October 24-26, 2024 Meeting agenda - WDFW Fish and Wildlife Commission

Meeting location

The Hotel Windrow
502 N. Main St.
Ellensburg, WA 98926

- Training

8:30am - 4:30pm – Government to Government Training

Commissioners and staff will meet with the Governor's Office of Indian Affairs for Government-to-Government Training. 

The public is welcome to attend in-person for observation. This part of the meeting will not be available virtually.

- Regular Meeting Hybrid/Ellensburg

If you are interested in providing public comments online during a hybrid meeting, please register online.

Virtual Participation:

The following virtual registration deadlines are in effect:

  • Registration for those wishing to provide virtual comments closes at 5pm the day before the meeting begins.
  • Open Public Input is intended for comments on matters not found elsewhere on the agenda.
  • Registrants will be called upon and typically have three (3) minutes to speak.
  • If you are unable to participate, you can submit your comments on the Commission contact page.

In-Person Participation:

The following in-person deadlines are in effect:

  • If you haven't pre-registered, complete a Public Testimony Form, available at the registration table.
  • The form must be submitted at least 15 minutes prior to the beginning of the agenda item you wish to testify on.

To listen to the meeting, please access it using the Zoom Link or TVW AM Link/TVW PM Link

or by phone by dialing 1-253-205-0468 and entering Webinar ID# 815 7261 5457

8:00am - 8:30am – 1. Call to Order

Commissioners Discussion

Meeting Minutes Approval

Committee Reports

8:30am - 10:00am – 2. Open Public Input

The Commission is a direct link between the citizens of Washington and the Department of Fish and Wildlife. Comments on Department programs and topics of concern are welcome during this portion of the meeting. NOTE: During this portion of the meeting, the public is encouraged to comment on issues that do not already have public input time on the agenda. 

Public Comment - This Item Only

10:00am - 10:15am – Break

10:15am - 10:45am – 3. Director's Report

The Regional Director will welcome the Commission, and the Department of Fish & Wildlife Director will brief the Commission on various items. 

11:00am - 11:45am – 4. Land Transactions - Briefing, Public Comment, Decision

The Commission will consider approval of the land transactions for Sol Duc, Twin River, and Texas Creek properties and property management projects for Silver Lake as recommended by the department. 

Staff Report: Matthew Trenda - Real Estate Manager and Lisa Coffman - Lands 20/20 & Acquisition Funding Coordinator

Public Comment - This Item Only

11:45am - 12:15pm – 5. Legislatively Directed Update of Cooperative Management Agreement - Decision

Staff will ask the Commission for a decision on the legislatively directed update of the cooperative management agreement between WDFW and the Confederated Tribes of the Colville Reservation. Tribal representatives may be in attendance to provide comments to the Commission.

Staff Report: Kelly Susewind, WDFW Director

12:15pm - 1:15pm – Lunch

1:15pm - 1:45pm – 6. Policy C-3621: Grays Harbor Basin Salmon Management Policy - Decision

Staff will ask the Commission for a decision on the Grays Harbor Basin Salmon Managment policy language.

Staff Report: Marlene Wagner - Willapa Bay & Grays Harbor Fisher Lead and Mike Scharpf - District 17 Fisheries Biologist


1:45pm - 2:30pm – 7. Policy C-3604: Management Objectives for Coastal Dungeness Crab - Briefing, Public Comment

Staff will brief the Commission on the public comments received on the policy that guides management of the Coastal Dungeness Crab Fishery. The updates included are intended to modernize the policy and align it with the need to implement a Conservation Plan pursuant to seeking an Incidental Take Permit under ESA for listed whale impacts. 

Staff Report: Lorna Wargo - Director's Office Marine Fish/Coastal Shellfish Policy Coordinator and Heather Hall - Region 6 Director

Public Comment - This Item Only

2:30pm - 2:45pm – Break

2:45pm - 3:45pm – 8. Black Bear Framework - Briefing

Staff will brief the Commission on the science that will be used to set black bear seasons. They will also brief the Commission on the agency developed hunting season framework that incorporates that science.

Staff Report: Anis Aoude - Game Division Manager and Dr. Donny Martorello - Wildlife Program Science Division Manager

3:45pm - 4:15 pm – 9. Cougar Rulemaking Preview - Briefing

Staff will brief the Commission on the cougar hunting framework options for possible 2025-2026 seasons rulemaking.

Staff Report: Anis Aoude - Game Division Manager and Stephanie Landry - Carnivore, Small Game, and Furbearer Section Manager

4:15pm – Recess

- Regular Meeting Hybrid/Ellensburg

If you are interested in providing public comments online during a hybrid meeting, please register online.

Virtual Participation:

The following virtual registration deadlines are in effect:

  • Registration for those wishing to provide virtual comments closes at 5pm the day before the meeting begins.
  • Open Public Input is intended for comments on matters not found elsewhere on the agenda.
  • Registrants will be called upon and typically have three (3) minutes to speak.
  • If you are unable to participate, you can submit your comments on the Commission contact page.

In-Person Participation:

The following in-person deadlines are in effect:

  • If you haven't pre-registered, complete a Public Testimony Form, available at the registration table.
  • The form must be submitted at least 15 minutes prior to the beginning of the agenda item you wish to testify on.

To listen to the meeting, please access it using the Zoom Link or TVW Link

or by phone by dialing 1-253-205-0468 and entering Webinar ID# 848 3826 3492

8:00am - 9:30am – 10. Open Public Input

The Commission is a direct link between the citizens of Washington and the Department of Fish and Wildlife. Comments on Department programs and topics of concern are welcome during this portion of the meeting. NOTE: During this portion of the meeting, the public is encouraged to comment on issues that do not already have public input time on the agenda. 

Public Comment - This Item Only

9:30am - 9:45am – Break

9:45am - 10:45am – 11. Meeting Debrief and Future Meeting Planning

The Commission will discuss items that arise immediately before, during, or after the meeting and will consider future agenda planning.

10:45am - 11:00am – Break

11:00am - 12:00pm – 12. Executive Session & Working Lunch

Pursuant to RCW 42.30.110(1)(g), the Commission will meet in an executive session to evaluate the qualifications of an applicant for public employment or to review the performance of a public employee. No action will be taken during the executive session and the public is not permitted to attend.