Beaver Relocation Permits-Requirements and Restrictions

Rule-making status: Withdrawn
Rule-making reference: #P2020-08

Summary of proposed rule

The department is developing a new permit that is specific to beaver relocation and consistent with RCW 77.32.585. WDFW has withdrawn the CR-102 and placing it on hold.  We plan to reschedule this rulemaking early 2024. 

Scope and rationale for proposed rule

This permit would require applicants to be certified in beaver relocation by completing a department-approved training. This certification requirement would ensure that permittees have the knowledge needed to do the following: 1) to ensure humane and safe treatment of beavers during capture, handling, and release, 2) to select release sites based on suitable habitat criteria, beaver occupation status, social tolerance, and risk of future damage, and 3) to minimize the risk of disease transmission.

Public comments

WDFW will be rescheduling this rulemaking in early 2024.

For more information

Staff Contact:

Assistance for Additional Accessibility and Persons with Disabilities Contact:
Title VI/ADA Compliance Coordinator  
Phone: (360) 902-2349, TTY: 1-800-833-6388 OR 711  

Assistance for additional accessibility and persons with disabilities contact:
833-885-1012, TTY (711), or