Customer service staff in the Montesano Regional Office are available for walk-in service 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday excluding legal holidays.
The Port Townsend District Office is open by appointment only. Please call 360-302-3030 to schedule an appointment.
48 Devonshire Road
Montesano, WA 98563
United States
Fishing tips and news
New to fishing in Washington? Check out our Fish Washington blog post for a guide on how to get started.
2024-25 Sport Fishing Rules
The 2024-25 Washington Sport Fishing Rules pamphlet is now available online and at hundreds of license dealers around the state.
Current fishing regulations and emergency Fishing Rule Changes are also available online at
New license year products for sale ahead of April 1
If you’re an angler already daydreaming about your next big season, you can take that next step now that 2025 license year products are available. Items for the 2025 license year are valid from April 1, 2025, through March 31, 2026, so you’ll need a 2025 fishing license to hit the water starting April 1 when the new license year begins. You can buy your 2025-26 angling license products online or at a license dealer near you.
Salmon season setting process underway
The 2025–26 North of Falcon salmon season setting process is underway. WDFW’s priority during this process is to be thoughtful and thorough in our work to make the best decisions using the best available science in close cooperation with tribal co-managers, other state and federal fishery managers, constituents, stakeholders, and the public. Proposed fishing seasons are expected to be announced at the Pacific Fishery Management Council meeting from April 9-15. Refer to our The Salmon Fishing Current blog for information throughout the season setting process and during the entire fishing season.
Washington’s coastal commercial Dungeness crab season underway
The 2024-25 state coastal commercial Dungeness crab season opened Jan. 15 from Klipsan Beach on the Long Beach Peninsula south to Cape Falcon, Ore., including the Columbia River and Willapa Bay. It started Feb. 11 from Klipsan Beach north to the U.S.-Canada border, including Grays Harbor.
Dungeness crabs support Washington’s most valuable commercial fishery and are a major source of economic activity in coastal communities such as Westport and Ilwaco. The value of state landings for the 2023–24 coastal commercial Dungeness crab season was $66.8 million, surpassed only by an $88.2 million record set during the 2021–22 season.
The Washington, Oregon, and California fish and wildlife departments decide season openers each year as part of a tri-state agreement to cooperatively manage the West Coast Dungeness crab fishery. Opening dates are based on test fishing to determine crab condition. Learn more about WDFW’s test fishing process in our blog post.
WDFW is proposing rule changes to the commercial Dungeness crab fishery to address marine life entanglements, improve monitoring, and clarify current rules. The proposed rule changes are available now for public review, with a public comment period open until noon Monday, March 24. Learn more in our news release.
Clam, oyster, and mussel gathering on public beaches
State clam, oyster, and mussel harvesting seasons on public tidelands vary by beach. Refer to the WDFW website for regulations, season dates, and shellfishing tips. Learn more in our news release detailing the 2025 seasons.
Daytime low tides have returned — with many big low tides occurring earlier this spring than in recent years. Oysters are typically in prime condition during the spring, and clamming should be optimal through September.
The two-page 2025 Puget Sound clam, mussel, and oyster season guide (PDF) (PDF) is now available online, as well as a beach search tool and bivalve shellfish identification chart (PDF) (PDF). Harvesters must correctly identify clams, as regulatory limits or biotoxin status can vary by species. The 2025 tides chart (PDF) (PDF) highlights the best days for bivalve foraging.
Before heading out, review the Washington State Department of Health (DOH) shellfish safety map for biotoxin-related closures and other advisories. Water quality conditions may change quickly, so please check the map on the day you plan to harvest. WDFW works closely with DOH to ensure safe, legal harvest of shellfish on state beaches.
In Washington, private tidelands owners may have their own shellfishing rules for their property. Treaty tribes also reserve rights to harvest shellfish on most tidelands and beaches. More information is available on the Northwest Indian Fisheries Commission website.
Coastal bottomfish and jetty fishing
Ilwaco (Marine Area 1), Westport-Ocean Shores (Marine Area 2), La Push (Marine Area 3) and Neah Bay (Marine Area 4 west of Bonilla-Tatoosh) is open through Oct. 18 for bottomfish including lingcod and rockfish. For information, refer to WDFW’s bottomfish webpage. Those without a boat can find good jetty fishing opportunities.
Halibut fishing in North Puget Sound, Straits, and Pacific Ocean
The 2025 halibut fishing season will kick off April 3 in some Puget Sound marine areas and May 1 in coastal marine areas.
