April 13, 2013 Audio Transcripts

Natural Resources Building - 1111 Washington St SE, Olympia, WA 98501r
First Floor, Room 172


1:00 P.M.

1. Call to Order

 Download MP3 File [1.3 MB]

1:10 P.M.2. Executive Session
Pursuant to RCW 42.30.110(1)(i), the Commission will meet in executive session to discuss with legal counsel representing the agency litigation or potential litigation to which the agency is, or is likely to become, a party. No action will be taken in executive session, and the public is not permitted to attend the executive session.
4:30 P.M.Recess

FRIDAY, APRIL 12, 2013

8:00 A.M.

3. Call to Order

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  1. Commissioners’ Discussion
  2. Meeting Minute Approval
8:15 A.M.

4. Director’s Report

 Download MP3 File [25.8 MB]

The Director will brief the Commission on various items, including:

  • Legislation
  • Teanaway
8:45 A.M.

5. Open Public Input

 Download MP3 File [30.9 MB]

The Commission is a direct link between citizens of Washington and the Department of Fish and Wildlife.  Comments on Department programs and topics of concern are welcome during this portion of the meeting.

NOTE: During this portion of the meeting, the public is encouraged to comment on issues that do not already have public input time on the agenda.

10:00 A.M.

6. The Department's Role in Forest Habitat Protection/Forest Practices - Briefing

 Download MP3 File [24.8 MB]

Department staff will brief the Commission on why, how and to what end the agency is involved in the conservation of fish and wildlife habitat on Washington’s forestland, particularly on the 10.5 million acres of state and private forestland.

- Summary (PDF) - PDF format (119 KB)
- Presentation (PDF) - PDF format (9.8 MB)

Staff Report:
David Whipple, Habitat Program Forest Policy Coordinator
Terry Jackson, Habitat Program Forest Habitats Section Manager

10:30 A.M.

7. Proposed Transfer of Certain Management Responsibilities from the Enforcement Program to the Wildlife Program - Briefing

 Download MP3 File [11.1 MB]

Department staff will brief the Commission on transitioning the management responsibilities of the Hunter Education Program from the Enforcement Program to the Wildlife Program.


- Summary (PDF) - PDF format (20 KB)
- Presentation (PDF) - PDF format (2.4 MB)

Staff Report:
Nate Pamplin, Assistant Director, Wildlife Program
Chief Bruce Bjork, Enforcement Program

11:00 A.M.

8. Giant Pacific Octopus - Briefing

 Download MP3 File [12.2 MB]

Department staff will provide a briefing to the Commission on the draft recommendations from the ad hoc advisory group and seek additional guidance on refinements of management options being considered.


- Summary (PDF) - PDF format (20 KB)
- Presentation (PDF) - PDF format (1.8 MB)

Staff Report:
Craig Burley, Fish Management Division Manager, Fish Program

1:00 P.M.

9. Spring Bear Seasons and Regulations - Decision

 Download MP3 File [4.0 MB]

Department staff will request that the Commission approve amendments to spring bear seasons and regulations.


Amend: WAC 232-28-286 2013, 2014, and 2015 Spring black bear seasons and regulations

- Summary (PDF) - PDF format (203 KB)
- Presentation (PDF) - PDF format (732 KB)

Staff Report:
Donny Martorello, Ph.D., Large Carnivore Section Manager, Wildlife Program

1:15 P.M.

10. Small Game Seasons and Regulations – Decision 

 Download MP3 File [1.5 MB]

Department staff will request the Commission approve amendments to small game seasons and regulations.

Amend: WAC 232-28-342 2012-13, 2013-14, 2014-15 Small game and other wildlife seasons and regulations

- Summary (PDF) - PDF format (705 KB)
- Presentation (PDF) - PDF format (399 KB)

Staff Report:
Brian Calkins, Upland Bird and Furbearer Section Manager, Wildlife Program

1:25 P.M.

11. Moose, Bighorn Sheep, and Mountain Goat Seasons and Permit Quotas – Decision

 Download MP3 File [10.3 MB]

Department staff will brief the Commission on moose, bighorn sheep, and mountain goat seasons and regulations. The Commission will consider final adoption at its April 12-13, 2013 meeting.


Amend: WAC 232-28-273 2012-2014 Moose seasons, permit quotas, and areas.
Adopt: WAC 232-28-622 2012-2014 Bighorn sheep seasons and permit quotas and WAC 232-28-623 2012-2014 Mountain goat seasons and permit quotas

- Summary (PDF) - PDF format (796 KB)
- Presentation (PDF) - PDF format (1.2 MB)

Staff Report:
Rich Harris, Ph.D., Special Species Section Manager, Wildlife Program


12. Deer and Elk Areas and GMU Boundaries – Decision

 Download MP3 File [3.8 MB]

Department staff will request that the Commission adopt newly proposed rules and amend existing rules regarding deer and elk areas and GMU boundary regulations.


