Final SEPA documents 2008

The department has reviewed and provided comment on proposed projects with the potential to impact fish, wildlife, and their habitats. These SEPA documents are now final.

SEPA # Project County Signed Comment
08092 Grandy Creek Well Decommissioning (PDF) Skagit 12/29/08 01/12/09 FINAL
13 JAN 09
08091AD Springs Country Club 16th and 18th Hole Renovation Addendum (PDF) Benton 12/16/08 - - FINAL
16 DEC 08
08090 Neff Shooting Preserve (PDF) Franklin 12/10/08 12/24/08 FINAL
26 DEC 08
08088 Coleman Creek Fish Passage, Screening and Irrigation Improvement Project (PDF)
Also see:
- Environmental Checklist (PDF)
Kittitas 12/10/08 12/24/08 FINAL
26 DEC 08
08087AD Washburn - Grasscarp - Private Pond Addendum (PDF) Pierce 12/01/08 - - FINAL
01 DEC 08
08086 Sulphur Creek North American Wetlands Conservation Act (NAWCA) (PDF)
Also see:
- Environmental Checklist (PDF)
- Aerial Map - JPEG Image
- Site Map - JPEG Image
Yakima 11/14/08 12/08/08 FINAL
09 DEC 08
08085MDNS Washburn - Grasscarp - Private Pond (PDF) Pierce 11/14/08 11/28/08 FINAL
01 DEC 08
08084 Thomas' Eddy Hand Launch (PDF) Snohomish 11/13/08 -- FINAL
13 NOV 08
08083 Cameron - Grasscarp - Cameron Pond (PDF) Clallam 11/04/08 11/18/08 FINAL
19 NOV 08
08082 Pogue Mountain Fire Salvage and Restoration (PDF) Okanogan 10/31/08 11/17/08 FINAL
18 NOV 08
08081 Meadowsprings Country Club 16th and 18th Hole Renovation (PDF) Benton 10/31/08 11/17/08 FINAL
18 NOV 08
08080 Eloika Lake Access Renovation (PDF)
Also see:
- Environmental Checklist (PDF)
- Site Plan (PDF)
Spokane 10/30/08 11/14/08 FINAL
14 NOV 08
08079 Newman Lake Access Renovation (PDF)
Also see:
- Environmental Checklist (PDF)
- Newman Lake drawing (PDF)
Spokane 10/21/08 11/04/08 FINAL
05 NOV 08
08078SEIS 2009-15 Game Management Plan Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (SEIS) (PDF)
Also see:
- SEIS cover letter (PDF)
- Fact Sheet (PDF)
Statewide 10/08/08 - - FINAL
07 OCT 08
08077 Cook - Grasscarp - Eastlake Pond (PDF) Benton 10/07/08 10/21/08 FINAL
22 OCT 08
08075AD Oiled Bird Rehabilitation Rule Update (PDF)
Also see:
- Environmental Checklist (PDF)
- Amendatory Section (PDF)
Statewide 10/22/08 - - FINAL
22 OCT 08
08074 Spears Unit Berm Breach and Ditch Cleanout (PDF)
Also see:
- Environmental Checklist (PDF)
Lewis 10/07/08 10/21/08 FINAL
22 OCT 08
08072 Routine Maintenance and Operations at Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife Finfish Hatcheries and Rearing Ponds (PDF)
- Environmental Checklist (PDF)
- Project Locations (PDF)
Statewide 09/25/08 10/09/08 FINAL
10 OCT 08
08070MDNS Harrison-Grasscarp-Hahn's Pond (PDF) Kitsap 09/24/08 10/09/08 FINAL
10 OCT 08
08069 Burk Drainage Repair (PDF) Kitsap 09/23/08 10/07/08 FINAL
07 OCT 08
08067 Cowiche Creek Coho Acclimation Site (PDF) Yakima 09/18/08 10/02/08 FINAL
03 OCT 08
08065 Oakville Access Site Repair (PDF)
Also see:
- Environmental Checklist (PDF) - PDF
- Renovation site drawings (PDF) - PDF
Grays Harbor 09/02/08 09/16/08 FINAL
17 SEP 08
08064 Weatherly Elk Fence Extension (PDF)
Also see:
- Environmental Checklist (PDF) - PDF
Asotin 09/09/08 09/23/08 FINAL
25 SEP 08
08061 Northern Leopard Frog Habitat Enahancement Project (PDF)
Also see:
- Environmental Checklist (PDF) - PDF
- Wetland Delineation Report and Wetland Mitigation Plan (PDF)
- Vicinity map (PDF) (602 KB)
- Appendix B - Routine On-site Wetland determination Data Sheets (PDF)
- Appendix C - Washington Wetland Rating Form for Eastern Washington (PDF)
Grant 09/02/08 09/16/08 FINAL
17 SEP 08
08063DNS Little Canyon Shooting Fairfield - Upland Game Hunting Lease (PDF) Spokane 08/27/08 09/10/08 FINAL
11 SEP 08 
