January 28-30, 2021 audio transcript

Fish and Wildlife Commission
January 28-30, 2021

Thursday, January 28, 2021 – Committee Meetings

8:00 AM

Fish Committee Meeting - Commissioners Carpenter, McIsaac

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Agenda topics:
-Hatchery Policy Update
 -Draft Schedule (PDF)
 -Draft SEPA Review (PDF)
-Non-Native Game Fish and Fisheries Policy Update
-Blue Sheet (PDF)
-Presentation (PDF)
-Willapa Bay C-3622 Update

10:00 AM

Wildlife Committee Meeting – Commissioners Thorburn, Baker, Anderson, Linville

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Agenda topics:
-ADA Points (PDF) (Motion for consideration (PDF))
-TransAlta potential land acquisition (PDF)
-E-Bikes – Status update on DFW Lands (PDF)
  -Presentation (PDF)
-Grazing rulemaking update
-General discussion – current events 

Friday, January 29, 2021 – Regular Meeting

8:00 AM

1. Call to Order

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Commissioner’s Discussion
     Welcome New Commissioners
     Thank You to Commissioners Smith and Kehoe
Meeting Minutes Approval
     December 4-5, 2020 Draft Minutes (PDF)
     December 15, 2020 Draft Minutes (PDF)
     December 18, 2020 Draft Minutes (PDF)
Committee Reports

8:45 AM

2.  Open Public Input

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The Commission is a direct link between the citizens of Washington and the Department of Fish and Wildlife. Comments on Department programs and topics of concern are welcome during this portion of the meeting.  NOTE: During this portion of the meeting, the public is encouraged to comment on issues that do not already have public input time on the agenda.

9:45 AM

3. Director’s Report

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The Director will brief the Commission on various items, including an update on Covid-19 matters.

10:15 AM

4. WDFW Managed Nonlethal Pursuit Training Program – Decision

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Staff will ask the Commission for a decision the proposed nonlethal pursuit pass program will help to ensure opportunity for handlers to keep dogs trained for quick and skilled action for public safety calls for service.

-Summary Sheet (PDF)
-Presentation (PDF)

Staff Report: Rebecca Bennett, Community Outreach Liaison and Captain Jeff Wickersham, WDFW Enforcement

11:00 AM

5. Grazing Program Policy and WACs – Briefing

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Staff will provide Commission with an overview of our Grazing Program on WDFW Lands, including newly developed draft guidance and a recommendation related to a scheduled February Commission decision on proposed changes to the existing WAC and Commission grazing policy.

-Summary Sheet (PDF)
-Presentation (PDF)

Staff Report: Paul Dahmer, Wildlife Area Section Manager, Jeff Burnham, WDFW Range Ecologist, and Cynthia Wilkerson, Wildlife Program Lands Division Manager

11:30 AM

6. ESHB 1261 Mineral Prospecting – Briefing, Public Hearing

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Staff will provide a briefing on the Hydraulic Code rule proposal to implement ESHB 1261.

-Summary Sheet (PDF)
-Presentation (PDF)

Staff Report: Margen Carlson, Habitat Director and Theresa Nation, Environmental Planner

Public Hearing – This Item Only

12:15 PM

7. Blue Sheet: Pinniped Conservation and Management – Briefing

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In response to a F&W Commission request, staff will present an update on pinniped conservation and management efforts in the Columbia River and Puget Sound.

- Blue Sheet (PDF)
-Summary Sheet (PDF)
-Presentation (PDF)

Staff Report: Nate Pamplin, Director of Budget and Government Affairs; Kessina Lee, Southwest Region Director; Dr. Scott Pearson, Senior Research Scientist, Wildlife Program; and Dr. Joe Anderson; Senior Research Scientist, Fish Program.

1:45 PM

8. Commercial Whale Watching Position Statement – Briefing, Decision

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Staff will provide the Commission with a revised draft statement on their December 18, 2020 decision on commercial whale watching regulations for discussion and possible adoption.

-Summary Sheet (PDF)
-Position Statement  (PDF)

Staff Report: Nate Pamplin, Director of Budget and Government Affairs, and Dr. Julie Watson, Killer Whale Policy Lead

2:15 PM

9. Lower Columbia Sturgeon Population Status and Management Annual Review – Briefing, Public Comment

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Staff will provide the Commission an annual review briefing on lower Columbia River sturgeon population status, as stipulated within Policy C-3001, and discuss plans for 2021 fisheries.

-Summary Sheet (PDF)
-Presentation (PDF)

Staff Report:  Laura Heironimus CRMU Sturgeon/Smelt/Lamprey Unit Lead

Public Comment – This Item Only

3:00 PM

10. Executive Session (MOVED TO SATURDAY, JANUARY 30 AT NOON)

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Pursuant to RCW 42.30.110, the Commission will meet in executive session. No action will be taken during executive session and the public is not permitted to attend.


Saturday, January 30, 2021 – Regular Meeting (The Commission meeting will be held via Zoom Webinar.)

8:00 AM

11. Open Public Input

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The Commission is a direct link between the citizens of Washington and the Department of Fish and Wildlife. Comments on Department programs and topics of concern are welcome during this portion of the meeting.  NOTE: During this portion of the meeting, the public is encouraged to comment on issues that do not already have public input time on the agenda.

9:00 AM

12. Oregon Vesper Sparrow – Briefing, Public Hearing

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Staff will brief the Commission on the Periodic Status Review for the Oregon Vesper Sparrow.

-Summary Sheet (PDF)
-Status Report (PDF)
-Presentation (PDF)

Staff Report: Derek Stinson, Wildlife Biologist, Wildlife Diversity Division and Taylor Cotten, Conservation Assessment Section Manager

Public Hearing – This Item Only

9:20 AM

13. Hatchery Policy (C-3619) Review – Briefing, Public Comment

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The Commission will consider revisions to the November 6, 2020 public review draft, take public comment and discuss planned next steps in the Policy C-3619 review process. 

-Summary Sheet (PDF)
-Presentation (PDF)

Staff Report: Ron Warren, Director of Fish Policy

Public Comment – This Item Only

10:15 AM

14. C-3622 Willapa Bay Policy – Briefing, Public Comment 

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The Commission will hear staff recommendations of a draft schedule for the balance of the Policy C-3622 review process. The Commission will also take public comment and provide guidance on next steps in the process.  

-Summary Sheet (PDF)
-Presentation (PDF)

Staff Report: Ron Warren, Director of Fish Policy, and Marlene Wagner, South Coast Policy Lead

Public Comment – This Item Only

11:10 AM

15. Baker Lake Sockeye – Briefing, Public Comment

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Staff will brief the Commission on the current status of Baker Lake Sockeye.

-Summary Sheet (PDF)
-Presentation (PDF)

Staff Report: Edward Eleazer, Region Four Fish Program Manager and Mickey Agha, PhD, Statewide Pink, Chum, Sockeye Specialist

Public Comment – This Item Only

11:40 AM

16. Miscellaneous and Meeting Debrief

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The Commission will discuss items that arise immediately before, during, or after the meeting and after the preliminary agenda is published and consider future agenda planning.

- Year at a Glance (PDF)
- Draft February 12 Agenda (PDF)

11:55 AM - Adjourn