April 1, 2022, Fish and Wildlife Commission, Special Meeting Agenda

Fish and Wildlife Commission
Special Meeting Web Conference
April 1, 2022
9:00 A.M. - 10:00 A.M.

PDF Agenda (PDF)

Via Zoom Web Conference

Watch on TVW

A. Motorized Mining Equipment Petition – Briefing, Decision

The Commission will consider a petition to amend WAC 220-660-300 & WAC 220-660-305 to allow use of motorized mining equipment, including but not limited to recirculating systems, which involve no need for an HPA or discharge to waters of the state.

- Petition (PDF)
- Summary Sheet (PDF)
- Presentation (PDF)

Staff Report: Margen Carlson, Habitat Director, Josh Peters, Protection Division Manager, and Theresa Nation, Environmental Planner