Island Marble Butterfly

Rule-making status: Preproposal
Rule-making reference: #P2024-12

Summary of proposed rule

The department is considering a recommendation to classify the island marble butterfly as state-endangered, threatened, or sensitive as defined under WAC chapter 220-610.

Scope and rationale for proposed rule

The department is responsible for making recommendations regarding the listing status of certain species, and if those species should be considered as sensitive, threatened, or endangered as defined under WAC chapter 220-610. The department's initial review of the island marble butterfly indicates that this species is already listed as Endangered under the federal Endangered Species Act. The department will further review all relevant data, population status and other factors affecting the species' existence in Washington State. 

Public comments

To view and submit comments, please visit the 2024 Island Marble Butterfly engagement page. 

You may also leave comments by sending an email, either with or without an attachment to or voicemail to 855-925-2801 project code 10565.

For more information

For questions please contact: Heather Bonagofski at 

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