Lake Roosevelt Recreational Sturgeon Fishery

Rule-making status: Preproposal
Rule-making reference: #2025-06

Summary of proposed rule

The department is considering amendments to the current recreational fishing seasons &
rules for Lake Roosevelt sturgeon.

Scope and rationale for proposed rule

The weak year-classes of wild-caught-larval (WCL) white sturgeon produced between 2011-2016 (year-classes of concern) that were reared and released as part of the conservation aquaculture program in Lake Roosevelt and that will begin entering the existing sturgeon harvest slot (53-63 inches Fork Length) in 2025. This group of sturgeon is present in low abundance but has high conservation value. At the same time, there is a need to maintain a harvest sturgeon fishery in Lake Roosevelt to remove over-represented year-classes of hatchery sturgeon produced from 2001-2010. 

The department must undertake multiple rule changes over the next several years for the Lake Roosevelt sturgeon fishery to maintain the harvest of target year-classes of sturgeon while managing the fishery to minimize harvest impacts to WCL year-classes of concern.

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