January 25-27, 2024 Meeting agenda - WDFW Fish and Wildlife Commission

Natural Resources Building 
1111 Washington Street SE  
Olympia WA 98501 – Room 172 

- Committee Meetings

8:00 - 10:00 A.M. – Big Tent Committee – Commissioners Baker, Lehmkuhl, Parker, Smith

To listen dial 253-215-8782 and enter ID# 873 1981 7685 

Agenda topics:

10:00 - 12:00 PM – Wildlife Committee – Commissioners Smith, Anderson, Rowland, Myers

To listen dial 253-215-8782 and enter ID# 818 5837 3018

Agenda topics:

  • Bear and Cougar season setting rulemaking
  • Game Management Plan process review and update
  • Committee members and staff will begin discussions to schedule a presentation on current implementation of the Wolf-Livestock Protocol.
  • General discussion – current events and next meeting agenda

1:00 - 3:00 PM – Fish Committee – Commissioners Anderson, Parker, Ragen, Linville

To listen dial 253-215-8782 and enter ID# 838 5575 5580

Agenda topics:

3:00 - 5:00 PM – Habitat Committee – Commissioners Linville, Lehmkuhl, Ragen, Myers

To listen dial 253-215-8782 and enter ID# 886 6893 9395

Agenda topics:

  • Briefing on HPA rulemaking for dock flotation
  • Washington Shrubsteppe Restoration and Resiliency Initiative (WSRRI) 30-year Conservation Strategy briefing
  • Springwood Ranch acquisition approach
  • General discussion - current events and next meeting planning

- Regular Meeting Hybrid/Olympia

If you are interested in providing comments online during a hybrid meeting, please register online.  

Virtual Participation:

The following virtual registration deadlines are in effect: 

  •  Registration for those wishing to provide virtual comments closes at 5pm the day before the meeting begins.  
  •  Open Public Input is intended for comments on matters not found elsewhere on the agenda. 
  •  Registrants will be called upon and typically have three minutes to speak.  
  •  If you are unable to participate you can submit your comments on the Commission contact page

In-Person Participation:

The following in-person deadlines are in effect:

  •  If you haven’t pre-registered, complete a Public Testimony form, available at the registration table.
  • The form must be submitted 15 minutes prior to the beginning of the agenda item you wish to testify on.

To listen to the meeting please access it at the Zoom Link  or TVW Link

Or by phone by dialing 1-253-205-0468 and entering Webinar ID# 896 1965 9014

8:00 - 8:30 – 1. Call to Order

Commissioner’s Discussion

Meeting Minutes Approval

Committee Reports

8:30 - 10:00 – 2. Open Public Input

The Commission is a direct link between the citizens of Washington and the Department of Fish and Wildlife. Comments on Department programs and topics of concern are welcome during this portion of the meeting. NOTE: During this portion of the meeting, the public is encouraged to comment on issues that do not already have public input time on the agenda.

Public Comment - This Item Only

10:00 - 10:15 – Break

10:15 - 10:45 – 3. Director's Report

The Director will brief the Commission on various items.

10:45 - 11:15 – 4. North of Falcon Policy C-3608- Decision

Staff will ask the Commission to adopt the revised North of Falcon policy C-3608. The policy guides staff in annual salmon fishery planning. 

Staff Report: Kyle Adicks, Intergovernmental Salmon Manager 

Public Comments Received (PDF)

Summary Sheet (PDF)

Presentation  (PDF)

11:15 - 12:05 – 5. Columbia River Salmon Fishery Management Policy C-3630 - Briefing, Decision

Staff will brief the Commission and request Director delegation for non-concurrence and commercial logbook rule making.

Staff Report: Charlene Hurst, Columbia River Management Unit Lead and Ryan Lothrop, Columbia River Fishery Manager

Summary Sheet (PDF)

Presentation (PDF)

12:05 - 1:00 – Lunch

1:05 - 1:35 – 6. Petition: Amend and Repeal 2023-2024 Winter Steelhead Season on the Olympic Peninsula - Briefing, Decision

Staff will brief the Commission and ask for a decision regarding a rule making petition to amend and repeal the 2023-2024 winter steelhead season on the Olympic Peninsula. 