The 2025 recreational season is based on a statewide quota of 284,042 pounds. The annual catch quota of 1.65 million pounds in 2025 is the result of an allocation that the International Pacific Halibut Commission approved Jan. 31 for fisheries in Washington, Oregon, and California. Halibut fisheries are managed to a quota, and areas will close when the projected quotas are taken.
In all marine areas open to halibut fishing, there is a one-fish daily catch limit and no minimum size restriction. Anglers may possess up to two fish in any form while in the field and must record their catch on a WDFW catch record card. The annual limit is six halibut per angler. Learn more in our news release.
Trout fishing in lowland lakes statewide and Trout Derby
The statewide lowland lakes fishing season kicks off April 26, offering anglers great fishing at hundreds of lakes. WDFW has stocked lakes with millions of trout over the past year and will stock over 100,000 jumbo trout in March and April. Depending on the lake, anglers may find rainbow trout, cutthroat trout, kokanee, and more. Visit WDFW’s catchable trout planting report webpage for information on recently planted lakes near you.
April 26 is also the kickoff for WDFW's 10th annual statewide Trout Derby, which runs through Oct. 31 at more than 100 stocked lakes. This anniversary edition of the derby is our biggest yet, featuring more than 100 participating businesses offering over 1,000 prizes valued at more than $52,000! The derby is open to anyone with a valid 2025 fishing license, though temporary licenses are not valid for game fish species from April 26 through May 3. No entry fee or registration required. You just catch a tagged trout anytime between April 26 and Oct. 31 and you win! Plus, children under 15 fish for free.
Coastal steelhead, late-coho seasons announced
Most major steelhead fishing areas are scheduled to be open through March 31, with some exceptions. Learn more in our news release and in the corresponding emergency Fishing Rule Changes.
Several coastal, Grays Harbor, and Willapa Bay rivers also remain open for late-season or "B run" coho salmon. Areas not listed in the emergency fishing rule changes will remain as described in the 2024-25 Washington Sport Fishing Rules pamphlet.
Selective gear rules (no bait) are in place this season for coastal steelhead rivers including those in Willapa Bay, Grays Harbor, and along the mid- and northern coasts. Only one single-point barbless hook is allowed.
The daily bag limit for all rivers and streams is two hatchery steelhead; wild steelhead and rainbow trout must be released. Anglers must keep wild steelhead partially in the water.
Additional emergency fishing rule changes could occur throughout the season. Fisheries in April are currently unlikely but are contingent on in-season updates and discussions with co-managers.
Coastal and southwest Washington lakes offer hatchery steelhead fishing
With coastal steelhead rivers closing in March, anglers have additional opportunities to catch these prized game fish in several lakes throughout coastal and southwestern Washington.
WDFW staff have been busy stocking hundreds of surplus adult hatchery steelhead, weighing an average of 8 to 10 pounds each. This provides anglers with another opportunity to harvest steelhead without affecting wild fish populations.
Staff are releasing hatchery steelhead into the following lakes, which are open year-round for fishing:
- Battle Ground Lake, Lewisville
- Fort Borst Lake, Centralia
- Kress Lake, Kalama
- Lake Inez (Vance Creek), Elma
Learn more about these fishing opportunities in our new blog post.
Razor clam digs tentatively planned through May 3
Visit WDFW's recreational razor clam webpage for the latest dig dates.
Coastal razor clam digging opportunities are tentatively scheduled through May 3 at Long Beach, Twin Harbors, Copalis, and Mocrocks beaches.
"The upcoming low tide series occurs before sunset each day resulting in daylight digs,” said Bryce Blumenthal, WDFW’s recreational razor clam manager. “Hopefully the swell and weather cooperate to allow for some successful harvest opportunity.”
Review our latest news release for a list of tentatively scheduled dig dates. Also be sure to join us at the Ocean Shores and Long Beach razor clam festivals this spring!
Not all coastal beaches are open for every dig, so diggers are encouraged to make sure their intended destination is open before heading out. Most successful digging occurs between one and two hours before the listed time of low tide.
The Washington State Department of Health requires testing of razor clam samples for marine toxins. Domoic acid levels must fall under the guideline level before a beach can open for harvest. This natural toxin, produced by certain types of marine algae, can be harmful or fatal if consumed in sufficient quantities.