08062DNS Little Canyon Shooting Latah - Upland Game Hunting Lease (PDF) Spokane 08/27/08 09/10/08 FINAL
11 SEP 08
08060EA NEPA Programmatic Environmental Assessment-WDFW Statewide Lake and Stream Rehabilitation Program Annual Grants Funding (PDF)
Also see:
- Final Environmental Asessment (PDF) - PDF
- Finding of Significant Impact (PDF) - PDF
Statewide 08/19/08 09/09/08 FINAL
10 SEP 08
08066 Nesbitt- Grasscarp- Private Pond (PDF) Spokane 09/02/08 09/02/08 FINAL
02 SEP 08
08058MDNS Mings - Grasscarp - Private Pond (PDF) Columbia 08/06/08 08/20/08 FINAL
21 AUG 08
08057 Drainage Maintenance Dredging at Tidegate complexes 25 and 35, Off-channel to Edison Slough (PDF)
Also see:
- Environmental Checklist (PDF)
Skagit 07/21/08 08/04/08 FINAL
05 AUG 08
08056 Yakima Canyon Access Site (PDF)
Also see:
- Environmental Checklist (PDF)
- Vicinity Map and Drawings (PDF)
Kittitas 07/17/08 08/01/08 FINAL
04 AUG 08
08055AD Mineral Prospecting Rule Addendum (PDF) Statewide 07/16/08   FINAL
16 JUL 08
08054 Welch Creek Restoration (PDF) Lincoln 07/16/08 07/30/08 FINAL
31 JUL 08
08053 Cournyer Landslide Debris Removal (PDF) Lewis 07/16/08 07/30/08 FINAL
31 JUL 08
08052 Soleduck River Hatchery Intake Repair (PDF)
Also see:
- Environmental Checklist (PDF)
- Intake Repair Drawings (PDF)
Clallam 07/16/08 07/30/08 FINAL
31 JUL 08
08051 WDFW Wooten Wildlife Area Large Wood Stream Habitat Project (PDF)
Also see:
- Environmental Checklist (PDF)
Garfield, Columbia 07/16/08 07/30/08 FINAL
31 JUL 08
08050 Freshwater Slough Levee Repair (PDF) Skagit 07/15/08 08/29/08 FINAL
30 JUL 08
Whiskey Dick / Quilomene Livestock Grazing Plan (PDF)
Also see:
- CRM legal descriptions (XLS) (MS Excel format)
- Whiskey Dick / Quilomene proposed grazing area (PDF)
Kittitas 07/14/08 08/05/08 FINAL
06 AUG 08
08048 Jennings - Grasscarp - Private Pond (PDF) Okanogan 07/09/08 07/23/08 FINAL
24 JUL 08
08047AD Lake and Stream Rehabilitation 2008 Addendum (PDF)
Also see:
- SEPA Maps (PDF)
- Beda and Brookies Lakes - Lake Management Plans (PDF)
- Beda and Brookies Lakes - Pre-Rehabilitation Plan (PDF)
- Big Buck (PDF)
- Big Buck (PDF)
- Canal Chain - Seep Lakes Wildlife Area - Lake Management Plan (PDF)
- Canal Chain - Seep Lakes Wildlife Area - Pre-Rehabilitation Plan (PDF)
- Cee Cee Ah Creek - Stream Management Plan (PDF)
- Cee Cee Ah Creek - Pre-Rehabilitation Plan (PDF)
- Desert Lakes and Ponds - Lake Management Plan (PDF)
- Desert Lakes and Ponds - Pre-Rehabilitation Plan (PDF)
- Ellen Lake - Lake Management Plan (PDF)
- Ellen Lake - Pre-Rehabilitation Plan (PDF)
- Fourth of July Lake - Lake Management Plan (PDF)
- Fourth of July Lake - Pre-Rehabilitation Plan (PDF)
- Frater Lake - Lake Management Plan (PDF)
- Frater Lake - Pre-Rehabilitation Plan (PDF)
- Hatch Lake, Little Hatch Lake, Keogh Lake - Lake Management Plans (PDF)
- Hatch Lake, Little Hatch Lake, Keogh Lake - Pre-Rehabilitation Plan (PDF)
- North Potholes - Lake Management Plans (PDF)
- North Potholes - Pre-Rehabilitation Plan (PDF)
- North Potholes - Map (PDF)
- Starzman Lakes - Lake Management Plan (PDF)
- Starzman Lakes - Pre-Rehabilitation Plan (PDF)
- Williams Lake - Lake Management Plan (PDF)
- Williams Lake - Pre-Rehabilitation Plan (PDF)
- Worth Lake - Lake Management Plan (PDF)
- Worth Lake - Pre-Rehabilitation Plan (PDF)
Adams, Ferry, Franklin, Grant, Okanogan, Pend Oreille, Stevens 07/18/08 08/18/08 FINAL
19 AUG 08
08046 Mineral Prospecting Rules (PDF)
Also see:
- Environmental Checklist (PDF)
- Supplemental Sheet for Nonproject Actions (PDF)
- Amendatory Section - WAC 220-110-206 (PDF)
- Amendatory Section - WAC 220-110-020 (PDF)
Statewide 06/27/08 Extended to 07/31/08

