Commercial Dungeness Crab

Rule-making status: Pending
Rule-making reference: #2024-13

Summary of proposed rule

The department is considering rulemaking to amend requirements in the coastal and Puget Sound commercial Dungeness crab fisheries.

Scope and rationale for proposed rule

In order to enhance fishery monitoring and risk reduction for marine life entanglements, the Department is developing new and amendments rules. These new measures accomplish conservation objectives and improve enforceability of current rules.

The scope of the rule changes may occur in WAC chapter 220-340. 

Public comments

To view and submit comments, please visit the Commerical Dungeness Crab public engagement page.  

You may also leave comments by sending an email, either with or without an attachment to   or voicemail to 855-925-2801 project code 11027.

WDFW hosted a virtual town hall on the proposed changes Feb. 26, 2025. The meeting recording is available below. Review the PowerPoint presentation (PDF) used in the town hall.


Public hearing

March 20-22, 2025.

Hybrid meeting - In person in Kennewick (Tri-Cities), WA and by webinar.

Location TBD

And online via Zoom Webinar:
Information on how to register to testify at the public hearing is available at:, or contact the Commission office at 360-902-2267.

For more information

For questions, please contact Kelly Henderson at

Assistance for additional accessibility and persons with disabilities contact:
833-885-1012, TTY (711), or