Saltwater fishing for salmon and sea run cutthroat
The Chinook fishery in Marine Area 10 (Seattle-Bremerton Area), Marine Area 11 (Tacoma-Vashon Island) opens four days a week – Wednesdays through Saturdays only – starting April 2 through April 30, and Marine Area 5 (Sekiu and Pillar Point) opens daily starting April 14-30. Fishing seasons could close sooner if guidelines are achieved.
South Puget Sound (Marine Area 13) is open year-round for salmon, with most anglers targeting hatchery winter blackmouth (resident Chinook salmon) by trolling, jigging or mooching near Fox Island and in the Tacoma Narrows.
Several species of bottomfish such as flounder and seaperch are also open year-round in much of Puget Sound (excluding Hood Canal); check regulations or Fish Washington mobile app for details including daily limit and restriction on fishing deeper than 120 feet. All bottomfish anglers must have a descending device onboard and ready to deploy.
Catch-and-release fishing for sea run coastal cutthroat in South Puget Sound and Hood Canal picks back up again in the spring when these anadromous cutthroat gorge themselves on outmigrating salmon fry and juvenile herring and smelt.
Releasing salmon properly
Selective fisheries for hatchery-produced salmon and catch-and-release fisheries are increasingly important to providing recreational fishing opportunities around Washington. To ensure these salmon fisheries are successful long-term, it is vital that anglers do their part to comply with all regulations, especially how to properly release unmarked and out-of-season fish to improve their survival.
For more information, watch our YouTube video on safe salmon handling or read our blog post about how to properly release salmon.
Snagging fish is illegal in Washington
Fishing legally and ethically helps to ensure an enjoyable time for everyone.
WDFW would like to remind all anglers that snagging is illegal throughout Washington. Snagging is defined in WAC 220-300-160 as “an effort to take fish with a hook and line in a manner that the fish does not take the hook or hooks voluntarily in its mouth.”
Although more commonly witnessed during times of low flow, snagging occurs year-round. Violators are subject to fines or prosecution under RCW 77.15 or other applicable laws and regulations.
Check out our video to learn more, and help spread the word about protecting our state’s fish resources.
Clean, drain, dry your boat to prevent the spread of invasive species!
Help prevent the spread of aquatic invasive species by having your boat checked every time you pass a watercraft check station and by cleaning, draining, and drying it every time you take it out of the water. Tips and more information are available on our webpage.
Aquatic invasive species (AIS) are a huge threat to the state's native ecosystems. In particular, invasive mussels, recently found as close to Washington as the Snake River in Idaho, are a major concern, but you can take some quick, easy steps to help prevent their spread. European green crabs are another AIS of concern in Western Washington.
Fish Washington app upgraded

WDFW has launched an upgraded version of the Fish Washington mobile application, now available to download on both Apple iOS and Android devices. The new version is designed to run more smoothly while using less data and device memory.
Developers completely rewrote the app’s code, which now features a single code base for both iOS and Android platforms. This means a smaller app size, less frequent updates, and fewer bugs. Other improvements include:
- Location-enabled United States Geological Service (USGS) river gauges.
- More consistent emergency regulation delivery.
- Map upgrades.
The new version shows the full water body name and description on emergency regulation cards. With a data connection, the app also includes National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association (NOAA) tidal predictions for marine waters and portions of the Columbia River, as well as river gauges from multiple data providers. Users can ask questions, make suggestions, or report issues by emailing Learn more in our news release.
WDFW phases out recreational fishing and shellfishing hotlines
For several decades, WDFW provided phone hotlines where people could listen to prerecorded messages about fishing seasons and rule changes. In the years since we established the hotlines, WDFW launched several new options to find accurate, up-to-date fishing information. We are phasing out the phone hotlines for recreational fishing and shellfishing. There are no changes to the commercial hotlines.
There are many places to find WDFW fishing regulations and information. We encourage anglers who used the prerecorded hotlines to take advantage of one of the web, mobile app, or other customer service phone options we offer. Visit our Fishing Hotlines Page to see the full list of new options and find more information.
Hunting opportunities and news
For an overview of hunting in Washington and how to get started, visit our Hunt Washington blog post.
2024-25 Hunting Regulations
The 2024 Big Game Hunting Regulations and 2024-25 Game Bird and Small Game Hunting Regulations pamphlets are available online, at hundreds of license dealers around the state, and at regional WDFW offices.