See: SEPA 08055AD (PDF)

12 AUG 08
08045 Mineral Prospecting Rule Withdrawn (PDF) Statewide 01/07/07   WITHDRAWN
24 JUN 08
08044 Skagit County Drainage and Irrigation District #19 Drainage Maintenance Agreement and Drainage Maintenance Plan (PDF)
Also see:
- Environmental Checklist (PDF)
- Drainage Maintenance Agreement (PDF)
- Drainage Maintenance Plan (PDF)
- Drainage Maintenance Plan - Artificial Watercourses (PDF)
- Drainage Maintenance Plan - Managed Watercourse with Headwaters (PDF)
- Drainage Maintenance Plan - Managed Watercourse without Headwaters (PDF)
- Figure 1 (PDF)
- Figure 2 (PDF)
- Figure 3 (PDF)
- Figure 3a (PDF)
- Figure 4 (PDF)
- Figure 5 (PDF)
- Figure 6 (PDF)
- Figure 7 (PDF)
Skagit 06/23/08 07/07/08 FINAL
08 JUL 08
08043 Naches Off Channel Habitat Restoration (PDF) Yakima 06/25/08 07/09/08 FINAL
10 JUL 08
08042 Riparian and Wetland Habitat Improvement Project - Wapato Dam Access Site (PDF)
Also see:
- SEPA Checklist (PDF)
Yakima 06/19/08 07/03/08 FINAL
07 JUL 08
08041 Fisher Slough Floodgates Replacement Project (PDF)
Also see:
- SEPA Checklist (PDF)
Skagit 06/26/08 07/10/08 FINAL
11 JUL 08
08039 Fines Fish Passage, Screening and Water Metering Project (PDF) Yakima 06/04/08 06/18/08 FINAL
19 JUN 08
08037 Nemah Hatchery Collection Rack (PDF)
Also see:
- Environmental Checklist (PDF)
- Nemah Hatchery Plans (PDF)
Pacific 06/03/08 06/17/08 FINAL
18 JUN 08
08036 Skagit Delta Tidegates and Fish Initiative Implementation Agreement (PDF)
Also see:
- SEPA Checklist (PDF)
- Implementation Agreement (PDF)
Skagit 06/04/08 06/28/08 FINAL
29 JUN 08
08035 Grays River Intake Repair and Maintenance (PDF)
Also see:
- Environmental Checklist (PDF)
- Photo - Grays River Intake Repair (PDF)
Pacific 05/22/08 06/05/08 FINAL
10 JUN 08
WDFW Conservation and Recovery Plan for Rockfish in Puget Sound (PDF) San Juan, Skagit, Island, Snohomish, King, Pierce, Thurston, Kitsap, Mason, Clallam, Jefferson 05/28/08 06/18/08 FINAL
19 JUN 08
08033 Coal Creek Slough Restoration Project (PDF)
Also see:
- Environmental Checklist (PDF)
Asotin 05/22/08 06/05/08 FINAL
06 JUN 08
08032 Sediment Basin Semper - Davis (PDF) Garfield 05/22/08 06/05/08 FINAL
06 JUN 08
08031 White Horse Golf Club - Grasscarp - Irrigation Pond (PDF) Kitsap 06/04/08 06/18/08 FINAL
19 JUN 08
08030 Blue Mountain Elk Fence, School Fire Reconstruction (PDF)
Also see:
- Environmental Checklist (PDF)
Garfield 05/08/08 05/22/08 FINAL
23 MAY 08
08029 Rockpile Creek Fire Barb Wire Fence Reconstruction (PDF)
Also see:
- Environmental Checklist (PDF)
Asotin 05/08/08 05/22/08 FINAL
23 MAY 08
08028 Haenel - Grasscarp - Private Pond (PDF) San Juan 05/06/08 05/20/08 FINAL
21 MAY 08
08027 Mattoon and Fio Rito Lake Integrated Vegetation Management (PDF)
Also see:
- Environmental Checklist - Mattoon (PDF)
