Located just outside the town of Medical Lake, Silver Lake is a year-round open season spot that has something for everybody. Fishing for warmwater species including largemouth bass, bluegill, crappie, and perch can be decent in the spring, but typically picks up as the water temperatures rise. In addition, Silver has been stocked with tiger muskies and provides an excellent trophy fishery for this elusive fish. Silver Lake is also a popular winter fishery for yellow perch in years with safe ice conditions.
Two-pole fishing is allowed
Good for ice fishing
Shoreline access: Good - Shoreline access is limited to the WDFW Access Area, which has a fishing dock, and two resorts. The majority of the shoreline is developed in residential homes.
Species you might catch
- Black crappie
- Bluegill
- Brown bullhead
- Brown trout
- Largemouth bass
- Pumpkinseed Sunfish
- Smallmouth bass
- Tench
- Tiger muskie
- Yellow perch
Lake information
County: Spokane
Acreage: 418.10 ac.
Elevation: 2345 ft.
Center: 47.544484, -117.653158
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Catchable fish plants
Stock Date | Species | Number Released | Number of Fish Per Pound | Facility |
Visit the Catchable Trout Plants page for a more detailed search of trout plants in this or other bodies of water. To view or download the source data for this table visit the WDFW Fish Plants dataset on the Washington State Open Data Portal
Fishing prospects calendar
Largemouth bass
Smallmouth bass
Yellow perch
Black crappie
Pumpkinseed Sunfish
Brown bullhead