Current hunting regulations are also available online at
New license year products for sale ahead of April 1
If you’re a hunter already daydreaming about your next big season, you can take that next step now that 2025 license year products are available. Those products include hunting licenses, as well as special hunt and multi-season applications. Items for the 2025 license year are valid from April 1, 2025, through March 31, 2026. You can buy your 2025-26 hunting license products online or at a license dealer near you.
Multi-season and special hunt applications available now
Multi-season deer and elk tags enable you to hunt archery, muzzleloader, and modern firearm seasons, while special hunt permits offer opportunities such as hunting outside general seasons, all increasing your chances for success. Applications for both can be purchased now. The multi-season application deadline is March 31, while special hunt applications need to be submitted between April 28 and May 28.
Public comment open for Washington hunting season, wildlife feeding proposals
WDFW is now accepting public comments on proposed hunting season rule changes as part of the Department’s annual hunting season setting process. The Department is also accepting public comment on proposed rules meant to limit the spread of chronic wasting disease (CWD), including a proposal to implement a statewide deer, elk, and moose feeding ban in Washington. Refer to the Department’s news release for more information.
New cougar regulations
Cougar hunting remains open in most GMUs through March 31 or until the 13% harvest cap is reached. Before heading out, make sure the GMU you're looking to hunt is open by calling the Cougar Hotline at 1-866-364-4868 (press 2 after greeting) or visiting WDFW's website.
Hunters may take one cougar per license year.
Please note that it is illegal to kill spotted kittens (usually less than 80 pounds) or adult cougars with spotted kittens. Observing multiple sets of tracks likely indicates a female with kittens.
New rule in effect for bobcat hunters and trappers
Hunters and trappers must submit the lower jaw of any bobcat they harvest, as part of the mandatory pelt sealing process, following a rule update finalized through WDFW’s most recent season setting process.
WDFW uses canine teeth to determine the age structure of harvested bobcats and track changes over time. Because bobcats' canine teeth are not as easily removed as those of other species, the entire lower jaw must be submitted.
Pelts must be sealed by April 20. Visit WDFW's website for information on how to remove the lower jaw and how to request that the Department return the jaw to you after removing the canines. Contact WDFW at or 360-902-2515 with questions.
Shed antler hunting
It’s thrilling to search for and find shed antlers in the spring! Please remember to avoid disturbing wildlife while shed hunting, and to collect antlers responsibly. There are no seasons or permits required to collect shed antlers in Washington, but shed hunters must follow state regulations for land use. This includes securing permission from landowners before searching for sheds on private land and always abiding by posted closures. To limit impacts to wildlife, it is important for shed hunters to stay on designated trails and roads while using motorized vehicles and give any animals you encounter plenty of space.
New, prospective hunters must complete hunter education
Before hunting seasons start, be sure to complete your hunter education course.
Students may choose between a traditional classroom or hybrid course. The traditional course is a multi-session instructor-led training with an average of 15 hours of instruction. The hybrid course consists of a self-paced online class followed by a field skills evaluation by certified instructors.
Prospective hunters can learn more about hunter education requirements and register for either a traditional or hybrid course by visiting WDFW’s hunter education webpage.
Per Washington state law, all hunters born after Jan. 1, 1972, must complete a hunter education course in order to buy a hunting license. A hunter education deferral is available for hunters 10 and older who want to try hunting with an eligible licensed hunter before completing a hunter education course themselves.
WDFW offers accessible hunting and wildlife-viewing blinds

Did you know WDFW offers hunting and wildlife-viewing blinds and platforms throughout Washington that are accessible to people with disabilities? Learn about these Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) designated sites on our ADA hunting and wildlife-viewing blinds and platforms page.
Some sites can be reserved through WDFW's Private Lands Hunting Access program. Others can be reserved by calling the wildlife area manager.
Hunters without disabilities should yield ADA hunting and wildlife-viewing blinds and platforms to those with disabilities if the site was reserved.
Many of these ADA hunting and wildlife-viewing blinds and platforms are built and maintained with support from volunteers, master hunters, and partners including Inland Northwest Wildlife Council and Washington Waterfowl Association. Thank you!
Head to for info on hunting, angling, and more
WDFW has rolled out a promotional website for all things hunting, angling, foraging, recreating, and more. At, you’ll find informative how-to articles on the season’s major fishing and hunting opportunities, as well as a portal to online license sales and a regular update on WDFW’s latest Life Outdoors articles.
