The Commission establishes policies to preserve, protect, and perpetuate fish, wildlife, and ecosystems while providing sustainable fish and wildlife recreational and commercial opportunities compatible with healthy and diverse fish and wildlife populations. The Commission consists of nine governor-appointed members that serve six-year terms, hold meetings and hearings around the state and offer opportunities for the public to weigh in on fish and wildlife issues.
Contact the Commission: Call 360-902-2267 or submit a comment online.
Next scheduled meeting
Hybrid - Kennewick (Tri-Cities)
Commission meetings
The Washington Fish and Wildlife Commission holds regular public meetings online and at locations throughout the state.
Commission members
Meet the nine members of the Washington Fish and Wildlife Commission.
Commission policies
View policies approved by the Washington Fish and Wildlife Commission.
Contact the commission
Contact the Washington Fish and Wildlife Commission.
Co-manager hatchery policy development
WDFW and tribal co-managers undertook development of a joint hatchery management policy following adoption of the new Anadromous Salmon and Steelhead Hatchery Policy (C-3624) in April 2021.
Columbia River Fishery Policy review process
The Commission conducted a review of the Columbia River Basin Salmon Management Policy (C-3620), resulting in a new Columbia River Salmon Fishery Policy (C-3630), adopted in September 2020.
Coastal Dungeness Crab Policy C-3604 revision
This policy provides guidance to the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife to promote species conservation, as well as the economic well-being and stability of commercial and recreational crabbing.