WDFW Fish and Wildlife Commission - March 17-19, 2022 Meeting Agenda

Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife
Fish and Wildlife Commission

MARCH 17-19, 2022
via Zoom Webinar

Watch with TVW - FridaySaturday

PDF Agenda (PDF)

Thursday, March 17, 2022 – Committee Meetings

8:00 AM

Wildlife Committee - Commissioners Thorburn, Smith, Anderson, Linville
Location:  Watch with TVW
Join by telephone: 1-253-215-8782 or 1-888-475-4499 (Toll Free) Webinar ID: 821-4493-2408

Agenda topics:
- Game Management Plan - intended purpose, process timeline (PDF)
     - Presentation (PDF)
Season setting primer (PDF)
- General discussion – current events 

10:00 AM

Fish Committee – Commissioners McIsaac, Anderson, Baker
Location: Watch with TVW
Join by telephone: 1-253-215-8782 or 1-888-475-4499 (Toll Free) Webinar ID: 831-9927-8859

Agenda topics:
- Commercial shellfish regulation proposals
- Willapa Bay – review policy questions and analytical approach for alternative 2
    -  Willapa draft schedule (PDF)
    -  Policy alternatives analysis (PDF)
    - Willapa analytic alternatives framework (PDF)
- Cold Water Refugia White Paper overview
    -  Presentation (PDF)
    -  Draft paper (PDF)
Policy C-3624 implementation preview (PDF)
- General discussion – current events
   - Coastal Steelhead season planning schedule update (PDF)

Friday, March 18, 2022 – Regular Meeting (The Commission meeting will be held via Zoom Webinar.

If you are interested in providing verbal public comment, please register here. The following registration deadlines are in effect:

- Registration for public comment begins at 8am on the Thursday prior to the meeting and closes at 8am on Friday, prior to the meeting beginning. Open Public Input (OPI) is for comments on matters that are not found elsewhere on the agenda with identified specific public comment periods.
- Registrants will be called upon (no more “raised hands” will be recognized) and have three minutes to speak, unless the Chair sets a lesser time at the onset of the agenda item.
- All information entered on the form is subject to public disclosure.

Additional information on verbal and written comment can be found here. To listen to the meeting please access it here, or by phone with the following phone numbers below.

1-253-215-8782 or 1-888-475-4499 (Toll Free)

Then you will be prompted to enter the Webinar ID: 835-122-5011

8:00 AM

1. Call to Order
Commissioner’s Discussion
Meeting Minutes Approval
February 17-19, 2022, webinar draft meeting minute (PDF)s
February 25, 2022, special web conference meeting minutes (PDF)
- March 11, 2022, special web conference meeting minutes (PDF)
Committee Reports

8:45 AM

2. Open Public Input
The Commission is a direct link between the citizens of Washington and the Department of Fish and Wildlife. Comments on Department programs and topics of concern are welcome during this portion of the meeting. NOTE: During this portion of the meeting, the public is encouraged to comment on issues that do not already have public input time on the agenda.

9:45 AM

3. Director’s Report
The Director will brief the Commission on various items.

10:15 AM

4. Land Transactions - Briefing, Public Comment and Decision
The Commission will consider approval of a land transactions recommended by the Department for the enhancement of conservation and public recreation opportunities.

- Summary Sheet (PDF)
- Presentation (PDF)

Staff Report:  Karen Edwards, Real Estate Manager

Public Comment – This Item Only

11:00 AM - Break

11:15 AM

5.  Landowner Hunting Permits – Briefing and Public Hearing
Staff will brief the Commission on proposed changes to WAC 220-412-100 Landowner hunting permits.

- Summary Sheet (PDF)
- Presentation  (PDF)

Staff Report:  Ciera Strickland, Private Lands Access Program Manager

Public Hearing – This Item Only

11:35 AM

6. Deer General Seasons and Special Permits – Briefing and Public Hearing
Staff will brief the Commission on deer general seasons and special permits. 
- WAC 220-415-020 2021-2023 Deer general seasons and definitions. 
- WAC 220-415-030 2022 Deer special permits. 

- Summary Sheet (PDF)
- Presentation (PDF)

Staff Report: Kyle Garrison, Acting Ungulate Section Manager 

Public Hearing – This Item Only

12:35 PM - Lunch

1:20 PM

7.  Elk General Seasons and Special Permits – Briefing and Public Hearing
Staff will brief the Commission on elk general seasons and special permits.
- WAC 220-415-040 Elk area descriptions.
- WAC 220-415-050 2021-2023 Elk general seasons and definitions. 
- WAC 220-415-060 2022 Elk special permits. 

- Summary Sheet (PDF)
- Presentation (PDF)

Staff Report:  Kyle Garrison, Acting Ungulate Section Manager

Public Hearing – This Item Only

2:20 PM

8.  Moose, Bighorn Sheep, and Mountain Goat Seasons – Briefing and Public Hearing
Staff will brief the Commission on moose, bighorn sheep, and mountain goat seasons
- WAC 220-415-070 2022 Moose seasons, permit quotas, and areas. 
- WAC 220-415-120 2022 Bighorn sheep seasons, permit quotas, and areas. 
- WAC 220-415-130 2022 Mountain goat seasons, permit quotas, and areas. 

