Customer service staff at the Ridgefield Regional Office are available for walk-in service Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. (excluding legal holidays). The Cowlitz Wildlife Area field office in Morton is open Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. (excluding legal holidays), and now offers license sales, Discover Passes, and pelt sealing.
5525 S 11th Street
Ridgefield, WA 98642
United States
Fishing tips and news
2024-25 Sport Fishing Rules
The latest fishing regulations went into effect July 1, 2024. The 2024-25 Washington Sport Fishing Rules pamphlet is now available online and at hundreds of license dealers around the state. Current fishing regulations and emergency Fishing Rule Changes are also available online at
New to fishing in Washington? Check out our Fish Washington blog post for a guide on how to get started.
Lower Columbia River salmon and steelhead
Fishery managers approved this year’s spring Chinook salmon fishing seasons Feb. 19 during a joint state hearing (PDF), with fishing expected to ramp up in late March and early April as the salmon returns increase.
This year’s forecast projects 217,500 spring Chinook will return to the Columbia River’s mouth, up from an estimated 189,559 fish in 2024. The forecast estimates 122,500 of those fish will return to tributaries upstream of Bonneville Dam, an increase from the estimated 116,332 upriver fish that returned last year.
Refer to the Columbia River reports, forecasts, and returns webpage for full details.
The popular fishery below Bonneville Dam will be open daily for salmon and steelhead fishing from March 1 through April 6, while the stretch upstream of Bonneville Dam to the Washington-Oregon border will be open from April 1 through April 26. The daily limit is six, including no more than two adults, of which no more than one may be an adult Chinook. All wild steelhead and salmon other than hatchery Chinook must be released. Salmon must be at least 12 inches to keep.
In 2025, recreational anglers are projected to harvest approximately 5,200 adult Chinook below Bonneville Dam and 550 from Bonneville Dam upstream to the Washington/Oregon border. Fishery managers will monitor the fisheries, dam counts, and hatchery returns as the season progresses and adjust as necessary. The U.S. v. Oregon Technical Advisory Committee typically provides a run size update in mid-May.
Trolling is the preferred method for anglers targeting spring Chinook in the lower Columbia River mainstem, while anchor fishing can be effective in areas with stronger currents. Many anglers find success using bait-wrapped plugs, herring, or prawns, with a diver or weight to keep gear near the riverbed, or bottom, where Chinook typically travel. Flashers are often used in combination with baits or lures to create additional attraction through flash and vibration. Using barbless hooks is required.
Selective fishing practices are essential to protecting wild stocks, particularly those listed under the Endangered Species Act. Anglers should handle fish with care, keeping wild salmon and steelhead in the water as much as possible when preparing to release. For tips on how to properly release a salmon or steelhead, refer to our blog post or watch our YouTube video.
Anglers should review the Washington Sport Fishing rules pamphlet or Fish Washington® mobile app for all permanent rules for the waters they plan to fish, as well as check for any emergency rule changes before heading out. Regulations may be modified in-season as returns materialize. To receive regulation updates and Columbia River Compact fishery notices via email, subscribe to WDFW’s mailing lists.
Cowlitz River smelt tentative schedule
Update (Feb. 28): Fishery managers announced the Cowlitz River recreational smelt fishery will remain CLOSED on the tentative dates of March 5 and March 8. For details, refer to the current smelt season.
Each year, Columbia River smelt return to the Cowlitz River, which supports a popular dip-net only fishery in years when the run size is large enough to support recreational harvest. Run sizes and return timing fluctuates year-to-year due to water conditions and other factors, though smelt typically begin to enter the system in February and March. However, water temperatures in the Columbia River have remained below seasonal averages that are typically associated with smelt abundance in large numbers.
For updates on the 2025 Cowlitz River recreational smelt fishery, refer to the current smelt season section of the Cowlitz River smelt fishing webpage.
To date, there have been no smelt landings in the mainstem Columbia River commercial fishery. Additionally, the WDFW test fishery has yielded only three smelt as of Feb. 25. As a result, fishery managers have been unable to approve any tentative fishing dates under the guidelines set by the Washington and Oregon Eulachon Management Plan.
