WDFW Fish and Wildlife Commission - August 26 Meeting Agenda

Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife
Fish and Wildlife Commission

Friday, August 26, 2022 
8:00 – 10:30 A.M.
MEETING via Zoom Web Conference


PDF Agenda  (PDF)

A. Land Transactions – Briefing, Decision 
The Commission will consider approval of land transactions recommended by the Department for the enhancement of conservation and public recreation opportunities.

- Summary Sheet (PDF)
- Presentation (PDF)  

Staff Report:  Karen Edwards, Real Estate Manager 

B. WA-Tix Commercial Electronic Catch Reporting App – Decision
The Commission will decide on proposed rule to add dealer geolocation to the required information provided on an electronic fish receiving ticket. This rule change is needed to support a fishery enforcement feature of the new WA-Tix electronic catch reporting application under development by WDFW.

- Summary Sheet (PDF)
- Presentation (PDF)

Staff Report: Aaron Dufault, Puget Sound Shellfish Manager and Heather Hall, Intergovernmental Ocean Policy Manager

C. Future Meeting Planning
The Commission will discuss the upcoming meeting agenda items and review an updated year-at-a glance.

- Year-at- a-Glance
- Commissioner Lemkuhl's Blue Sheets 
    - Spring Bear Policy (PDF)
    - Statewide Population Status, Trend, and Limiting Factors of Deer and Elk (PDF)

D. General Discussion
Commissioners and the Director will discuss recent activities and items of interest.


WHERE: This meeting will take place via Zoom. The link for the public to listen or provide comment is: (https://us06web.zoom.us/j/85752905137) If you are interested in providing comment on this agenda, please email commission@dfw.wa.gov by 8 am on the Thursday before the start of the Commission meeting so that Commissioners have time to review them.

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Webinar ID:  857-5290-5137

1-253-215-8782 or 1-833-548-0282 (Toll Free)