Brian Abbott Fish Barrier Removal Board

The Washington State Legislature established the grant program of the Brian Abbott Fish Barrier Removal Board (FBRB) in 2014 to identify and remove impediments to salmon and steelhead migration. The FBRB evaluates fish passage projects and submits a priority project list to the Governor's Office and the Legislature for funding consideration. 

The Brian Abbott Fish Barrier Removal Board meetings are held on the third Tuesday of every month from 9 a.m. – 12 p.m. unless otherwise noted.

Brian Abbott Fish Barrier Removal Board accepting grant proposals to remove barriers to migrating fish.

Starting tentatively in October 2025, the Brian Abbott Fish Barrier Removal Board will accept proposals for projects to remove barriers that prevent salmon and steelhead from swimming upstream.

Created by the Legislature in 2014, the board coordinates the removal of fish passage barriers on state, local, tribal, and private land that block salmon and steelhead access to prime spawning and rearing habitat.

The Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) and Washington State Recreation and Conservation Office (RCO) jointly administer the board’s grant program, which has invested more than $121 million in 117 projects to remove barriers to migrating fish.

“This board has a history of successfully investing in projects that help to advance our work together to remove barriers for migrating fish and support salmon recovery efforts,” said Tom Jameson, WDFW Fish Passage Division Manager. “We’re looking forward to seeing the continued impact these projects can have in communities across Washington.”

“These grants are incredibly important to ensure that salmon and steelhead have access to freshwater environments for spawning and rearing, which is critical for the next generation,” said Megan Duffy, RCO director. “We want to make sure that we are removing human-made barriers as much as possible. These grants help do that.”

The board will accept applications through January 2025. For more information about the grant application process and requirements, visit RCO’s website.

Project proposals will go through a robust review process, which includes administrative review by RCO, technical review by WDFW, and final approval by the board.

Following the board’s review, the board will submit a ranked list of projects to the Legislature for funding in the 2025-27 biennium. Funding comes from the sale of state bonds and the Natural Climate Solutions Account.