Previously, the commercial fishery had to report at least 200 pounds per delivery before a recreational fishery for ESA-listed Columbia River smelt could be considered. However, in accordance with the management plan, the season has been downgraded from harvest phase two to harvest phase one after failing to catch at least 50 pounds per delivery by Feb. 25. Current guidelines now require the commercial fishery to report at least 250 pounds per delivery before a recreational fishery can be considered.
Fishery managers will continue to monitor the run size weekly to determine if future tentative dates can be approved for recreational harvest. WDFW will announce final approval for fishing dates and hours of harvest by 3 p.m. on the Friday preceding each week’s tentative dates. For the latest information, including this year’s tentative schedule, license requirement, and fishing regulations, refer to the Cowlitz River smelt fishing webpage.
Fishing the tributaries
Winter steelhead fishing was successful in several Southwest Washington tributaries in January and February, with the Cowlitz and Kalama rivers providing some additional opportunity for late-arriving winter runs in March and April. However, anglers are likely to shift gears to spring Chinook in April.
For recent catch reports, refer to our Southwest Washington fishing reports webpage.
Salmon and steelhead fishing in the Deep River will be open under the same rules as the mainstem Columbia River when the mainstem is open to spring Chinook. Based on preseason forecasts, anglers can also expect to harvest spring Chinook in the Cowlitz, Kalama, and Lewis Rivers in 2025.
Spring Chinook 2024 returns and 2025 forecasts
The Columbia River tributary spring Chinook 2024 returns and 2025 forecasts are listed below. Tributary (Trib) forecasts and returns are to the tributary mouths, with Columbia River (CR) forecasts and returns are to the Columbia River's mouth. The Columbia River forecast numbers are rounded to the nearest 100.
River | 2024 | 2025 | ||||
Trib Forecast | Trib Return | CR Forecast | CR Return | Trib Forecast | CR Forecast | |
Cowlitz | 4,580 | 8,822 | 4,700 | 8,983 | 13,310 | 13,700 |
Kalama | 1,840 | 2,310 | 1,900 | 2,474 | 2,900 | 3,000 |
Lewis | 3,270 | 2,553 | 3,400 | 2,722 | 3,060 | 3,200 |
Total | 9,690 | 13,685 | 10,000 | 14,179 | 19,270 | 19,900 |
This year’s Cowlitz River spring Chinook forecast is greater than both the 5- and 10-year average returns of 5,300 and 9,800, respectively. The Kalama River spring Chinook forecast is similar to the 5- and 10-year average returns of 2,200 and 2,500, respectively. The Lewis River spring Chinook forecast is similar to the 5- average return of 3,700 and greater than the 10-year average return of 2,600.
Cowlitz River anglers are reminded that the fishing boundary below the Salmon Hatchery barrier dam, previously set at 100 feet, has been moved back to 400 feet. The upstream boundary (1,700 feet above the dam near the water intake) remains unchanged. The extended boundary downstream of the barrier dam is set at 400 feet to support brood collection goals and fish transport needs in the upper basin.
Rules and regulations, including bag limits, may vary by location. Anglers should review the emergency fishing rules or Fish Washington® mobile app for the area they plan to fish before heading out. Anglers can be notified of any in-season rules changes as they are announced by signing up for WDFW regulation updates.
North of Falcon and Columbia River meetings
The 2025-26 North of Falcon salmon season setting process is underway. WDFW’s priority during this process is to be thoughtful and thorough in our work to make the best decisions using the best available science in close cooperation with tribal co-managers, other state and federal fishery managers, constituents, stakeholders, and the public.
A public meeting for Columbia River fisheries downstream of the Snake River will take place April 3. This in-person only meeting will be held in Ridgefield, with fishery managers discussing forecasts, management objectives, and potential recreational fisheries for the lower Columbia River.
Proposed fishing seasons are expected to be announced at the Pacific Fishery Management Council meeting April 9-15. Refer to WDFW’s The Salmon Fishing Current blog for information throughout the season setting process, and during the entire fishing season. The 2025 North of Falcon public meeting schedule is available on our website.
