May 31, 2019 audio transcript

May 31, 2019

This meeting will take place by telephone conference call

This meeting will take place by telephone conference call. The public may listen to the discussion. Please contact Commission staff at (360) 902-2267 or to obtain call in information no later than 3 p.m. on May 30, 2019.

FRIDAY, May 31, 2019

A. HPA Suction Dredging Rules - Decision

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Department staff will request approval for amendments to the hydraulic code rules for suction dredging.

- Summary (PDF)

B. Abalone Status Review and Listing - Decision

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Department staff will request approval to change the listing status of Pinto Abalone.

- Summary (PDF)

C. Pass Lake Rule Delegation – Decision

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Department staff is recommending that the Fish and Wildlife Commission delegate rule making for Pass Lake (Skagit Co.) concurrent with rule making for the North of Falcon process.  This action is needed to ensure that the rules for the North of Falcon process and the rules for Pass Lake are adopted in time to be included in the 2019-2020 Sportfishing Rules pamphlet. 

D. Coastal Dungeness Crab Whale Entanglement – Briefing

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Department staff will provide an update on the coastal Dungeness crab whale entanglements.

- Summary (PDF)
- Discussions and actions (PDF)
- Whale entanglement factsheet (PDF)
- Whale entanglement data (PDF)
- Regulation prosposals (PDF)

E. Meeting Minute Approval – Decision

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The Commission will consider approval of the following minutes:

  • May 10, 2019 – conference call

F. General Discussion

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Commissioners and the Director will discuss recent activities and items of interest.

  • Budget follow up if needed

Contact the Fish and Wildlife Commission Office for further information:
Phone 360-902-2267