June 1-2, 2012 Minutes

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June 1-2, 2012

Natural Resources Building - First Floor, Room 172
1111 Washington Street, Olympia, Washington

Miranda Wecker, Chair
Dan Grogan
Gary Douvia, Vice Chair
Bob Schlecht
Larry Carpenter
Ken Miller
David Jennings
Harol Bronstad
Jay Kehne
Richard Atkins
Conrad Mahnken
Marie Atkins
Chuck Perry
Ed Wickersham
Rolland Schmitten
Brian Walter
Bradley Smith
Lyle Cabe
Bob McCoy
Commission Staff:
Liz Hamilton
Tami Lininger
Linda Saunders
Erin Gariépy
Larry Zalaznik
Alan Shady
Department Staff
Rachel Vasar
Phil Anderson, Director
Jason Lungren
Joe Stohr, Deputy Director
Rebecca Beryau
William Frymire, AG
Dave Beatty
Jair Reitsma
Carl Chartain
Dave Ware
Doug Miller
Joe Williams
Patty Michak
Dan Budd
Ric Abbett
Jennifer Quan
Arly McGregor
Carol Turcotte
B.J. Thorniley
Joanna Eide
Tom Bugart
Travis Nelson
Tom Juelson
Captain Mike Whorton
Chet O'Brien
Rich Childers
Casey Bakker
Bruce Botka
Gordon Ruh
and other department staff
Joan Neff
Joe Verdoes
Bret Andrich
Mark Pidgeon
Tracey Elmore
Mike Elmore
Maura Niemisk
Pamela Maciel
Diane Gallegos

FRIDAY, June 1, 2012

Chair Wecker called the meeting to order at 8:33 a.m.

1. Call to Order:

  • Audubon Magazine - Wolverine back in Washington’s Cascade Mountains
  • Grizzly Bear recovery in Wedge area
  • Compliments to WDFW staff for creating a new Range Rider position
  • Wolf Management seminar in Albany, Oregon presented by Oregon Hunter’s Association
  • Advisory Committee to the Fish and Wildlife Commission for Persons with Disabilities interviews
  • Pheasant Farm Visit
  • Northeast County Commissioners and US Forrest Service Plan
  • Colville Trout Hatchery partnership
  1. Commissioners’ Discussion:

2. Open Public Input:
The Commission is a direct link between citizens of Washington and the Department of Fish and Wildlife.  Comments on Department programs and topics of concern are welcome during this portion of the meeting. The following individuals provided testimony during this portion of the meeting:

Ken Miller: bear damage
Richard Atkins: bear damage
Ed Wickersham: Columbia River fisheries
Brian Walter: Columbia River fisheries
Lyle Cabe: Columbia River fisheries
Bob Schlect: economic value of sportfishing
Dan Grogan: Columbia River, economic impact on business
Bob McCoy: Karelian Bear Dog program and immobilization equipment
Liz Hamilton: Columbia River fisheries Harold Brunstad: bear permits/damage

3. Director's Report:
The Director briefed the Commission on various items:

  • Retirements – Jo Wadsworth, Deputy Assistant Director, Fish Program & Peter Birch, Deputy Assistant Director, Habitat Program
  • Introduction of new Community Relations and Public Affairs Division Manager – Bruce Botka
  • Oregon Fish and Wildlife Commission has 3 new appointments Greg Wolley, Laura Anderson and Krystyna Wolniakowski
  • Annual Centennial Accord meeting
  • Razor Clams
  • Wild System Vendor
  • Puyallup Trout Hatchery removed from agenda
  • US/Canada Albacore Treaty
  • Governor’s retreats
  • Wolves – 4 new staff, implementation of non-lethal methods, Range Rider, 2 wolves captured & collared from Smackout Pack.
  • Chinook Fisheries Regulation Assessment Model
  • Budget – Joe Stohr

4. Regional Fish Enhancement Groups – Briefing:
Joe Williams, Coalition President and volunteers from various Regional Fishery Enhancement Groups (RFEGs) presented the history of the RFEG program, highlighting ties to the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife & the Fish and Wildlife Commission as well as showcasing a variety of projects and programs from around the state. The briefing covered the program in general, community involvement, funding, leveraging, and took a closer look at project and program accomplishments in several different regions.