Trout fishing in lakes and ponds
The statewide lowland lakes fishing season kicks off April 26, offering anglers great fishing opportunities at hundreds of lakes. WDFW has stocked lakes with millions of trout over the past year, with plans to stock over 100,000 jumbo trout in March and April. In Southwest Washington, WDFW hatchery staff have been busy planting year-round lakes with catchable trout in recent weeks, with many more plants scheduled to occur soon. Lakes recently stocked with rainbow trout and steelhead broodstock include:
- Battle Ground Lake and Klineline Pond in Clark County.
- Kress Lake in Cowlitz County.
- Carlisle Lake and Fort Borst Park Pond in Lewis County.
April 26 is also the kickoff for WDFW’s 10th annual statewide Trout Derby, which runs through Oct. 31 at more than 100 stocked lakes. This anniversary edition of the derby is our biggest yet, featuring more than 100 participating businesses offering over 1,000 prizes valued at $52,000. The derby is open to anyone with a valid 2025 fishing license, though temporary licenses are not valid for game fish species from April 26 through May 3. No entry fee or registration required. Simply catch a tagged trout anytime between April 26 and Oct. 31 and you win. Plus, children under 15 fish for free in Washington.
Targeting kokanee? Lake Merwin and Yale Reservoir will provide quality kokanee fishing over the next few months. Anglers are advised to check the wind forecast and waters levels before heading out.
For up-to-date catchable trout plants in Southwest Washington, visit the catchable trout plants webpage. To explore more fishing opportunities, check out the lowland lakes webpage, featuring thousands of lowland lakes across Washington.
Anglers should be aware that some lakes in the region may have closed to fishing at the end of November under permanent rules. Before heading out, anglers should review the annual fishing pamphlet or Fish Washington® mobile app for the lake they plan to fish.
Warmwater fish
Crappie are moving in and out of the canals in Silver Lake, providing success for anglers willing to move around. Rowland Lake is also a good option for crappie, as well as bluegill and pumpkinseed. Yellow perch are active in Lacamas Lake. Largemouth bass are biting in Kress Lake and Carlisle Lake, while Riffe Lake has produced for smallmouth bass anglers. Those in pursuit of tiger muskie are finding action in Mayfield Lake, with expectations of Lake Merwin becoming more active in March.
With angler activity increasing as the weather warms up, anglers are reminded to know the difference between tiger muskie and northern pike. Tiger muskie have dark spots (juvenile) or vertical stripes or bars on a light background while northern pike have light horizontal spots on a dark background.
More information about tiger muskie, including a full list of where you may encounter the species, can be found on the tiger muskie webpage. To learn more about northern pike and what you should do if you encounter and identify one, visit the northern pike webpage.
Razor clam digging opportunities
The next tentative coastal razor clam digs during evening (noon to midnight only) low tides are March 8 and March 11-12 at Long Beach, Twin Harbors, and Mocrocks; March 9-10 and March 13-14 at Long Beach, Twin Harbors, and Copalis. More tentative digs are planned during evening low tides March 26-28, and then morning (midnight to noon only) low tides March 29-31 and April 1-3 at select coastal beaches. Not all coastal beaches are open for every dig, so before heading out, make sure your intended destination is open. For more information, refer to the razor clam seasons and beaches webpage.
Sturgeon fishing closed in The Dalles and Bonneville Pools
Fishery managers approved additional sturgeon retention days in The Dalles Pool section of the Columbia River in February. Retention fishing was open Feb. 15, 22, and 27 only. To date, the estimated sturgeon harvest in The Dalles Pool is 211, which is 77% of the pool’s 275-fish guideline.
The Bonneville Pool, which opened for one day on Jan. 1, is also closed to sturgeon retention. Record angler effort and favorable water conditions led to an estimated harvest of 1,365 sturgeon, exceeding the original harvest guideline of 675. In late January, the Sturgeon Management Task Force revised the Bonneville Pool’s harvest guideline to 1,250 based on current stock assessments. However, harvest estimates still exceed that limit.
The John Day Pool is open for sturgeon retention daily through April 30. As of Feb. 24, the estimated sturgeon harvest in the John Day Pool is 36, which is roughly 34% of the pool's 105-fish guideline. Catch and release fishing is allowed in the Bonneville and The Dalles pool under permanent regulations.