- Environmental Checklist - Fio Rito (PDF)
- PolarisTM AQ Herbicide label (PDF)
- Material Safety Data Sheet PolarisTM AQ (PDF)
- Aqua Neat® label (PDF)
Kittitas 05/06/08 05/20/08 FINAL
21 MAY 08
08026 Olympic / Willapa Hills Wildlife Area Salvage and Thinning Project (PDF)
Also see:
- Environmental Checklist (PDF)
- Federally listed, proposed or candidate species (PDF)
- Olympic Units (PDF)
- Forest Practict Activity Map - Johns River Units 1-5 (PDF)
- Forest Practict Activity Map - Johns River Unit 6 (PDF)
- Forest Practict Activity Map - Olympic Units 1-9 (PDF)
- Forest Practict Activity Map - Olympic Units 10-11 (PDF)
Grays Harbor 05/06/08 05/20/08 FINAL
21 MAY 08
08025AD Addendum - Bear Creek Country Club - Grasscarp - Four Ponds (PDF) King 04/21/08 04/21/08 FINAL
21 APR 08
08024 Members Club at Aldarra - Grasscarp - Irrigation Pond (PDF) King 05/01/08 05/15/08 FINAL
16 MAY 08
08023 Glenhaven Lakes Club - Grasscarp - Private Lake (PDF) Whatcom 04/21/08 05/05/08 FINAL
06 MAY 08
08022 Shelton - Grasscarp - Private Pond (PDF) Snohomish 05/22/08 06/05/08 FINAL
06 JUN 08
08021 Tacoma Country and Golf Club - Grasscarp - Private Pond (PDF) Pierce 04/17/08 05/01/08 FINAL
02 MAY 08
08020 Howe Gregory - Grasscarp - Private Pond (PDF) San Juan 04/17/08 05/01/08 FINAL
02 MAY 08
08019 2009-15 Game Management Plan Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (DSEIS) (PDF)
Also see:
- DSEIS - 2009-2015 Game Management Plan Development
Statewide 04/28/08 05/30/08 FINAL
02 JUN 08
08018 Notice of Action - Reducing the Impact on At-Risk Salmon and Steelhead by California Sea Lions in the Area Downstream of Bonneville Dam on the Columbia River, Oregon and Washington (PDF) Skamania 04/15/08 05/14/08 FINAL
15 MAY 08
08017 Birch Bay Village - Grasscarp - Thunder Bird Kwann (PDF) Whatcom 03/28/08 04/11/08 FINAL
14 APR 08
08016 Paquette/Ellis - Grasscarp - Private Pond (PDF) San Juan 03/28/08 04/11/08 FINAL
14 APR 08
08015 Roessel - Grasscarp - Private Pond (PDF) Whatcom 03/28/08 04/11/08 FINAL
14 APR 08
08014 Bear Creek Beaver Dam Removal (PDF) King 03/27/08 04/11/08 FINAL
14 APR 08
08013 U.S. Coast Guard Aids to Navigation Program (PDF) Statewide 03/27/08 04/10/08 FINAL
16 JUN 08
08012 Reducing the Impact of At-risk Salmon and Steelhead by California Sea Lions in the Area Downstream of Bonneville Dam on the Columbia River, Oregon and Washington (PDF)
Also see:
- Enviromental checklist (PDF)
- Environmental Assessment (PDF)
- NMFS Finding of No Significant Impact (PDF)
Skamania 03/21/08 04/04/08 FINAL
10 APR 08
08011 Sherman Creek 5-Year Habitat Improvement Project (PDF)
Also see:
- Finding of No Significant Impact (PDF)
- Environmental Assessment (PDF)
- Enviromental checklist (PDF)
- USFWS Notification Letter (PDF)
Yakima, Kittitas, Ferry, Stevens 03/28/08 SEPA due 04/11/08