- Summary Sheet (PDF)
- Presentation  (PDF)

Staff Report:  Kyle Garrison, Acting Ungulate Section Manager

Public Hearing – This Item Only

2:50 PM

9.  Migratory Waterfowl Seasons and Regulations - Briefing and Public Hearing 
Staff will brief the Commission on amendments to the migratory waterfowl and gamebird seasons and regulations. 
- WAC 220-416-060 2021-2022 Migratory gamebird seasons and regulations. 
- WAC 220-414-040 Nontoxic shot requirements. _ WAC 220-414-050 Shotgun shell restriction areas. 
- WAC 220-414-090 Use of decoys and calls.

- Summary Sheet (PDF)
- Presentation (PDF)

Staff Report: Kyle Spragens, Waterfowl Section Manager

Public Hearing – This Item Only

3:50 PM

10.  Hunting, Equipment and Other Restrictions - Briefing and Public Hearing 
Staff will brief the Commission on rule changes and updates regarding:
- WAC 220-413-090 Field identification of wildlife –Evidence of sex-Definitions. 
- WAC 220-414-020 Unlawful methods for hunting –Firearms. 
- WAC 220-413-060 Hunting restrictions. 
- WAC 220-414-010 Hunting equipment restrictions.
- WAC 220-414-060 Muzzleloading firearms. 
- WAC 220-414-070 Archery requirements. 
- WAC 220-414-100 Crossbow requirements. 

- Summary Sheet (PDF)
- Presentation (PDF)

Staff Report: Stephanie Simek, Carnivore Section Manager and Kyle Garrison, Acting Ungulate Section Manager

Public Hearing – This Item Only

4:50 PM

11.  Chronic Wasting Disease – Briefing and Public Hearing
Staff will brief the Commission on WAC 220-413-030 Importation and retention of dead nonresident wildlife. 

- Summary Sheet (PDF)
- Presentation (PDF)
- CWD SEPA Checklist (PDF)

Staff Report: Kyle Garrison, Acting Ungulate Section Manager 

Public Hearing – This Item Only

5:20 PM

12.   Commercial Shellfish Regulation Proposals – Decision
The Commission will decide on proposed revisions to commercial regulations for shellfish.

- Summary Sheet (PDF)
- Presentation (PDF)

Staff Report: Chris Eardley, Puget Sound Shellfish Policy Coordinator, and Aaron Dufault, Puget Sound Shellfish Manager

5:40 PM - Recess

Saturday, March 19, 2022 – Regular Meeting (The Commission meeting will be held via Zoom Webinar.)

If you are interested in providing verbal public comment, please register here. The following registration deadlines are in effect:

- Registration for public comment begins at 8am on the Thursday prior to the meeting and closes at 8am on Friday, prior to the meeting beginning. Open Public Input (OPI) is for comments on matters that are not found elsewhere on the agenda with identified specific public comment periods.
- Registrants will be called upon (no more “raised hands” will be recognized) and have three minutes to speak, unless the Chair sets a lesser time at the onset of the agenda item.
- All information entered on the form is subject to public disclosure.

Additional information on verbal and written comment can be found here. To listen to the meeting please access it here, or by phone with the following phone numbers below.

1-253-215-8782 or 1-888-475-4499 (Toll Free)

Then you will be prompted to enter the Webinar ID: 835-122-5011

8:00 AM

13. Open Public Input
The Commission is a direct link between the citizens of Washington and the Department of Fish and Wildlife. Comments on Department programs and topics of concern are welcome during this portion of the meeting. NOTE: During this portion of the meeting, the public is encouraged to comment on issues that do not already have public input time on the agenda.

9:00 AM

14. Election of Chair – Decision
The Commission will select a new Chair.

9:30 AM

15. Spring Bear Rulemaking - Decision
Staff will ask for a decision on Spring bear rulemaking.

- Summary Sheet (PDF)
- Presentation (PDF)

Staff Report:  Stephanie Simek, Carnivore Section Manager

10:30 AM - Break

10:45 AM

16. Tribal perspective on Blue Mountain Elk Herd – Presentation
The Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation (CTUIR) will present to the Commission their perspective on the status and significance of the Blue Mountains Elk herd in the context of CTUIR First Foods.

- Presentation (PDF)

Staff Report: Eric Quaempts, Director, CTUIR Natural Resources

11:45 AM

17. Blue Mountain Elk Herd Assessment – Briefing
Staff will brief the Commission on the status of the Blue Mountain Elk Herd.

- Report (PDF)
- Presentation (PDF)

Staff Report: Kyle Garrison, Acting Ungulate Section Manager

12:45 PM

18. Meeting Debrief and Future Meeting Planning
The Commission will discuss items that arise immediately before, during, or after the meeting and consider future agenda planning.

- Year-at-a-Glance

1:30 PM - Adjourn