October 22-24, 2020 WDFW Commission Meeting Agenda

Fish and Wildlife Commission
October 22-24, 2020

*Via Zoom Webinar 

PDF Agenda (PDF)

Watch live via live TVW stream (with no public comment opportunity). 

Thursday, October 22, 2020 – Committee Meetings

8:00 AM

Habitat Committee Meeting – Commissioners Smith, Kehoe, Baker, Linville
Location:  Zoom Link (https://zoom.us/j/92731264617)
Join by telephone: 1-253-215-8782 or 1-888-475-4499 (Toll Free) Webinar ID: 927-3126-4617

Agenda topics:
- Northwest Straits Commission Kelp Conservation and Recovery Plan briefing
- Mineral prospecting rulemaking
- Fish passage
- Habitat grant programs:  prep for next state and federal

10:00 AM

Wildlife Committee Meeting – Commissioners Thorburn, Baker, Anderson, Linville
Location:  Zoom Link (https://zoom.us/j/96631627943)
Join by telephone: 1-253-215-8782 or 1-888-475-4499 (Toll Free) Webinar ID: 966-3162-7943

Agenda topics:
- Human-wildlife attack incidents discussion – Capt. Myer and Eric Gardner
- Sage-grouse PSR
- Hunting season 3-year package planning update (PDF)
  - Hunter opinions on potential white-tailed deer antler point restrictions (APR) in District 1 (PDF)
- General discussion - current events 

1:00 PM (This meeting has been cancelled.)

Fish Committee Meeting – Commissioners Carpenter, Kehoe, McIsaac, Graybill
Location:  Zoom Link (https://zoom.us/j/95428666206)
Join by telephone: 1-253-215-8782 or 1-888-475-4499 (Toll Free) Webinar ID: 954-2866-6206

Agenda topics:
- Willapa Bay Policy update
- Hatchery Policy update

Friday, October 23, 2020 – Regular Meeting

If you are interested in providing public comment, please pre-register here. Pre-registering will help the facilitators ensure public comment goes more smoothly in this new digital setting. Please note that you can join the webinar and still provide comment during the meeting even if you don’t pre-register or indicate that you wanted to comment on your registration. 

To join the Commission meeting by phone please choose a phone number:
1-253-215-8782 or 1-888-475-4499 (Toll Free) 

Then you’ll be prompted to enter the Webinar ID: 971-3360-6375

8:00 AM

1. Call to Order
- Commissioner’s Discussion
- Meeting Minutes Approval
    - Draft Meeting Minutes September 11-12, 2020 (PDF)
    - Draft Meeting Minutes October 2, 2020 (PDF)
- Committee Reports

8:30 AM

2. Open Public Input
The Commission is a direct link between the citizens of Washington and the Department of Fish and Wildlife. Comments on Department programs and topics of concern are welcome during this portion of the meeting.  NOTE: During this portion of the meeting, the public is encouraged to comment on issues that do not already have public input time on the agenda.

9:30 AM

3. Strategic Plan – Decision
Staff will ask the Commission for approval of the strategic plan.

- S (PDF)ummary Sheet (PDF)
- Strategic Plan (PDF)

Staff Report:  Jeff Davis, Conservation Director and members of the Strategic Planning team

9:45 AM

4.  Director’s Report
The Director will brief the Commission on various items, including an update on Covid-19 matters.

10:15 AM

5. Land Transactions – Briefing, Decision
The Commission will consider approval of land transactions recommended by the Department.

- Summary Sheet (PDF)
- Presentation (PDF) 

Staff Report:  Julie Sandberg, Real Estate Section Manager

10:25 AM - Citizen Awards

10:55 AM - Break

11:10 AM

6. Target Shooting – Decision
Staff will ask the Commission for a decision on target shooting.

- Summary Sheet (PDF)
- Presentation  (PDF)

Staff Report: Joel Sisolak, Recreation and Outreach Section Manager, and David Whipple, Wildlife Program Hunter Education Division Manager

11:40 AM

7.  Grazing Program Policy and WACs – Briefing, Public Hearing
Staff will brief the Commission on grazing guidance on WDFW lands and proposed changes to grazing policy and WAC.

- Summary Sheet (PDF)
- Presentation  (PDF)

Staff Report: Paul Dahmer, Wildlife Area Section Manager, Jeff Burnham, WDFW Range Ecologist, and Cynthia Wilkerson, Wildlife Program Lands Division Manager

Public Hearing – This Item Only

1:10 PM - Lunch

2:10 PM

8Blue Sheet: Cooperative projects between WDFW and CTCR (Confederated Tribes of the Colville Reservation) – Briefing
Staff and Co-managers will present a briefing on the status of Salmon and steelhead reintroduction into the blocked area above Chief Joseph Dam and Northern Pike Suppression in Lake Roosevelt.

- Blue Sheet (PDF)
- Summary Sheet (PDF)
- DFW Presentation (PDF)
- Colville Presentation (PDF)  

Staff Report: Chris Donley, Region 1 Acting Regional Director and Colville Tribe staff

3:10 PM

9. Executive Session
Pursuant to RCW 42.30.110, the Commission will meet in executive session. No action will be taken during executive session and the public is not permitted to attend.

5:10 PM - Recess

Saturday, October 24, 2020 – Regular Meeting

If you are interested in providing public comment, please pre-register here. Pre-registering will help the facilitators ensure public comment goes more smoothly in this new digital setting. Please note that you can join the webinar and still provide comment during the meeting even if you don’t pre-register or indicate that you wanted to comment on your registration. 

To join the Commission meeting by phone please choose a phone number:
1-253-215-8782 or 1-888-475-4499 (Toll Free) 

Then you’ll be prompted to enter the Webinar ID: 971-3360-6375

8:00 AM

10. Open Public Input
The Commission is a direct link between the citizens of Washington and the Department of Fish and Wildlife. Comments on Department programs and topics of concern are welcome during this portion of the meeting.  NOTE: During this portion of the meeting, the public is encouraged to comment on issues that do not already have public input time on the agenda.

9:00 AM (This item has been struck from the agenda)

11. Hatchery Policy (C-3619) Review – Briefing, Public Comment 
Staff will provide the Commission with a summary of public comment received on Policy C-3619. Staff will also present the draft revisions and seek Commission approval for release of revised draft language for further public review.

- Summary Sheet
- Presentation 

Staff Report: Ron Warren, Director of Fish Policy

Public Hearing – This Item Only

9:00 AM

11. Willapa Bay Salmon Management Policy (C-3622) – Briefing, Public Comment
Staff will provide the Commission with a briefing on updated language to the comprehensive review document and seek Commission acceptance as a final report. The Commission will also consider public comments received on possible revisions to the Willapa Bay Salmon Management Policy and provide staff with guidance on next steps.

- Summary Sheet (PDF)
- Presentation  (PDF)
- Draft Executive Summary (PDF)

Staff Report:  Ron Warren, Director of Fish Policy and Chad Herring, Anadromous Resource Policy Analyst

Public Hearing – This Item Only

10:30 AM

12. Miscellaneous and Meeting Debrief
The Commission will discuss items that arise immediately before, during, or after the meeting and after the preliminary agenda is published and consider future agenda planning.

-Year at a glance (PDF)

10:45 AM - Adjourn