October 2-5, 2013 Audio Transcripts

Natural Resources Building - 1111 Washington St SE, Olympia, WA 98501
First Floor, Room 172


8:30 A.M. - 3:00 P.M.

Co-Management Meeting
Fish and Wildlife Commissioners and WDFW staff will meet with Tribal representatives from Puget Sound and the Washington coast to discuss a variety of resource management issues.

Watch Video of Co-Management Meeting


8:30 A.M.

1. Call to Order

Download MP3 File [2.6 MB]

  1. Commissioners’ Discussion
  2. Meeting Minute Approval
8:45 A.M.

2. Open Public Input

Download MP3 File [11.6 MB]

The Commission is a direct link between citizens of Washington and the Department of Fish and Wildlife.  Comments on Department programs and topics of concern are welcome during this portion of the meeting.

NOTE: During this portion of the meeting, the public is encouraged to comment on issues that do not already have public input time on the agenda.

9:15 A.M.

3. Director’s Report 

Download MP3 File [25.2 MB]

The Director will brief the Commission on various items, including:

  • Legislation/Budget Update
10:15 A.M.

4. HPA Rules – Briefing

Download MP3 File [15.5 MB]

Department staff will brief the Commission on the purpose, scope and timeline for updating the hydraulic code rules.

- Summary (PDF) - PDF format (164 KB)
- Presentation (PDF) - PDF format (1.30 MB)

Staff Report:
Randi Thurston, Protection Division Manager, Habitat Program

1:00 P.M.

5. Proposed Land Transaction – Decision

Download MP3 File [6.1 MB]

The Commission will consider approval of various land transactions recommended by the Department for the protection of critical fish and wildlife habitat and enhancement of public recreation opportunities.

  • Proposed Acquisition of 20.52 acres in Whatcom County
  • Proposed Acquisition of 1,254.77 acres in Asotin County

- Summary (PDF) - PDF format (1.53 MB)
- Presentation (PDF) - PDF format (4.25 MB)

Staff Report: Dan Budd, Real Estate Section Manager, Wildlife Program

- Summary - PDF format (8.1 MB)
- Presentation - PDF format (4.63 MB)

PUBLIC INPUT (This item only)

1:15 P.M.

6. Technical WAC Amendments and Repeal, Round 6 – Structural Improvements and Updates  - Briefing and Public Hearing

Download MP3 File [10.1 MB]

Department staff will brief the Commission and hold a public hearing on proposed updates, technical changes, and structural improvements to rules in conjunction with the WAC Overhaul project.

Staff Report: Joanna Eide, Administrative Regulations Analyst, Enforcement Program

- Summary (PDF) - PDF format (4.1 MB)

PUBLIC INPUT (This item only)

1:45 P.M.

7. Wolf Management Summer 2013 Update – Briefing

Download MP3 File [21.2 MB]

Department staff will update the commission on wolf management activities that occurred in the state this summer.

- Summary (PDF) - PDF format (15 KB)
- Presentation (PDF) - PDF format (12.33 MB)

Staff Report: Donny Martorello, Ph.D., Carnivore Section Manager and Stephanie Simek, Wildlife Conflicts Section Manager, Wildlife Program


8. Wildlife Interaction Rules – Decision

Download MP3 File [9.1 MB]

The Commission will consider approval of the proposed rule amendments to Wildlife Interaction Rules.


  • WAC 232-36-030 Definitions
  • WAC 232-36-040 Wildlife/human interaction and conflict resolution for private property damage
  • WAC 232-36-051 Killing wildlife causing private property damage
  • WAC 232-36-060  Director or his/her designee is empowered to grant wildlife control operator certifications
  • WAC 232-36-110  Application for cash compensation for commercial crop damage—Procedure
  • WAC 232-36-200  Payment for commercial livestock damage or other domestic animals—Limitations
  • WAC 232-36-210  Application for cash compensation for livestock damage or other domestic animal—Procedure
  • WAC 232-36-400  Commercial crop or livestock damage claim‑-Dispute resolution


  • WAC 232-36-052 Killing wolves attacking domestic animals

- Summary (PDF) - PDF format (272 KB)
- Presentation (PDF) - PDF format (911 KB)

Staff Report: Dave Ware, Game Division Manager, Wildlife Program


9. Miscellaneous and Meeting Debrief

Download MP3 File [3.8 MB]

The Commission will discuss items that arise immediately before or during the meeting and after the preliminary agenda is published.

- Summary - PDF format (62 KB)
- Presentation - PDF format (1.3 MB)

Staff Report: Bill Joplin, Division Manager, Licensing Program



Contact the Fish and Wildlife Commission Office for further information:
Phone (360) 902-2267
Email: commission@dfw.wa.gov