Amend: WAC 232-28-248 Special closures and firearm restriction areas, WAC 232-28-334 Game management units (GMUs) boundary descriptions – Region four, WAC 232-28-336 Game management units (GMUs) boundary descriptions – Region six, and WAC 232-28-337 Elk area descriptions
Adopt: WAC 232-28-624 Deer area descriptions

- Summary (PDF) - PDF format (865 KB)

Staff Report:
Jerry Nelson, Ph.D., Deer and Elk Section Manager, Wildlife Program


13. Deer General and Special Permit Seasons and Regulations – Decision

 Download MP3 File [7.2 MB]

Department staff will request that the Commission approve amendments to deer general and special permit seasons and regulations.


Amend: WAC 232-28-357 2012-2014 Deer general seasons and definitions and WAC 232-28-369 Deer special permits

- Summary (PDF) - PDF format (657 KB)

Staff Report:
Jerry Nelson, Ph.D., Deer and Elk Section Manager, Wildlife Program


14. Elk General and Special Permit Seasons and  Regulations – Decision

 Download MP3 File [13.5 MB]

Department staff will request that the Commission approve amendments to elk general and special permit seasons and regulations.


Amend: WAC 232-28-358 2012-2014 Elk general seasons and definitions and WAC 232-28-360 Elk special permits

- Summary (PDF) - PDF format (1 MB)

Staff Report:
Jerry Nelson, Ph.D., Deer and Elk Section Manager, Wildlife Program


15. Importation and Retention of Dead Nonresident Wildlife – Decision

 Download MP3 File [2.7 MB]

Department staff will request that the Commission approve amendments to regulations regarding the importation and retention of dead nonresident wildlife.

Amend: WAC 232-12-021 Importation and retention of dead nonresident wildlife

- Summary (PDF) - PDF format (188 KB)

Staff Report:
Jerry Nelson, Ph.D., Deer and Elk Section Manager, Wildlife Program


16. Landowner Hunting Permits – Decision 

 Download MP3 File [5.2 MB]

Department staff will request that the Commission approve amendment to regulations regarding landowner hunting permits.

Amend:  WAC 232-28-296 Landowner hunting permits

- Summary (PDF) - PDF format (700 KB)
- Presentation (PDF) - PDF format (3 MB)

Staff Report:
Dave Ware, Game Division Manager, Wildlife Program


17. Lighted Nocks for Archery Equipment – Decision 

 Download MP3 File [11.6 MB]

Department staff will request that the Commission approve amendments to regulations regarding lighted nocks for archery equipment.

Amend: WAC 232-12-054 Archery requirement – Archery special use permits

- Summary (PDF) - PDF format (673 KB)
- Presentation (PDF) - PDF format (386 KB)

Staff Report:
Dave Ware, Game Division Manager, Wildlife Program


18. 2012 Puget Sound Crab Season Results, Management and Enforcement – Briefing

 Download MP3 File [36.2 MB]

Department staff will provide a briefing to the Commission on the outcomes of the 2012 Puget Sound Crab Season.

- Summary (PDF) - PDF format (13 KB)
- Presentation (PDF) - PDF format (3.5 MB)

Staff Report:
Rich Childers, Puget Sound Shellfish Manager
Deputy Chief, Mike Cenci, Enforcement Program



8:30 A.M.

19. Open Public Input 

 Download MP3 File [18.0 MB]

The Commission is a direct link between citizens of Washington and the Department of Fish and Wildlife.  Comments on Department programs and topics of concern are welcome during this portion of the meeting.

NOTE: During this portion of the meeting, the public is encouraged to comment on issues that do not already have public input time on the agenda.

9:00 A.M.

20. American’s with Disabilities Advisory Committee – Briefing

 Download MP3 File [25.2 MB]

Department staff will brief the Commission on the current makeup of the Americans with Disabilities Advisory Committee and the work they have been doing.


- Summary (PDF) - PDF format (10 KB)
- Presentation (PDF) - PDF format (4 MB)

Staff Report:
Dolores Noyes, ADA Program Manager


10:00 A.M.

21. Commission Committee Objectives and Discussion

 Download MP3 File [0.3 MB]

The Commissioners will discuss the objectives of the committee process and recent activities of the various Commission committees.


10:40 A.M.

22. Miscellaneous and Meeting Debrief

 Download MP3 File [17.8 MB]

The Commission will discuss items that arise immediately before or during the meeting and after the preliminary agenda is published.


11:40 A.M.

23. Executive Session

 Download MP3 File [1.3 MB]

Pursuant to RCW 42.30.110(1)(g), the Commission will meet in executive session to review the performance of a public employee.  No action will be taken in executive session, and the public is not permitted to listen to the executive session.


Contact the Fish and Wildlife Commission Office for further information:
Phone (360) 902-2267
Email: commission@dfw.wa.gov