April 9, 2021 meeting agenda

Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife
Fish and Wildlife Commission

Friday, April 9, 2021
8:30am - 12:00pm

MEETING via Web Conference Agenda
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PDF Agenda (PDF)

A. ESHB 1261 Mineral Prospecting – Decision
Staff will ask for a decision on the Hydraulic Code rule proposal to implement ESHB 1261.

- Summary Sheet (PDF)

Staff Report: Margen Carlson, Habitat Director and Theresa Nation, Environmental Planner

B. Petition – Hoh River – Decision
Staff will brief the Commission on a petition and ask for a decision on the repeal of regulation WAC 220-312-020 section (41)(e)(iii) which prohibits fishing from floating devices on the Hoh River above Morgan’s Crossing.

- Petition (PDF)
- Summary Sheet (PDF)

Staff Report: James Losee, Region 6, Fish Program Manager

C. Hatchery Policy (C-3619) Review – Decision
Commission to discuss and take action on the Anadromous Salmon and Steelhead Hatchery Policy C-3624, this would supersede Commission Policy C-3619. 

- Summary Sheet (PDF)
Policy C-3619 Review Process, including draft Policy C-3624
- Presentation  (PDF)

Staff Report: Ron Warren, Director of Fish Policy and Kenneth Warheit Supervisor, Genetic and Fish Health Laboratories

D. 3- Year Season Setting Rules – Decision
Staff will ask the Commission for a decision on rule changes and updates regarding 3-year hunting season rules.

- Summary Sheet (PDF)
- Presentations 
   - 3-year season setting (PDF)
   - Small Game, Furbearer, and Trapping (PDF)
   - Hunting Boundaries (PDF)

Staff Report: Anis Aoude, Game Division Manager and Brock Hoenes, Ungulate Section Manager, Game Division

E. Future Meeting Planning
The Commission will discuss the upcoming meeting agendas and review an updated Year-at-a-Glance.

- (PDF)Year-at-a-Glance (PDF)

F. General Discussion
Commissioners and the Director will discuss recent activities and items of interest.