April 9-10, 2020 audio transcript

April 9-10, 2020

Via Zoom Webinar or Conference Call

Thursday, April 9, 2020 – Committee Meetings

9:00 AM

Hatchery Reform Workshop Webinar – Briefing, Public Comment
Location: Zoom Webinar

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Staff will brief the Commission on the key findings of the Policy Evaluation Review report, which includes an assessment of implementation of the 11 policy guidelines relative to defined metrics in a report card format. 

- Summary Sheet (PDF)
- Presentation  (PDF)

Staff Report: Andrew Murdoch, Eastside Science Manager and Gary Marston, Hatchery Scientist

1:00 PM

Fish Committee Conference Call Meeting - Commissioners Carpenter, Kehoe, McIsaac, Graybill

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Location:  Please contact Commission staff at (360) 902-2267 or commission@dfw.wa.gov to obtain call in information.

Agenda topics:
- Guidance on Policy C-3619 language development
          - Agenda and Materials  (PDF)
          - Meeting Report (PDF)

2:30 PM

Wildlife Committee Conference Call Meeting – Commissioners Thorburn, Baker, Anderson, Linville

   Download MP3 File

Location:  Please contact Commission staff at (360) 902-2267 or commission@dfw.wa.gov to obtain call in information.

Agenda topics:
- Cougar harvest management
- Predator management option
- General discussion – current events

Friday, April 10, 2020 – Regular Webinar Meeting (Via Zoom Webinar or Conference Call)

8:30 AM

1. Open Public Input

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The Commission is a direct link between the citizens of Washington and the Department of Fish and Wildlife. Comments on Department programs and topics of concern are welcome during this portion of the meeting.  NOTE: During this portion of the meeting, the public is encouraged to comment on issues that do not already have public input time on the agenda.

9:00 AM

2.  Call to Order

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- Commissioners’ Discussion
- Meeting Minutes Approval
   - Draft March 13 Meeting Minutes (PDF)
   - Draft (PDF)March 27 Conference Call Minutes (PDF)
- Committee Reports

9:15 AM

3. Director’s Report – COVID-19 Update

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The Director will orally brief the Commission on various items.

9:30 AM

4. 2020 Game Setting Seasons – Decision

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Staff will ask the Commission for a decision on:

- WAC 220-412-050 and WAC 220-412-100 Landowner Hunt Permits
- WAC 220-416-060 Migratory Gamebird Seasons
- WAC 220-416-010 Small Game
- WAC 220-440-060 and WAC 220-416-040 Crow Depredation
- WAC 220-413-200 Hoof Disease
- WAC 220-412-090 Multi-season Tags
- WAC 220-412-070 Auction Raffle
- WAC 220-415-070, WAC 220-415-120 and WAC 220-415-130 Moose, Sheep and Goat
- WAC 220-415-040, WAC 220-413-180, WAC 220-410-060, and WAC 220-410-050 Boundaries and Closures
- WAC 220-415-020 and WAC 220-415-030 Deer General Season and Special Permits

- Summary Sheet (PDF) updated 4/9/20
- Presentation (PDF) updated 4/9/20

Staff Report: Anis Aoude, Game Division Manager

9:45 AM

5. Elk General Seasons and Special Permits – Decision

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Staff will ask the Commission for a decision on elk general seasons and special permits. 

- Summary Sheet (PDF)
- Presentation  (PDF)

Staff Report: Brock Hoenes, Ungulate Section Manager

10:05 AM

6.  Cougar Rules – Decision

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Staff will ask the Commission for a decision on options to choose from relating to recreational cougar harvest guidelines.

- Summary Sheet (PDF) updated 4/9/20
- Presentation (PDF)updated 4/9/20

Staff Report:  Anis Aoude, Game Division Manager

10:45 AM

7. Hydraulic Project Implementing Bill 1579 – Briefing, Public Hearing

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Staff will brief the Commission on the implementation of the hydraulic project bill 1579.

- Summary Sheet (PDF) updated 4/8/20
- Handout (PDF)

Staff Report: Margen Carlson, Habitat Director, Randi Thurston, Protection Division Manager, and Pat Chapman, Regulatory Services Coordinator

Public Hearing– This Item Only

11:05 AM

8. C-3619 Hatchery Policy – Briefing, Public Comment

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Staff will provide a status update on the Hatchery and Fishery Reform Policy Review project and receive guidance from Commissioners following the Science Review and Policy Performance assessment workshops.

- Summary Sheet (PDF)
- Presentation  (PDF) updated 4/10/20
- Fish Committee Recommendation  (PDF)updated 4/10/20 7:50am

Staff Report: Laurie Peterson, Fish Program Science Division Manager; Ron Warren, Director of Fish Policy

Public Hearing– This Item Only

11:50 AM

Executive Session (CANCELLED)
Pursuant to RCW 42.30.110, the Commission will meet in executive session. No action will be taken during executive session and the public is not permitted to attend.

9. Miscellaneous and Meeting Debrief *Added*

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The Commission will discuss items that arise immediately before or during the meeting and after the preliminary agenda is published.

- Year-at-a-Glance (PDF)
- DRAFT April 24 conference call agenda (PDF)

12:00 PM - Adjourn