For more information about white sturgeon in the Columbia River, Puget Sound, and coastal areas, including current harvest totals and pool-specific regulations, visit the white sturgeon webpage.
Pikeminnow reward fishery to open early at select locations
The Northern Pikeminnow Sport-Reward Fishery Program will start early at three locations along the Columbia River in 2025. The Dalles station will open Monday, April 14, followed by the Columbia Point and Umatilla stations opening the next Monday, April 21. Most other stations will begin operations on the traditional opener May 1.
These early openings are timed to align with favorable water conditions that make this stretch of river more productive earlier in the season. This adjusted schedule provides anglers in the area with an opportunity to take advantage of this prime fishing window.
During the 2024 season, the program reached its goal of removing 10 to 20% of the largest pikeminnow from their population. In total, 12,160 registered angler efforts resulted in 176,420 qualifying northern pikeminnow being caught, with an average daily catch per angler of 14.5. The top 20 anglers caught an average of 4,514 fish per angler and averaged reward payments of $45,405 each for the five-month season. The program's top angler took home $164,260 by turning in 16,150 fish. The payout and total catch are new program highs, besting the previous records of $119,341 and 14,109 set in 2016.
Results indicate that the Pikeminnow Program has been successful, with over 5.2 million predatory Northern Pikeminnow removed to date by anglers participating in the Sport-Reward Fishery, and a decrease of predation on juvenile salmonids of up to 40 percent from pre-program levels. For more information on the Pikeminnow Program, including rules and regulations, season dates, station times, and fishing tips, refer to
New license reminder
As spring approaches, Washingtonians should consider purchasing 2025-26 recreational hunting and fishing licenses before current licenses expire after March 31. New licenses are valid from April 1, 2025 through March 31, 2026. Licenses can be purchased online or at a license dealer near you.
Boating safety
With freshwater fishing season openers in March and April, the Washington State Park and Recreation Commission Boating Program reminds you to take a boater safety education course, if you haven’t already, to be prepared for the season. In Washington, boaters who operate a vessel with a 15-horsepower engine or greater must carry a Boater Education Card to prove they passed an accredited boating safety education course.
Boaters are also reminded to help protect Washington’s waters from aquatic invasive species (AIS) by remembering to clean, drain, and dry all your gear, equipment, and watercraft – motorized and non-motorized. More information about preventing the spread of AIS is available on our website.
Fish Washington® app receives major upgrades

WDFW launched an upgraded version of the Fish Washington® mobile application on April 9, now available to download on both Apple iOS and Android devices. The new version is designed to run more smoothly while using less data and device memory.
Developers completely rewrote the app’s code, which now features a single code base for both iOS and Android platforms. This means a smaller app size, less frequent updates, and fewer bugs. Other improvements include:
- Location-enabled United States Geological Service (USGS) river gauges.
- More consistent emergency regulation delivery.
- Map upgrades.
The new version will show the full water body name and description on emergency regulation cards. With a data connection, the app also includes National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association (NOAA) tidal predictions for marine waters and portions of the Columbia River, as well as river gauges from multiple data providers. Users can ask questions, make suggestions, or report issues at Learn more in our news release.
Hunting tips and news
For an overview of hunting in Washington and how to get started, visit our Hunt Washington blog post.
Buy your 2025-26 hunting license
As spring approaches, Washingtonians should consider purchasing 2025-26 recreational hunting and fishing licenses before current licenses expire after March 31. New licenses are valid from April 1, 2025 through March 31, 2026. Licenses can be purchased online or at a license dealer near you.
Current hunting regulations are also available online at
2024-25 hunting regulations
The 2024-25 Game Bird and Small Game Hunting Regulations and 2024-25 Big Game Hunting Regulations pamphlets are available online and at hundreds of license dealers around the state. The updated rules can help hunters make decisions about how to spend their time in the field.
Digital and physical 2025-26 hunting pamphlets are typically available by mid-April. For current hunting regulations, refer to
Multi-season and special hunt applications available now
Multi-season deer and elk tags enable you to hunt archery, muzzleloader, and modern firearm seasons, while special hunt permits offer opportunities such as hunting outside general seasons, all increasing your chances for success. Applications for both can be purchased now. The multi-season application deadline is March 31, while special hunt applications need to be submitted between April 28 and May 28.