 Staff Report: James Losee, Region 6 Fish Program Manager

Petition (PDF)

Summary Sheet (PDF)


1:35 - 2:05 – 7. Petition: Amend the Marine Area 13 Crab Fishery - Briefing, Decision

Staff will brief the Commission and ask for a decision on a petition to amend the Marine Area 13 crab fishery. 

Staff Report: Aaron Dufault, Puget Sound Shellfish Manager and Katelyn Bosley, Crustacean Lead Research Scientist

Petition (PDF)

Summary Sheet (PDF)

2:05 - 2:35 – 8. Rulemaking - Fishing Season Deer Lake - Briefing, Public Hearing

Staff will brief the Commision on rulemaking subsequent to a petition for the amendment of WAC 220-312-050 proposing to open Deer Lak to a year-round fishing season.

Staff Report: Chris Donley, Region 1 Fish Program Manager

Summary Sheet (PDF)

Presentation (PDF)

Public Hearing - This Item Only

2:35 - 3:05 – 9. Mardon Skipper Periodic Status Review - Briefing, Public Comment, Decision

Staff will brief the Commission on the status of the Mardon Skipper

Staff Report: Taylor Cotten and Julie Combs

Summary Sheet (PDF)

Presentation (PDF)

Public Comment - This Item Only

3:05 - 3:35 – 10. Spotted Owl Periodic Status Review - Briefing, Public Comment, Decision

Staff will brief the Commission on the status of the Spotted Owl.

Staff Report: Taylor Cotten and Emily Kohler

Summary Sheet (PDF)

Presentation (PDF)

Public Comment - This Item Only

3:35 - 4:05 – 11. Petition: Limited Entry Spring Depredation/Management Black Bear Hunt - Briefing, Decision

Staff will brief the Commission and ask for a decision on a petition to begin rule making for a limited entry spring depredation/management black bear hunt based on the reliability and abundance estimates.

Staff Report: Anis Aoude, Game Division Manager

Petition (PDF)

Summary Sheet (PDF)

4:05 - 4:50 – Conservation Policy - Briefing, Decision

Commissioners will consider approval of the Conservation Policy

Staff Report: Margen Carlson, Conservation Director

Draft Conservation Policy (PDF)

Summary Sheet (PDF)

Presentation (PDF)

4:50 – Recess

- Regular Meeting Olympia/Hybrid

If you are interested in providing comments online during a hybrid meeting, please register online.  

Virtual Participation:

The following virtual registration deadlines are in effect: 

  •  Registration for those wishing to provide comments closes at 5pm the day before the meeting begins.  
  •  Open Public Input is intended for comments on matters not found elsewhere on the agenda. 
  •  Registrants will be called upon and typically have three minutes to speak.  
  •  If you are unable to participate you can submit your comments on the Commission contact page

In-Person Participation:

The following in-person deadlines are in effect: 

  • If you haven’t pre-registered, complete a Public Testimony form, available at the registration table.
  • The form must be submitted 15 minutes prior to the beginning of the agenda item you wish to testify on.

To listen to the meeting please access it at this Zoom Link

Or by phone by dialing 1-253-205-0468 and enter Webinar ID# 881 5267 5704

8:00 - 9:30 – 12. Open Public Input

The Commission is a direct link between the citizens of Washington and the Department of Fish and Wildlife. Comments on Department programs and topics of concern are welcome during this portion of the meeting. NOTE: During this portion of the meeting, the public is encouraged to comment on issues that do not already have public input time on the agenda.

Public Comment - This Item Only

9:30 - 9:45 – Break

9:45 - 10:15 – 13. Forest Health Project Approval Request - Briefing, Decision

Staff will seek approval from the Commission on forest management projects that involve harvesting timber volumes exceeding one million board feet.

Staff Report: Richard Tveten, Forest Management Team Lead, Lands Division

Summary Sheet (PDF)

Presentation (PDF)

10:15 - 10:45 – 14. Meeting Debrief and Future Meeting Planning

The Commission will discuss items that arise immediately before, during, or after the meeting and consider future agenda planning.

10:45 – Adjourn