Periodic Status Review- Gray Wolf

Rule-making status: Withdrawn
Rule-making reference: #P2018-23

Summary of proposed rule

The department is conducting a periodic status review for the gray wolf.

Scope and rationale for proposed rule

WDFW periodically reviews the status of protected species in the state to determine whether each species warrants its current listing or deserves to be delisted or reclassified. Although listed species are supposed to have status reviews every five years, wolves have not had a status review since their listing as endangered in 1980. WDFW filed the CR-101 announcing a periodic status review for wolves back in 2018. This review will include an update of the species status report to determine whether wolves warrant their current listing status or should be reclassified to sensitive or threatened or other status.

The process involves partnering with the University of Washington to develop population modeling tools based on a decade of data from Washington’s wolves. The models will estimate survival, recruitment, pack size, and dispersal, along with predicted probability of persistence, time to recovery, and population growth rate.

WDFW will use the population model to assess the status of wolves relative to identified recovery criteria. The department will review all relevant data pertaining to the population status and factors affecting existence in Washington for the gray wolf. If this status review indicates that a change in state listing status for wolves is warranted, a public engagement process (public meetings, opportunity for comment, review of drafts, etc.) will be initiated under the guidelines of the Fish and Wildlife Commission and State Environmental Policy Act. If not, WDFW will recommend that wolves keep their current listing status.

Public comments

The public comment period has been closed. You can view the SEPA information at Final SEPA documents | Washington Department of Fish & Wildlife. Scroll down to 24004. 

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