Spring turkey hunting
Spring turkey hunting is just around the corner! This is an exciting opportunity for hunters in Southwest Washington to get back in the field after a long winter, and an accessible pursuit for new hunters, too. Washington’s youth spring turkey season opens April 1. The general spring turkey season for hunters of all ages runs from April 15 through May 31. Refer to the 2025 spring season turkey pamphlet for the latest regulations.
In Southwest Washington, Klickitat County is the most popular area to find and hunt wild turkey. WDFW provides public hunting opportunity on both wildlife area lands and private lands enrolled in the Private Lands Access Program. For a list properties to hunt, refer to the Private Lands Hunting Access webpage.
Looking for turkey hunting tips? We’ve consulted WDFW staff that are avid turkey hunters to provide hunters with articles on turkey behavior, hunting strategies, turkey hunting gear, and other tips on the Turkey Takeover webpage at
Ducks and geese
A late season snow goose hunt in Southwest Washington's Goose Management Area 2 – Inland will close March 5. The season, which opened Feb. 8, is open on Saturdays, Sundays, and Wednesdays only. The birds will be migrating northward and can be found in groups throughout the late hunting window.
From Feb. 8 through March 5, National Wildlife Refuges and WDFW Areas are closed to goose hunting as a management tool to reduce agricultural depredation on private lands. Hunters should refer to the WDFW website for specific areas where hunting is allowed and other rules; scouting and private lands access will be key to success.
Please note: electronic calls are not allowed for goose hunting in Goose Management Area 2 during this late-season hunt. For details, refer to the Migratory Game Bird Regulations.
Season dates will vary by location. Hunters are reminded to check the migratory waterfowl regulations for specific season dates and for detailed rules and bag limits. For more information about bird and small game hunting, including season dates and regulations, please refer to the 2024 Game Bird and Small Game Hunting Regulations.
Cougar hunting season closes March 31
Cougars hunting is open through March 31 in Game Management Units (GMU) where the harvest cap has not yet been reached. As of March, many GMUs are closed to hunting cougars, including some units in Southwest Washington, including 564 (PDF) (Battle Ground), 568 (PDF) (Washougal), 574 (PDF) (Wind River), and 578 (PDF) (West Klickitat). Hunters can verify if the season is open or closed online or by calling the toll-free Cougar Hotline at 1-866-364-4868 (press 2 after greeting).
Chronic wasting disease in Eastern Washington
With fall hunting seasons starting, it is important for hunters to know that WDFW has recently confirmed the first case of chronic wasting disease (CWD) in Washington. A deer found in north Spokane County tested positive for the disease. CWD is a fatal illness of cervids, including deer, elk, moose, and caribou. To help manage the spread of this disease, WDFW has put some emergency rule changes in place that will impact some hunters in eastern Washington. Review the new rules at the link below.
If you have questions, we have compiled a list of frequently asked chronic wasting disease questions and answers including what can be imported from the affected game management units; how to have harvested deer, elk, and moose tested for CWD; and why baiting is not allowed this season in some areas.
Small game hunting
Bobcat hunting will be open through March 15. Washington small game hunters and trappers are reminded that it is now a requirement to submit the lower jaw of any bobcat they harvest, as part of the mandatory pelt sealing process. For more information, including a how-to video, refer to the bobcat webpage.
Hunter reporting requirement
If you have a small game license, western Washington pheasant license, or migratory bird permit, you can now complete your harvest reports in your online WILD account through WDFW’s WILD licensing system. You can submit reports for these licenses from Sept. 1 through Mar. 31. You can continue to add additional hunting days, species, locations, and harvests throughout the reporting timeframe as a log. At the end of the reporting timeframe (Mar. 31), all entries will be automatically submitted. Refer to the reporting your hunt webpage for additional information.
Sign up for in-person hunter education
Hunter education is a mandatory program designed to promote knowledge and skills to continue our proud hunting tradition. WDFW offers two types of hunter education courses that teach firearms and outdoor safety, wildlife management, and hunter responsibility. All hunters born after Jan. 1, 1972 must show proof of hunter education course completion before purchasing their first Washington hunting license. For more information, refer to the Hunter Education webpage.