NEPA due 04/28/08
14 APR 08

29 APR 08
08010 Whiskey Dick Grazing Permit - Withdrawal (PDF) Kittitas 03/05/08 03/05/08 WITHDRAWN
05 MAR 08
07035 Whiskey Dick Grazing Permit (PDF)
Also see:
- Enviromental checklist (PDF)
- Livestock Grazing Plan (PDF)
- Permit area map (PDF)
Kittitas 04/30/07 05/29/07 WITHDRAWN
05 MAR 08
08009 Lewis Street Access (PDF)
Also see:
- Enviromental checklist (PDF)
- Site maps (PDF)
Snohomish 02/22/08 03/07/08 FINAL
10 MAR 08
08008 Moran - Grasscarp - Private pond (PDF) Clark 02/22/08 03/07/08 FINAL
10 MAR 08

Final EIS Statewide Steelhead Management Plan
Also see:
- Cover Letter, Final EIS & SSMP

- Plan

Statewide 02/29/08 02/29/08 FINAL
29 FEB 08
08006 Statewide Fish Retention Screen Maintenance (PDF)
Also see:
- Enviromental checklist (PDF)
Statewide 02/01/08 02/15/08 FINAL
18 FEB 08
08005 Leque Island Setback Levee - Estuary Restoration (PDF)
Also see:
- Enviromental checklist (PDF)
- Vicinity map (PDF)
- Programmatic Biological Assessment Consistency Form for USFWS Restoration Activities (PDF)
- Programmatic Biological Assessment Consistency Form (PDF)
Snohomish 01/31/08 02/14/08 FINAL
15 FEB 08
08004 Taneum Creek Large Woody Debris (LWD) Recruitment Project - Phase One (PDF) Kittitas 01/30/08 02/13/08 FINAL
14 FEB 08
08003 Bush Point Access Site: Transfer of Onwership to Port of South Whidbey (PDF)
Also see:
- Enviromental checklist (PDF)
Island 01/29/08 02/12/08 FINAL
13 FEB 08
08002 Skagit Delta Tidegates and Fish Initiative Implementation Agreement (PDF)
Also see:
- Enviromental checklist (PDF)
- Skagit Delta Tidegates and Fish Initiative Implementation Agreement - Working Draft (PDF)
Skagit, Snohomish 01/29/08 02/12/08 FINAL
13 FEB 08
08001 Tibbitts - Grasscarp - Private Pond (PDF) Pierce 01/11/08 01/25/08 FINAL
28 JAN 08