FBRB Reports

Map of FBRB projects 2017-2023

View larger map

List view of FBRB projects 2017-2023

FPDSI Site IDProject NameProject SponsorFunding BienniumAssociated Project Sites
15.0229   1.00Chico CreekSuquamish Tribe2017-2019 
R261020014604Johnson CreekNorth Olympic Salmon Coalition2017-2019 
990048Buford CreekNez Perce Tribe2017-2019 
021(45011)(07070)Middle Fork Newaukum RiverLewis County2017-2019 
106c0042Trib to Arkansas CreekCowlitz County2017-2019 
Col03.41Coleman CreekKittitas County Conservation District 2017-2019 
993471Catherine CreekSound Salmon Solutions2017-2019 
115 MC182Trib to Coffee CreekMason County2017-2019 
114JC001Johnson CreekTrout Unlimited/CCT2017-2019 
106c0048Baxter CreekCowlitz County2017-2019 
106c0152Turner CreekCowlitz County2017-2019 
602004Cottonwood CreekAsotin County Conservation District2017-2019 
80001263Trib to Johnson CreekClallam County 2017-2019 
80001261Johnson CreekNorth Olympic Salmon Coalition2019-2021 
021(94001)(15790)Middle Fork Newaukum RiverLewis County2019-2021 
601773North Fork Ostrander CreekCowlitz Indian Tribe2019-2021 
990217Johnson CreekTrout Unlimited2019-2021960240
Col05.09Coleman CreekKittitas County Public Works2019-2021 
602004Cottonwood CreekAsotin Co CD2019-2021 
115 MC209Dayton CreekMason County2019-2021 
993474Catherine CreekWild Fish Conservancy2019-2021 
603526Chumstick CreekChelan County2019-2021603531
07.0146   5.70Little Pilchuck CreekTulalip Tribe2019-2021 
115 MC018Uncle Johns CreekMason County2019-2021 
602305Mill CreekTri-State Steelheaders2019-2021 
Coo0.94Cooke CreekKittitas Co CD2019-2021Coo1.28
992055Johnson CreekTrout Unlimited2019-2021 
106c0159North Fork Ostrander CreekCowlitz County2019-2021 
125 1301E18ATrib to Middle Fork Newaukum RiverLewis County2019-2021 
80001305Lower Hoko Wetland ComplexNorth Olympic Salmon Coalition2019-2021 
160508Thorndyke CreekJefferson County2019-2021 
601572Railroad CreekNorth Olympic Salmon Coalition2019-2021 
106c0057Delameter CreekCowlitz County2019-2021 
114JC005Johnson CreekTrout Unlimited2019-2021 
Car3.95Caribou CreekKittitas Co CD2019-2021Car4.16
602299Mill CreekTri-State Steelheaders2019-2021602300
115 MC027Uncle Johns CreekMason County2019-2021 
930001Trib to Little Pilchuck CreekSnohomish Co CD2019-2021 
040089Mill CreekChelan County Nat Res2019-2021 
Par1.01Parke CreekKittitas Co CD2019-2021Par1.37
80001307Talbot CreekNorth Olympic Salmon Coalition2019-2021 
1350003Mason CreekClark County2019-2021 
15.0400   0.60Seabeck CreekKitsap County2019-2021 
01.0392   0.10Kenney CreekWhatcom County2019-2021 
990435Squalicum CreekCity of Bellingham2019-2021 
03.0181   0.55Fisher CreekSkagit County2019-2021 
03.0181   2.45Fisher CreekSkagit County2019-2021 
115 TC125Spurgeon CreekThurston County2019-2021341645
160756Naylors CreekJefferson County2019-2021162127
127Y0316Geissler CreekChehalis Basin Task Force2019-2021127Y0374, 103-1022
601854Scammon CreekLewis Co CD2019-2021 
021(91025)(01010)Scammon CreekLewis County2019-2021 
15.0231   0.40Dickerson CreekKitsap Co CD2019-2021 
105 K050818bMinter CreekPierce County2019-2021 
920017George Davis CreekCity of Sammamish2019-2021920111, 920112
101SC-07Langlois CreekSnoqualmie Vall Water Impr Dist2019-2021 
920108Ebright CreekCity of Sammamish2019-2021 
1320092Kristoferson CreekIsland Co DNR2019-2021 
CR77Starbird CreekSkagit County2019-2021 
021(14001)(01340)Scammon CreekLewis County2019-2021021(14004)(00698)
310516Sexton CreekSnohomish County2019-2021 
700119King CreekLewis Co CD2019-2021 
700120King CreekLewis County2019-2021 
600300Willows CreekCity of Redmond2019-2021 
930418Ravensdale CreekKing County Parks and Rec2019-2021930417
950030Nelson Dam Removal: Fish Passage ImprovementsCity of Yakima2021-2023 
040016Beaver Creek Barrier Correction Chelan County Natural Resources2021-2023 
Col05.43CID at Coleman Creek Fish Screening & PassageKittitas County Conservation District2021-2023 
602283Mill Creek Fish Passage - 6th Ave ExtensionTri-State Steelheaders2021-2023602293 through 602297
021(94001)(15790)Middle Fork Newaukum C. Alpha Fish Passage ConstLewis County Public Works2021-2023 
106c0159North Fork Ostrander Creek Fish Passage ProjectCowlitz County2021-2023 
602000Cougar Creek Fish Passage RestorationAsotin County Conservation District2021-2023 
91A0002Camp Kwoneesum Dam Removal Restoration ProjectCowlitz Indian Tribe2021-2023 
01.0392   0.10 Kenney Creek at North Fork Road Barrier RemovalWhatcom County Public Works2021-2023 
160508Thorndyke Road MP 4.71 Fish Barrier Removal Jefferson County Public Works2021-2023 
600616EWC at Naneum Creek Fish PassageKittitas County Conservation District2021-2023 
602285Mill Creek Passage - Spokane to ParkTri-State Steelheaders2021-2023602286, 602299, 602300
80001261Johnson Creek Triple Restoration  Hoko-Ozette Rd ClNorth Olympic Salmon Coalition2021-2023 
810283Little Pilchuck Fish Passage DesignSnohomish County Public Works2021-2023930004
601597Delameter Creek Culvert ReplacementLower Columbia FEG2021-2023 
931439Haberzetle Earthen Dam Removal Tulalip Tribes2021-2023 
1350003Mason Creek Barrier Improvements (NE 102nd Avenue)Clark County Public Works2021-2023 
600392Tucker Creek Passage Design 2020Trout Unlimited Inc.2021-2023 
106c0080Allender Road Stillwater Creek Fish Passage DesignCowlitz County2021-2023 
603905Eagle Creek Barrier Replacement DesignsChelan County Natural Resources2021-2023603923, 603924, 600306
08.0218   1.80Carey Creek Fish Barrier Removal DesignKing County Water and Land Resources2021-2023 

Grant program

The grant program is administered jointly by the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife and the Washington State Recreation and Conservation Office (RCO). All FBRB-funded grant projects must match the principles provided in Revised Code of Washington 77.95.180. 

2025-2027 grant round 

2023-2025 grant round 

2021-2023 grant round

  • 2021-2023 FBRB funded projects (PDF)
  • Watch a 5-minute video about a fish passage restoration project on a Snoqualmie River tributary. The Tulalip Tribe sponsored this project that restored fish access to nearly a mile of spawning habitat for salmon, steelhead, and trout.

2019-2021 grant round

2017-2019 grant round

Mailing list

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At the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife, we celebrate diverse individuals who bring a wide range of perspectives. All are welcome to participate in our processes regardless of race, color, sex, age, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity and/or expression, status as a veteran, and basis of disability.

Contacts and member info





Mission statement

The Brian Abbott Fish Barrier Removal Board aids restoration of healthy and harvestable levels of salmon and steelhead statewide through the coordinated and strategic removal of barriers to fish passage (RCW 77.95.160).

Learn more  

Meeting calendar

Agendas will be available approximately one week prior to the next meeting.