Hoof disease in elk

As many hunters know, Treponeme-Associated Hoof Disease (TAHD) has spread among elk in Western Washington in recent years. While elk are susceptible to many conditions that cause limping or hoof deformities, the prevalence and severity of this new affliction – now known as treponeme-associated hoof disease (TAHD) – suggests something different.
In 2021, WDFW implemented an incentive-based pilot program to encourage Western Washington (400, 500, 600 series GMUs) hunters to harvest limping elk, potentially reducing prevalence of the disease over time. General season or permit hunters can choose to participate in the program by submitting elk hooves at one of the many collection sites in western Washington.
See the WDFW website for the locations of collection sites. Hunters that submit hooves with signs of TAHD (for example, abnormal hooves) will be automatically entered into a drawing for a special incentive permit for the following license year. Multiple bull permits in western Washington with season dates of Sept. 1 – Dec. 31 will be awarded. Additionally, all participants will receive a custom, waterproof license holder.
What hunters can do to help:
- Harvest a limping elk from any 400, 500, 600 series GMUs.
- Turn in your elk hooves along with complete registration forms at one of several collection sites in western Washington.
- Report elk: Hunters can help WDFW track TAHD by reporting observations of both affected and unaffected elk on the department’s online reporting form.
- Clean shoes and tires: Anyone who hikes or drives off-road in a known affected area can help minimize the risk of spreading the disease to new areas by removing all mud from their shoes and tires before leaving the area.
Head to for info on hunting, angling, and more
WDFW has rolled out a promotional website for all things hunting, angling, foraging, recreating, and more. At, you’ll find informative how-to articles on the season’s major fishing and hunting opportunities, as well as a portal to online license sales and a regular update on WDFW’s latest Life Outdoors articles.
Each quarter, new fishing and hunting highlights are posted to help you get ready and take part in Washington’s current and upcoming opportunities. Dedicated to current agency promotions, outdoor recreation information, and educational content, preps you to meet with success in the field and on the water.
Conserving species and habitats
Looking for more info on wildlife conservation and species management around Washington? Check out our Bi-Weekly Wildlife Program reports.
Check out our January/February Director's Bulletin for more conservation highlights!
Feeding wildlife can be harmful
Winter is the hardest time for wild animals to survive, and while we understand the good intention behind humans feeding them, ultimately it harms more than helps wildlife. Many well-meaning Washington residents in urban and suburban areas enjoy feeding deer in their yards. Although some see this as helping, it can hurt the animals and even lead to illness or death.
Animals’ bodies are not adapted to digest many foods. Accustomed to digesting woody browse, they are unable to tolerate corn or apples, and hay can be harsh on their systems. Feeding wildlife can also teach them to associate humans with food, which unnaturally congregates them, increases the risk of disease spread, and may attract predators closer to people. The best way to help wildlife winter is to stay far away from them to avoid causing stress, which uses energy that is in short supply this time of year.
Learn more about how to help us keep wildlife wild by following tips on our website (PDF).
Gardening for wildlife habitat
It’s the perfect time to garden for wildlife! You can build wildlife habitat wherever you live, work, and play. Even container gardens provide habitat! Wildlife gardens support pollinators, small mammals, songbirds, bats, and amphibians. To survive, wildlife need food, water, shelter, and space. Conveniently, ALL of these habitat components can be provided by planting native plants! Washington’s wildlife have co-evolved with native plants, which offer the best food source. Make sure to plant native plants before April to allow them ample time to get settled! Visit our Habitat at Home pages for tips on how to support pollinators, songbirds, and bats.
Wild Washington Youth Education program
Educators, learn how to engage students in real world fish and wildlife conservation issues at an upcoming workshop for K-5 educators. Workshops will cover ways to incorporate WDFW’s place-based and Next Generation Science Standards-designed Wild Washington curriculum units into the classroom. Each free training includes three hours of virtual synchronous learning and qualifies for STEM clock hours. Learn more and register at the links below.
- March 8, 9 a.m. to noon - Get WILD with WDFW! Washington Baby Wildlife Curriculum Training, Kindergarten – Grade 2. Register for this workshop.