5. Public Records Rules Updatges – Briefing & Public Hearing:
Joanna Eide, Administrative Regulations Analyst, Enforcement Program & Carol Turcotte, Public Affairs Office, briefed the Commission on the proposed Public Records Rules update that was filed on March 21, 2012 in conjunction with the WAC overhaul project.

No one signed up to provide public input for this item.

6. Stewardship of WDFW Lands – Briefing:
Jennifer Quan, Lands Division Manager, Wildlife Program briefed the Commission outlining the current status of operations and maintenance of the Department's lands.

7. Proposed Land Transactions – Decision:
The Commission considered approval of various land transactions presented by Dan Budd, Real Estate Section Manager, Wildlife Programfor the protection of critical fish and wildlife habitat, enhancement of public recreation opportunities and responsible property management:

  • Proposed easement of 40 acres in Okanogan County
  • Proposed easement of 160 acres in Okanogan County
  • Proposed acquisition of 51.57 acres in Clallam County
  • Proposed transfer of properties in Pacific County

The following member of the public signed up to provide oral testimony regarding this item:
Tom Bugert

Commissioner Jennings motioned, seconded by Commissioner Smith to approve the land transactions as presented.  Motion carried unanimously.

8. Energy/Major Projects – Briefing:
Travis Nelson, Energy/Major Projects Section Manager, Habitat Program, briefed the Commission on the Habitat Energy/Major Projects Program and provided an overview of work that has been accomplished through a collaborative approach involving the project proponent and in consultation with tribal, federal, state and local experts.

9. Dangerous Wildlife Interaction & the Karelian Bear Dog Program – Briefing
Captain Whorton, Enforcement Program, provided the Commission with an overview of the Karelian Bear Dog Program and described the history and structure of the program as well as the accomplishments, future needs and what is being done in regards to public outreach. 

10. Commercial Sea Cucumbers/Sea Urchins - Rule Briefing & Public Hearing
Rich Childers, Shellfish Policy Manager, briefed the Commission on the commercial license buy-back program for the sea cucumber and sea urchin fishery and the recommendation to increase the maximum bid prices for permits.

The following member of the public signed up to provide oral testimony regarding this item:
Casey Bakker

11. Comprehensive Review of Puget Sound Shrimp Fishery & Commission Policy – Briefing
In response to a Commission request Rich Childers, Shellfish Policy Manager, provided an overview of the Puget Sound shrimp fishery management.

Chair Wecker recessed the meeting at 5:38 pm.

SATURDAY, June 2, 2012

Chair Wecker called the meeting back to order at 8:31 am.

12. Open Public Input:
The Commission is a direct link between citizens of Washington and the Department of Fish and Wildlife.  Comments on Department programs and topics of concern are welcome during this portion of the meeting. NOTE: During this portion of the meeting, the public is encouraged to comment on issues that are not on the agenda for decision action.

The following member provided oral testimony:
B. J. Thorniley - Wolf Management Plan

13. Puyallup Trout Hatchery Partnership - Item Removed from the Agenda

14. Wolf Plan Implementation and Follow-up:
Dave Ware, Game Division Manager provided the Commission with updates on current and planned activities regarding the Wolf Plan Implementation.

15. Strategic Plan – Briefing:
Joe Stohr, Deputy Director & Jair Reitsma, Performance and Accountability Manager briefed the Commission on the process and the framework being used for the strategic plan model.

16. Commission Committee Reports:
The Commissioners discussed recent activities of the various Commission committees. 

  • Advisory Committee to the Fish and Wildlife Commission for Persons with Disabilities: Commission requests a briefing from Dolores Noyes on the makeup and future plans of the Advisory Committee to the Fish and Wildlife Commission for Persons with Disabilities.

Commissioner Perry moved seconded by Commissioner Mahnken to appoint Mr. David Martin as the Region 4 member of the Advisory Committee to the Fish and Wildlife Commission for Persons with Disabilities. Motion passed unanimously.

17. Miscellaneous and Meeting Debrief: deferred to next meeting

  • Colville Trout Hatchery Partnership – further discussion at an upcoming meeting.

Chair Wecker adjourned the meeting at 11:15 am.