The Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife produces hundreds of documents annually, outlining fish, wildlife, and lands management, scientific research, guidance for homeowners, local governments, and contractors, harvest summaries, and other materials.
Temporal Trends in Contaminants in Puget Sound Harbor Seal
John Calambokidis, Steve Jeffries, Peter S. Ross and Michael Ikonomou (1999)
1997 Sport Catch Report
Kyong Yi and Terrie Manning (1999)
1996 Sport Catch Report
Kyong Yi and Terrie Manning (1999)
1998 Big Lake Survey: The Warmwater Fish Community Before Treatment with Selective Herbicide
Karl W. Mueller and Mark R. Downen (1999)
Lake Roosevelt Pelagic Fish Study, 1998
Casey Baldwin, Matt Polacek and Scott Bonar (1999)
WDFW 1997-1998 Annual Report
1998 Lake Cassidy Survey: A Warmwater Fish Community competing under Conditions of Hypolimnetic Anoxia and Dense Aquatic Macrophytes
Mark R. Downen, Karl W. Mueller and Doug Fletcher (1999)
Washington State Status Report for the Mardon Skipper
Ann Potter (WDFW), John Fleckenstein (DNR), Scott Richardson (WDFW), David Hays (WDFW) (1999)
Washington State Status Report for the Northern Leopard Frog
Kelly R. McAllister, William P. Leonard, David W. Hays and Ronald C. Friesz (1999)