- March 15, 9 a.m. to noon - Get WILD with WDFW! Ignite Bilingual Language Development with the Power of Science, Kindergarten – Grade 5. Register for this workshop.
- April 19, 9 a.m. to noon - Get WILD with WDFW! Second Grade Biodiversity and Pollinators Curriculum Training, Kindergarten – Grade 2. Registration coming soon, contact
- May 28 and 29, 4 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. - Two-part training: Get WILD with WDFW! Second Grade Biodiversity and Pollinators Curriculum Training, Kindergarten – Grade 2. Registration coming soon, contact
Refer to our webpage for more information on WDFW's Wild Washington youth education program.
Habitat at home
Native plants provide the best source of food for wildlife and it’s your last chance to plant them before summer! Planting native plants before April will give them time to grow their roots and settle in before the summer heat. Surround the base of new plantings with woodchips to further protect them during the summer. Native plants and flowers can even be planted in container gardens! Once you’ve added native plants to your wildlife habitat, apply for a free Habitat at Home certification!
The outdoors fits into everyone’s life in unique and personal ways. We want to help people connect with nature wherever they are. Check out our Life Outdoors resources to plan your next adventure, whether it be birding in your neighborhood or camping across the state. We hope to see you in the field and on the water enjoying the Life Outdoors!
Pollinators: Why we love them and how you can help
Did you know Washington is home to over 600 native bee species? Washington’s pollinators are essential for our state’s ecosystems and food supply. At WDFW, we work hard to recover and protect endangered pollinators, while providing healthy habitat for common native pollinators as well.
Volunteer opportunity spotlight
As we continue to engage with Washingtonians statewide, we are expanding our volunteer outreach program in 2025. Volunteers will assist WDFW staff at events ranging from wildlife festivals to family fishing events to regional workshops, and more! The program is open to people 18 years and older who are based in, or willing to travel to, Clark, Clallam, Cowlitz, Grays Harbor, Jefferson, King, Lewis, Mason, Pacific, Pierce, Snohomish, or Thurston counties.
Learn more about the commitment, benefits, and how to apply on the Volunteer Education and Outreach Team webpage. In-person trainings are available in Raymond on March 8 and Port Townsend on April 12. In-person trainings are available in Raymond on March 8 and Port Townsend on April 12.
Another upcoming volunteer opportunity is the WDFW Wild Washington Outdoor Classroom, which will host over 800 elementary students from Chelan and Douglas counties at Beebe Springs Natural Area in Chelan May 6-9 and May 13-16. Volunteers are needed to assist with activities such as station support, setup, tear down, and supply distribution.
Join the WDFW team
If you’d enjoy preserving, protecting, and perpetuating the state’s fish, wildlife, and ecosystems while providing sustainable fish and wildlife recreational and commercial opportunities, then check out some of our current job openings or sign up for job alerts. From fishery technicians and environmental planners to data scientists, archaeologists to wildlife biologists, a career with WDFW makes a difference.
Wildlife viewing and recreation
Searching for places to watch wildlife or recreate on State Wildlife Areas or WDFW Water Access Areas? Visit our Places to Go webpage, Wildlife Area map or Water Access Area webpage for ideas.
Or visit our wildlife viewing webpage for more information and tips on wildlife watching!
What to do if you encounter young wildlife
Just because young wildlife are alone does not mean they are abandoned or need help! Every year, particularly in spring, hundreds of young wild animals such as fawns, baby seals, and baby birds are needlessly “rescued” and referred to wildlife rehabilitators. This can be harmful or fatal to the young animal, and disruptive to wildlife rehabilitators who need to concentrate limited resources on truly orphaned or injured wildlife. Visit our blog to learn what you should do if you encounter young wildlife, and how to know if a baby animal actually needs help.
Watchable Wildlife
As spring approaches, sandhill cranes are making their way to the Vancouver lowlands for their annual mating ritual. Thousands of these majestic birds, with wingspans of up to seven feet, will flock to key feeding grounds, including the Ridgefield National Wildlife Refuge, before embarking on their journey northward.
