Update Address for Commercial Herring Harvest Logbooks

Rule-making status: Pending
Rule-making reference: #P2024-19

Summary of proposed rule

The department seeks to amend WAC 220-356-160 to update the current WDFW address for submission of harvest logbooks for commercial herring and baitfish. 

Scope and rationale for proposed rule

The WDFW La Conner office will be closing in 2025. As a result, the department is changing the mailing address for the public to send in harvest logbooks for baitfish and herring. The new address will be as follows - Department of Fish and Wildlife, Marine Resources, PO BOX 43150, Olympia, WA 98501.

This is an Expedited rule making that amends WAC 220-356-160. 


Public comments

To submit public comments on this current proposal, please contact DFW's Rules Coordinator Scott Bird at (360) 902-2403 or at rules.coordinator@dfw.wa.gov.


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