Each quarter, new fishing and hunting highlights are posted to help you get ready and take part in Washington’s current and upcoming opportunities. Dedicated to current agency promotions, outdoor recreation information, and educational content, preps you to meet with success in the field and on the water.
Wildlife watching and recreation
Find more tips on our wildlife viewing webpage.
Watchable Wildlife: Events celebrate migratory birds
Wild Washington Youth Education
Educators, learn how to engage students in real world fish and wildlife conservation issues at an upcoming workshop for K-5 educators. Workshops will cover ways to incorporate WDFW’s place-based and Next Generation Science Standards-designed Wild Washington curriculum units into the classroom. Each free training includes three hours of virtual synchronous learning and qualifies for STEM clock hours. Learn more and register at the links below.
- April 19, 9 a.m. to noon - Get WILD with WDFW! Second Grade Biodiversity and Pollinators Curriculum Training, Kindergarten – Grade 2. Registration coming soon, contact
- May 28 and 29, 4 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. - Two-part training: Get WILD with WDFW! Second Grade Biodiversity and Pollinators Curriculum Training, Kindergarten – Grade 2. Registration coming soon, contact
What to do if you encounter young wildlife
Help wildlife stay wild: Avoid feeding!
Wild animals don't need us to feed them. There are many reasons to avoid feeding wildlife:
- Feeding wild animals causes them to lose their natural fear of people, which can lead to aggression or make them vulnerable to harm.
- It draws wildlife together, possibly mixing healthy and sick animals and spreading diseases among them. Some wildlife can carry diseases that may also be transmissible to people and pets.
- Feeding wildlife may attract carnivores such as coyotes, bears, and cougars.
- Animals may cross busy roads, risking being hit by vehicles, to get to where they are fed.
- Some wildlife cannot properly digest human-provided food, and they can get sick or even die from it.
The best way to show appreciation for wildlife is to admire them from a safe distance and allow them to stay wild! Learn more on our webpage about the risks of feeding wildlife.
Find an accessible area to go bird watching
Birdability is a national nonprofit that works to ensure the birding community and the outdoors are welcoming, inclusive, safe, and accessible for everybody and every body.
Birdability has a crowdsourced map where the public has contributed information about accessible viewing sites. The purpose is to allow people with disabilities and other health concerns access to this information ahead of time, to help them decide if a location is one they would like to visit.
Please note that this list of accessible sites is not exhaustive and continues to be expanded — but it is another resource that can provide useful information for preparing a bird watching or other outdoor adventure. Happy birding!
Practice black bear awareness year-round

Black bears are common throughout Washington, including suburban areas. Both when preparing for hibernation and awakening from it, they look for high-calorie foods that are easy to get. These may include garbage, bird feeders (both seed and liquid), fruit trees, and pet food.
As human populations encroach on bear habitat, people and bears have greater chances of encountering each other. Food sources provided by humans, whether intentionally or not, can attract bears. Removing these attractants is the best way to encourage bears to move along and focus on natural food sources
Ask your local waste management company if bear-resistant containers are available or if individually purchased bear-resistant containers are compatible with the company’s equipment. Secure your garbage cans, such as in a shed or garage, and put them out the morning of pickup — not the night before. To help reduce odors, freeze meat and fish waste before disposing of it and spray garbage cans with disinfectants.
More information on living with bears is available on our black bear webpage and our black bear two-pager (PDF).
Conserving species and habitats
Looking for more info on wildlife conservation and species management around Washington? Check out our Bi-Weekly Wildlife Program reports.
Boaters must stay 1,000 yards away from Southern Resident killer whales
If you're unsure whether a killer whale is a Southern Resident, err on the side of caution and keep 1,000 yards away. Refer to our news release or for more information and answers to frequently asked questions.
Using prescribed fire to restore habitat and promote native species on WDFW-managed lands
WDFW and partners use prescribed fire in Eastern Washington to reduce wildfire fuel and severity. Statewide, including where wildfires are less frequent, the team uses prescribed fire to improve habitat, control invasive plants, and promote native species.
Wildlife benefiting from prescribed fire range from endangered birds and butterflies to big game species like deer and elk. Learn more about this important land management practice in our blog post.
Help protect Washington's bats
Bats are incredible animals, and we’re lucky to have them here in Washington. But across the United States, these pollinating, mosquito-eating flying mammals face a number of threats that put them at severe risk of population decline. These threats include habitat loss, climate change, and a devastating disease called white-nose syndrome.