The cranes have plenty of company while they’re in the area. Great egrets, tundra swans, belted kingfishers and a wide variety of other birds are also arriving for spring.
Be aware of avian influenza (bird flu)
With the bird migration underway, there is a chance we could also see a resurgence in highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI or commonly known as bird flu) to the state. The H5N1 virus of avian influenza is making the rounds again, especially in areas of Western Washington. This is confirmed by WDFW testing of sick or dead wild birds and U.S. Department of Agriculture surveillance of hunter-harvested birds.
Hunters are encouraged to take precautions to protect themselves and their dogs from the virus. WDFW has specific precautions on our avian influenza webpage under “Human HPAI Safety.” If you encounter a sick or dead wild bird, please report it via our online reporting tool.
Feeding wildlife
Winter is the hardest time for wild animals to survive, and while we understand the good intention behind humans feeding them, ultimately it harms more than helps wildlife. Many well-meaning Washington residents in urban and suburban areas enjoy feeding deer in their yards. Although some see this as helping, it can hurt the animals and even lead to illness or death.
Animals’ bodies are not adapted to digest many foods. Accustomed to digesting woody browse, they are unable to tolerate corn or apples, and hay can be harsh on their systems. Feeding wildlife can also teach them to associate humans with food, which unnaturally congregates them, increases the risk of disease spread, and may attract predators closer to people. The best way to help wildlife winter is to stay far away from them to avoid causing stress, which uses energy that is in short supply this time of year.
Learn more about how to help us keep wildlife wild by following tips on our website (PDF).
WDFW offers accessible wildlife-viewing blinds

Did you know WDFW offers wildlife-viewing blinds and platforms throughout Washington that are accessible to people with disabilities? Learn about these Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) designated sites at our ADA Hunting and wildlife-viewing blinds and platforms webpage.
Some sites can be reserved through WDFW's Private Lands Hunting Access program. Others can be reserved by calling the wildlife area manager. Hunters without disabilities should yield ADA hunting and wildlife-viewing blinds and platforms to those with disabilities if the site was reserved.
Many of these ADA hunting and wildlife-viewing blinds and platforms are built and maintained with support from volunteers, master hunters, and partners including Inland Northwest Wildlife Council and Washington Waterfowl Association. Thank you!
Practice bear awareness
Black bears are common throughout Washington, including suburban areas. Both when preparing for hibernation and awakening from it, they look for high-calorie foods that are easy to obtain. These may include garbage, bird feeders (both seed and liquid), fruit trees, and pet food.
As human populations encroach on bear habitat, people and bears have greater chances of encountering each other. Food sources provided by humans, whether intentionally or not, can attract bears. Removing these attractants is the best way to encourage bears to move along and focus on natural food sources.
Ask your local waste management company if bear-resistant containers are available or if individually purchased bear-resistant containers are compatible with the company’s equipment. Secure your garbage cans, such as in a shed or garage, and put them out the morning of pickup — not the night before. To help reduce odors, freeze meat and fish waste before disposing of it and spray garbage cans with disinfectants.
More information on living with bears is available on our website and our blog.
Wildlife Program biweekly reports
To read reports published prior to 2023, visit the Biweekly Wildlife Program activity reports page.
Meet your Regional Director: Rian Sallee

Rian Sallee has worked in the non-profit, private and government sectors on environmental protection and conservation, specializing in water quality policy. She joined WDFW in 2023 from the Washington State Department of Ecology where she led the Vancouver Field Office with a focus on environmental justice and diversity, equity, and inclusion.
Rian is honored to serve WDFW as Region 5 Director. She looks forward to co-creating a culture of belonging at the agency informed by our shared values and the legacy of the exceptional work and dedication of our employees. She is motivated to collaborate internally between regions and across programs, and externally to support our partnerships. Rian enjoys working at the intersection of people, science and policy and is excited to connect with and learn from our employees throughout the state as they work to conserve Washington’s fish, wildlife and the habitats that support them.
Rian serves as Chair of the Board of the Lower Columbia Estuary Partnership. She is from the Midwest and spent years living and working on Lake Erie which instilled in her a passion for and commitment to natural resource conservation and environmental protection. She holds a Master of Environmental Science degree from Miami University in Ohio.