on the Humptulips River above Highway 101 Bridge from March 1 – March 31.


- Summary (PDF) - PDF Format (474 Kb)
- Petition (PDF)- PDF Format (180 Kb)

B. Lower Columbia River Sturgeon Management Policy C-3001 -  Decision
The Commission will consider adoption of proposed modifications to the Lower Columbia Sturgeon Management Policy C-3001 setting guidelines for management of the white sturgeon population and fisheries.


- Summary (PDF) - PDF Format (643 Kb)

C. Columbia River Joint Commission Workgroup Update
Workgroup members along with staff will provide an update on the progress and discussions from the initial meeting on January 17, 2019.
D. Meeting Minute Approval – Decision
The Commission will consider approval of the following minutes:

- Draft January 11-12, 2019 Meeting Minutes (PDF)- PDF Format (458 Kb)

E. General Discussion
Commissioners and the Director will discuss recent activities and items of interest.

Contact the Fish and Wildlife Commission Office for further information:
Phone (360) 902-2267
Email: commission@dfw.wa.gov