Minutes and audio/video recordings
- Big Tent Committee (Zoom)
- Big Tent Committee (TVW)
- Fish Committee (Zoom)
- Fish Committe (TVW)
- Wildlife Committee (Zoom)
- Wildlife Committee (TVW)
- Regular Meeting Hybrid/Kennewick (Zoom - Click this link if you've signed up for Public Input)
- Regular Meeting Hybrid/Kennewick (TVW AM Link)
- Regular Meeting Hybrid/Kennewick (TVW PM Link)
Meeting location
Three Rivers Convention Center
7016 W. Grandridge Blvd.
Kennewick, WA 99336
- Committee Meetings
8:00am - 10:00am – Habitat Commitee - CANCELLED
10:00am - 12:00pm – Big Tent Committee - Commissioners Lehmkuhl, Baker, Parker, & Smith
To listen, dial 253-215-8782 and enter Webinar ID# 840 8916 5188
Agenda Topics:
- Conservation Policy Update
- Science Policy Discussion & Recommendation
- Ruckelshaus Report Discussion
- Future Meeting Planning & General Discussion
1:00pm - 3:00pm – Fish Committee - Commissioners Anderson, Lehmkuhl, Parker
To listen, dial 253-215-87825 and enter Webinar ID# 840 8519 0277
Agenda Topics:
- Mid-Columbia White Sturgeon
- Statewide Trout Management Briefing
- Commercial Dungeness Crab Rules: Coastal Comprehensive Line Marking Rules
- Future Meeting Planning & General Discussion
3:00pm - 5:00pm – Wildlife Committee - Commissioners Smith, Anderson, Myers, Rowland
To listen, dial 253-215-8785 and enter Webinar ID# 890 2865 0184
Agenda Topics:
- Chronic Wasting Disease Rulemaking Update
- Landowner Services Division - Wildlife Conflict Section Briefing
- Future Meeting Planning & General Discussion
- Regular Meeting Hybrid/Kennewick
If you are interested in providing public comments online during a hybrid meeting, please register online.
Virtual Participation:
The following virtual registration deadlines are in effect:
- Registration for those wishing to provide virtual comments closes at 5pm the day before the meeting begins.
- Open Public Input is intended for comments on matters not found elsewhere on the agenda.
- Registrants will be called upon and typically have three (3) minutes to speak.
- If you are unable to participate, you can submit your comments on the Commission contact page.
In-Person Participation:
The following in-person deadlines are in effect:
- If you haven't pre-registered, complete a Public Testimony Form, available at the registration table.
- The form must be submitted at least 15 minutes prior to the beginning of the agenda item you wish to testify on.
To listen to the meeting, please access it using the Zoom Link, TVW AM Session Link, or the TVW PM Session Link
or by phone by dialing 1-253-205-0468 and entering Webinar ID# 848 3188 6481
8:00am - 8:30am – 1. Call to Order
Commissioner Discussion
Meeting Minutes Approval
Committee Reports
8:30am - 10:00am – 2. Open Public Input
The Commission is a direct link between the citizens of Washington and the Department of Fish and Wildlife. Comments on Department programs and topics of concern are welcome during this portion of the meeting. NOTE: During this portion of the meeting, the public is encouraged to comment on issues that do not already have public input time on the agenda.
10:00am - 10:15am – Break
10:15am - 11:00am – 3. Director's Report
The Regional Director will welcome the Commission, as well as give an update on happenings in the area, and the Department of Fish & Wildlife Director will brief the Commission on various items.
11:00am - 11:15am – 4. Best Available Science Policy - Decision
Staff will ask the Commission for a decision on the current draft of the Best Available Science Policy.
Staff Report: Amy Windrope, Deputy Director
11:15am - 12:15pm – 5. Commercial Dungeness Crab Rules: Coastal Comprehensive Line Marking Rules - Briefing, Public Hearing
Staff will brief the Commission and hold a public hearing on the Coastal Crab Fishery to address marine life entanglements, improve monitoring, and clarify current rules.
