February 8-9, 2013 Minutes

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February 8-9, 2013

Natural Resources Building, Room 172, Olympia, Washington

Public (cont.)
Miranda Wecker, Chair
Paul Wiltberger
Dan Siemann
Gary Douvia, Vice Chair
Bob Lake
Denny Peterson
Larry Carpenter
Robert Buckingham
Edward Barnes
David Jennings
Ron Garner
Wayne Cline
Conrad Mahnken
Michael Jamboretz
Bruce Barnes
Chuck Perry
Tom Burlingame
Rich Simms
Rolland Schmitten
Norm Reinhardt
Dan Stauffer
Brad Smith
Kelly Barnum
Phiippe Gayte
Stefaine Barnum
Jamie Glasgow
Commission Staff:
Greg Harris
Ken Townsend
Tami Lininger
Robert Brown
Steve Watrous
Erin Gariépy
Keith Polzr
Marcos Lopez
Dennis Dawson
Scott Cottell
Department Staff
Dan Miller
Darlene Zacherle
Phil Anderson, Director
Bill Hunter
Holly McLellan
Joe Stohr, Deputy Director
Mark Smith
Bret Nive
Joe Shorin, AGO
Rob Smith
Shane Anderson
William Frymire, AGO
Al Deuyohl
Michel Brazean
David Giglio
Wes Hoppler
Dean Cahill
Owen Rowe
Chris Bellows
Ken Miller
John Long
Rory O'Connor
Burleigh Cubert
Brian Calkins
Eli Michael
Karl Brackmann
Jason Wettstein
Bob Muhlhauser
Steve Hastings
Lynn Helbrecht
David Martin
Mark Byrne
Pat Pattillo
Laurence Bucklin
Greg Ekberg
Dan Budd
Bob Margulis
BJ Thorniley
Dennis Beich
Jim Schmitz
Brady Mojtowicz
Timothy Quinn
David Paige
Linda Saunders
George Wilhere
Alice Turner
Jerry Wright
Bruce Bjork
Bill Ward
Mike Cenci
Craig Burley
Jim Scott
Rich Childers

Friday, February 8, 2013

Chair Wecker called the meeting to order at 8:31 a.m.

1. Call to Order:

  1. Commissioners’ Discussion
    • Commissioner Douvia attended a joint meeting of Pondera, Steven’s, Ferry and Okanogan county commissioners in Colville
    • Commissioner Smith hosted a meeting focusing on getting youth involved with outdoor recreation and sports with Commissioner Jennings, Laura MacLean, AFWA D.C., Kellie Tharp, Arizona Department of Fish and Wildlife, WDFW staff including Joe Stohr, Deputy Director, Bruce Botka, Community Outreach and Public Affairs Manager, Margen Carlson, Puget Sound Policy Lead and Nate Pamplin, Assistant Director, Wildlife in attendance.
    • Commissioner Jennings brought a report regarding Tortugas marine reserve to the attention of the commission.
    • Commissioner Carpenter commented on the recent boat show in Seattle.
  2. Meeting Minutes Approval
    • February 1, 2013 – Conference Call Minutes
      - Commissioner Jennings and Chair Wecker thanked staff for prompt preparation of meeting minutes

Commissioner Jennings moved, seconded by Commissioner Perry, to approve the minutes from the February 1, 2013 conference call. Motion carried unanimously.

2. Open Public Input :
The following people signed up to provide public input during this item:

  • Paul Wiltberger – Sportfishing rules/Stillaguamish River
  • Bob Lake – Available safe areas in Washington

3. Director's Report:
The Director briefed the Commission on various items including:

  • New Community Outreach Coordinator – Jason Wettstein
  • WDFW staff participating in Winter Sports Shows
  • Mazama Pocket Gophers
  • Columbia River Policy implementation team
  • Grays Harbor – Spring Chinook
  • Wolves
    • Update on recent public wolf meetings
    • Upcoming meeting in Northeast Washington
    • New Wildlife Conflict Section Manager – Stephanie Simek
    • New Wildlife Conflict Specialist – Jay Shepherd
    • Paul Frame departing, currently recruiting for his replacement
    • Moving forward with Citizen Advisory Group and Wolf Interagency Committee
    • Field activities – aerial surveys and captures
    • Meetings with livestock producers
    • Wolf hearings/bills
    • Blue Mountains: meetings with livestock producers and aerial surveys
  • Director Anderson, Commissioner Carpenter and Jim Scott met with NOAA
    • Puget sound Chinook harvest management plan
    • Hatchery reform
    • Green & Skokomish river
    • Mitchell Act funding
    • Marine Fisheries Advisory Committee appointments: Kevin Lanier
  • Governor Inslee
    • Cabinet meetings
    • Legislative liaison group, possible change in FWC conference call timing
  • Pacific Salmon Commission
  • Northwest Indian Fisheries Commission
    • Requested meeting regarding enforcement
    • Adopted hatchery policy
  • Legislative update – Joe Stohr, Deputy Director