WDFW partners with numerous state, federal, tribal, and non-governmental organizations to proactively survey Washington bat populations for white-nose syndrome and test emerging preventative treatments. You can help prevent the spread of white-nose syndrome by:
- Reporting bat colonies and sick, injured, or dead bats using the forms listed on our webpage.
- Avoiding entering areas where bats may be living. You could potentially transfer the fungus that causes white-nose syndrome to new bat populations.
This disease does not affect humans, livestock, or other wildlife. However, bats may carry other diseases that can spread to people, so please do not handle dead or live bats.
Habitat at Home: Gardening for wildlife habitat
It’s the perfect time to garden for wildlife! You can build wildlife habitat wherever you live, work, and play. Even container gardens provide habitat! Wildlife gardens support pollinators, small mammals, songbirds, bats, and amphibians.
To survive, wildlife need food, water, shelter, and space. Conveniently, ALL of these habitat components can be provided by planting native plants! Washington’s wildlife have co-evolved with native plants, which offer the best food source. Make sure to plant native plants before April to allow them ample time to get settled!
Visit our Habitat at Home pages for tips on how to support pollinators, songbirds, and bats. While you’re there, certify your habitat to receive a free sign and spread the word!
Community Habitat signs are now available
Do you have wildlife habitat in your neighborhood, apartment courtyard, business front, schoolyard, or community center? Whether it’s a small garden or a larger area, if it provides a home for wildlife, we want to celebrate it!
Apply online and we’ll send you a free Habitat at Home Community Spaces sign along with resources to help steward the habitat.
To qualify, your space should:
- Be accessible to your community.
- Provide food, water, shelter, and space for wildlife.
- Feature native plants.
Watch: Restoring Biodiversity in Washington
No matter what your connection with Washington’s fish and wildlife is — whether you go to your local park to see birds, watch wildlife in the backcountry, or hunt, fish, or hike — the work that WDFW and partners are engaging on to protect and restore Washington’s biodiversity is helping ensure that Washingtonians continue to have access to these opportunities for generations to come.
Watch the video: Biodiverse Washington: Restoring and Protecting Washington's Greatest Asset
Join the WDFW team
If you’d enjoy preserving, protecting, and perpetuating the state’s fish, wildlife, and ecosystems while providing sustainable fish and wildlife recreational and commercial opportunities, then check out some of our current job openings or sign up for job alerts. From fish hatchery specialists to environmental engineers and budget analysts to wildlife biologists, a career with WDFW makes a difference.
Volunteer opportunity spotlight
WDFW welcomes volunteers of all abilities who want to contribute to the conservation of fish, wildlife, and habitat. Diverse volunteer opportunities are available, including projects on state wildlife areas and water access areas, habitat restoration projects, hunter education instruction, and assisting at outreach events.
As we continue to engage with Washingtonians statewide, we are expanding our volunteer outreach program in 2025. Volunteers will assist WDFW staff at events ranging from wildlife festivals to family fishing events to regional workshops, and more! The program is open to people 18 years and older who are based in, or willing to travel to, Clark, Clallam, Cowlitz, Grays Harbor, Jefferson, King, Lewis, Mason, Pacific, Pierce, Snohomish, or Thurston counties.
Learn more about the commitment, benefits, and how to apply on the Volunteer Education and Outreach Team webpage. In-person trainings are available in Raymond on March 8 and Port Townsend on April 12. In-person trainings are available in Raymond on March 8 and Port Townsend on April 12.
For more information about the volunteer program and upcoming volunteer opportunities, visit the WDFW volunteer webpage.
Wildlife Program biweekly reports
To read reports published prior to 2023, visit the Biweekly Wildlife Program activity reports page.
Regional Director: Heather Hall

Heather Hall started in her role as Coastal Washington (Region 6) Director on May 1, 2024.
Heather is excited to return to Region 6, where she began her career at WDFW in 1995. Most recently, she served as Intergovernmental Ocean Policy Manager, overseeing state fisheries and fisheries extending into federal waters.
Heather is committed to public service. She brings expertise to her new role ranging from fieldwork to policymaking, giving her a unique perspective on fish and wildlife management in the Coastal Region.
Heather holds a bachelor’s degree in science from Western Washington University. In her free time, she enjoys recreating along the Washington coast, including kayaking, standup paddleboarding, crabbing, and gathering oysters on Hood Canal.