Cutthroat trout (Oncorhynchus clarkii)

Category: Fish

Three subspecies of cutthroat trout are found in Washington. The coastal and westslope are native to Washington, while the Lahontan cutthroat is native to the Great Basin of California, Oregon, and western Nevada, and is the largest of the cutthroat subspecies. 

Among coastal cutthroat trout, some populations around the Salish Sea (including Puget Sound), Washington Coast and lower Columbia River tributaries are anadromous. Learn more about these unique sea run cutthroat and how to fish for them in this February 2022 WDFW blog post and March 2016 YouTube video. A popular fishery for hatchery sea run cutthroat trout is also available on the Cowlitz River; learn more in this October 2020 blog post.

Where you may encounter cutthroat trout

Lakes where this species may be found

Cowlitz County
Grays Harbor County