Staff Report: Lorna Wargo, Intergovernmental Ocean Policy Coordinator and Megan Hintz, Coastal Marine Fisheries Whale Entanglement Coordinator
12:15pm - 1:00pm – Lunch
1:00pm - 2:00pm – 6. Mid-Columbia River White Sturgeon Management - Briefing, Decision
Staff will brief the Commission on Mid-Columbia River white sturgeon and request delegation to the WDFW Director for rulemaking.
Staff Report: Chad Jackson, Region 2 Fish Program Manager and Laura Heironimus, Sturgeon, Smelt, and Lamprey Unit Lead for the Columbia River Division
2:00pm - 2:45pm – 7. Quagga & Zebra Mussel Update - Briefing
Staff will brief the Commission on the status of the invasive mussel threats to Washington State.
Staff Report: Justin Bush, Aquatic Invasive Species Division Manager
2:45pm - 3:00pm – Break
3:00pm - 4:00pm – 8. Ruckelshaus Report - Discussion
The Commission and Staff from the William D. Ruckelshaus Center will discuss the Final Report of the Organizational Review of the Washington Department of Fish & Wildlife.
Staff Report: Barbara Baker, Commission Chair
4:00pm - 4:30pm – 9. Cougar Season Setting & Rulemaking - Briefing, Public Hearing
Staff will brief the Commission and hold a public hearing on the 2025-2027 Cougar Season Setting and other sealing-related rulemaking.
Staff Report: Stephanie Landry, Carnivore, Small Game, and Furbearer Section Manager and Anis Aoude, Game Division Manager
4:30pm - 5:00pm – 10. Black Bear Season Setting - Briefing, Public Hearing
Staff will brief the Commission and hold a public hearing on the 2025-2027 Black Bear Season Setting.
Staff Report: Stephanie Landry, Carnivore, Small Game, and Furbearer Section Manager and Anis Aoude, Game Division Manager
5:00pm – Recess
- Regular Meeting Hybrid/Kennewick
If you are interested in providing public comments online during a hybrid meeting, please register online.
Virtual Participation:
The following virtual registration deadlines are in effect:
- Registration for those wishing to provide virtual comments closes at 5pm the day before the meeting begins.
- Open Public Input is intended for comments on matters not found elsewhere on the agenda.
- Registrants will be called upon and typically have three (3) minutes to speak.
- If you are unable to participate, you can submit your comments on the Commission contact page.
In-Person Participation:
The following in-person deadlines are in effect:
- If you haven't pre-registered, complete a Public Testimony Form, available at the registration table.
- The form must be submitted at least 15 minutes prior to the beginning of the agenda item you wish to testify on.
To listen to the meeting, please access it using the Zoom Link or TVW Link
or by phone by dialing 1-253-205-0468 and entering Webinar ID# 868 0762 7300
8:00am - 9:30am – 11. Open Public Input
The Commission is a direct link between the citizens of Washington and the Department of Fish and Wildlife. Comments on Department programs and topics of concern are welcome during this portion of the meeting. NOTE: During this portion of the meeting, the public is encouraged to comment on issues that do not already have public input time on the agenda.
9:30am - 9:45am – Break
9:45am - 10:45am – 12. Meeting Debrief and Future Meeting Planning
The Commission will discuss items that arise immediately before, during, or after the meeting and consider future meeting planning.
10:45am - 11:00am – Break
11:00am - 1:00pm – 13. Executive Session & Working Lunch
Pursuant to RCW 42.30.110(i) and RCW 42.30.110(1)(g), the Commission will meet in executive session to discuss with legal counsel representing the agency, matters relating to agency enforcement actions, or to discuss with legal counsel representing the agency litigation or potential litigation to which the agency, the governing body, or a member acting in an official capacity is, or is likely to become, a party, when public knowledge regarding the discussion is likely to result in an adverse legal or financial consequence to the agency and to evaluate the qualifications of an applicant for public employment or to review the performance of a public employee. No action will be taken during the executive session and the public is not permitted to attend.