4. 2013 North of Falcon Policy C-3608 - Decision
Pat Pattillo, Salmon Policy Coordinator and John Long, Statewide Salmon Manager provided a briefing of the North of Falcon Policy C-3608 and proposed modifications for consideration for the January 2013 through December 2014 policy.

Vice Chair Douvia moved, seconded by Commissioner Carpenter, to accept the policy draft as presented with floor amendments.  Motion carried unanimously.

5. Climate Change - Briefing
Lynn Helbrecht, Climate Change Coordinator, Habitat Program provided a briefing to the Commission on the impacts of climate change on natural resource management in Washington.

No one signed up to provide public input for this item.

6. Proposed Land Transaction – Decision
The Commission considered approval a land transaction recommended by Dennis Beich, Region Twoi Director, and Dan Budd, Real Estate Section Manager, Wildlife Program, for the protection of critical fish and wildlife habitat, enhancement of public recreation opportunities, and responsible property management.

  • Proposed purchase of 24.83 acres on the Wenatchee River in Chelan County for public fishing and boating access

No one signed up to provide public input for this item.

Vice Chair Douvia moved, seconded by Commissioner Schmitten, to approve the proposed land transaction as presented.  Motion carried unanimously.

7. Enforcement Program Staffing Study - Briefing
Chief Bruce Bjork and Deputy Chief Mike Cenci of the Enforcement Program provided a briefing to the Commission on current staffing levels. 

8. 2013 - 2014 Sportfishing Rule Proposals - Briefing and Public Hearing
Craig Burley, Fish Management Division Manager, Fish Program briefed the Commission on the upcoming Sportfishing rules and regulations for the 2013-14 season. The Colville Tribe made a presentation regarding Lake Roosevelt Walleye regulations and management and Sturgeon.

The following people provided public testimony on this item:

Ron Garner
Michael Jamboretz
Tom Burlingham
Norm Reinhart
Robert Buckingham
Kelly Barnum-Sharms
Greg Harris
Al Senyohl
Wes Hoopler
Chris Bellows
Rory O’Connor
Eli Michael
Bob Muhlhauser
David Martin
Laurence Bucklin
Bob Margulis
Jim Schmitz
Rich Simms
Dan Stauffer
Phillipe Gayte
Jami Glasgow
Ken Townsend
Steve Watrous
Marcos Lopez
Scott Cottell

9. Puget Sound Recreational Clam and Oyster Season Changes - Briefing and Public Hearing
Rich Childers, Puget Sound Shellfish Manager briefed the Commission on proposed changes to the recreational clam and oyster seasons on Puget Sound public beaches.

No one signed up to provide public input for this item.

Chair Wecker recessed the meeting at 4:44 p.m.

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Chair Wecker called the meeting back to order at 8:30 a.m.

10. Open Public Input
The following people signed up to provide public input:

Steve Hastings – Bass and Walleye
Burleigh Cubert – Hoof rot
Mark Byrne – Small Mouth Bass, Columbia River
Mark Smith – Hoof Rot
Brady Wojtowicz – Hoof Rot
Bruce Barnes – Hoof Rot & Disabled Hunters
Edward Barnes – Elks
Robert Brown – Elk, restoration of land
Wayne Cline – Catch and Release Education
Ken Miller – Bear Damage

11. Puget Sound Watershed Characterization Project - Briefing
George Wilhere, Research Scientist and Timothy Quinn, Chief Scientist, Habitat Program briefed the Commission on the Puget Sound Watershed Characterization Project.

12. Miscellaneous and Meeting Debrief :
Blue Sheet Request - Colockum Elk Habitat Management
Commission requests a presentation from staff by Spring/Summer 13 on the following:

  • Results of the Road/Elk Habitat study done on the Colockum Area and Winter-Spring closure study on adjacent WDFW Wildlife Areas.
  • Management goals for Colockum Elk herds, damage problems, recreation and how road management may be used to reach these goals
  • Effects of antler gathering

13. Executive Session:
Pursuant to RCW 42.30.110(1)(g), the Commission met in executive session to review the performance of a public employee.  No action was taken in executive session.

Chair Wecker adjourned the meeting at 11:31 p.m.